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13 Cards in this Set

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Xiăo chái hú tāng

J君: Guide evil to surface. Smooth liver qi.

C臣: Clear Heat.

Z佐: Descends Stomach Qi downward.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

S使: Guide Spleen Qi up. Guide Stomach Qi down.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi. Nourish Yin.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi. Nourish Yin.

Dx: Shaoyang syndromes/Liver Qi Stagnation

J君: chái hú 柴胡

C臣: huáng qín 黃芩

Z佐: bàn xià 半夏

Z佐: rén shēn 人參

S使: shēng jiāng 生薑

S使: dà zǎo 大棗

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Categ: (1) III. A.1 Reg-Shaoyang
B.104 C.206 NatCal
Sx: alternating chills and fever, nausea, vomiting, irritability, dizziness, headache, bitter taste in mouth, dry throat, poor appetite, hypochondriac/chest pain, abdominal distension, sensation of fullness in chest/hypochondrium

T: twf
P: bowstring

CTX: Excess above/Deficiency Below, Liver Fire, bleeding of gums / Caution: ascending Liver Yang, hypertension, vomiting of blood due to Yin/Blood Deficiency
Dà chái hú tāng

J君: Guide evil to surface. Smooth liver qi.

J君: Clear Heat.

C臣: Breaks up Qi Stagnation.

C臣: Clear Heat and purge downward.

Z佐: Relieve abdominal pain.

Z佐: Descend Stomach Qi downward. Reduce Internal Stagnation.

S使: Guide Spleen Qi up. Guide Stomach Qi down.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi. Nourish Yin.

Dx: Shaoyang + Yangming syndromes/Liver Qi Stagnation with constipation

J君: chái hú 柴胡

J君: huáng qín 黃芩

C臣: zhǐ shí 枳實

C臣: dà huáng 大黃

Z佐: bái sháo 白芍

Z佐: bàn xià 半夏

S使: shēng jiāng 生薑

S使: dà zǎo 大棗

Categ: (2) III. A.2 Reg-Shaoyang
B.286 C.283 Nat
Sx: alternating chills and fever, fullness/pain of chest/hypochondrium, bitter taste in mouth, nausea, continuous vomiting, hard focal distension or fullness/pain in epigastrium, burning diarrhea or constipation, depression, slight irritability

T: thick yellow fur
P: bowstring, forceful

CTX: Sp/St Deficiency, not for long term use
Sì nì săn

J君: Tonify spleen qi. Nourish yin.

C臣: Guide Evil to Surface. Smooth Liver Qi.

Z佐: (dry fried) Breaks up Qi Stagnation/Excess Stagnation.

S使: Nourish Yin. Nourish Blood.

Dx: Liver Qi Stagnation blocking Yang Qi in Center leading to cold hands and feet

J君: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

C臣: chái hú 柴胡

Z佐: zhǐ shí 枳實

S使: bái sháo 白芍

Categ: (3) III. B.1 Reg-LV SP
B.116 C.233 NatCal
Sx: cold hands/feet, abdominal pain, diarrhea, incontinence, palpitations, dizziness, headache, hypochondriac pain/fullness, nausea, slight sensation of warm in body, sweating (can be profuse), hiccups, bowstring pulse

T: red with yellow fur
P: bowstring

CTX: Qi constraint associated with Yin Deficiency
Xiāo yáo săn

J君: Smooth liver qi.

C臣: (dry fried) Tonify Blood.

C臣: Tonify Blood.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

S使: Guides to Liver. Releases Surface. Supports chái hú.

S使: (baked) Harmonize.

S使: Harmonize.

Dx: Liver Qi Stagnation with Blood Deficiency

J君: chái hú 柴胡

C臣: dāng guī 當歸

C臣: bái sháo 白芍

Z佐: bái zhú 白朮

Z佐: fú líng 茯苓

S使: bò hé 薄荷

S使: pào jiāng 炮薑

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Categ: (4) III. B.2 Reg-LV SP
B.120 C.247 NatCal
Sx: dizziness (empty, mental fatigue), headache (dull, empty), PMS, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, mental fatigue, poor memory, forgetfulness, hypochondriac pain, bitter taste in mouth, dry mouth/throat, poor appetite

T: pale, maybe dusky with twf
P: bowstring, thin

CTX: Purely Deficiency disorders / Caution: pregnancy
Hēi xiāo yáo săn

J君: Smooth liver qi.

C臣: Tonify Blood.

C臣: Tonify Blood.

C臣: Tonify Blood. Tonify Kidney Jing.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Harmonize.

S使: Vent (see Chen).

S使: Vent (see Chen).

Dx: Liver Qi Stagnation with severe Blood Deficiency

J君: chái hú 柴胡

C臣: dāng guī 當歸

C臣: bái sháo 白芍

C臣: shú dì huáng 熟地黃

Z佐: bái zhú 白朮

Z佐: fú líng 茯苓

Z佐: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

S使: bò hé 薄荷

S使: shēng jiāng 生薑

Categ: (5) III. B.3 Reg-LV SP
B.124 C.252
Sx: dizziness (empty, mental fatigue), headache (dull, empty), PMS, dysmenorrhea with severe cramps, amenorrhea, mental fatigue, poor memory, forgetfulness, hypochondriac pain, bitter taste in mouth, dry mouth/throat, poor appetite, pain in shoulder/scapula, excessive menstrual bleeding

T: pale, maybe dusky with twf
P: bowstring, thin or bowstring rapid

CTX: Purely Deficiency disorders / Caution: pregnancy
Jiā wèi xiāo yáo săn

J君: Smooth liver qi.

C臣: Tonify Blood.

C臣: bái sháo: Clear Heat and cool Blood, OR chì sháo: Invigorate Blood and dispel Blood Stasis.

C臣: Tonify Spleen Qi.

C臣: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Clear Heat and cool Blood.

Z佐: (dry fried) Clear Heat and purge Fire.

Z佐: Harmonize.

Dx: Liver Qi Stagnation with Heat + Blood Deficiency

J君: chái hú 柴胡

C臣: dāng guī 當歸

C臣: sháo yào 芍藥

C臣: bái zhú 白朮

C臣: fú líng 茯苓

Z佐: mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮

Z佐: zhī zǐ 山梔子

Z佐: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Categ: (6) III. B.4 Reg-LV SP
B.124 C.254
Sx: irritability, bitter taste in mouth, red eyes, dry mouth, palpitations, lower abdominal distension, dysuria, heavy menstrual flow, uterine bleeding, hypochondriac pain, spontaneous or night sweats, headache, insomnia, dizziness

T: pale, maybe dusky with twf
P: bowstring thin

CTX: Deficiency Cold / Caution: pregnancy
Sháo yào gān căo tāng

J君: Smooth liver. Nourish blood.

C臣: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Dx: Liver Qi Stagnation + Qi and Blood Stasis with spasms

J君: bái sháo 白芍

C臣: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Categ: (7) III. B.5 Reg-LV SP
B.344 C.599 Nat
Sx: spasms of calf muscles, muscle cramps, irritability, slight chills

T: scanty or peeled fur

CTX: None / Caution: Hypertension
Chái hú shū gān săn

J君: Smooth liver qi.

C臣: Smooth Qi.

C臣: (dry-fried) Smooth Qi.

C臣: Smooth Liver Qi.

Z佐: Invigorate Blood (80%). Smooth Qi (20%).

S使: bái sháo: Clear Heat and cool Blood, OR chì sháo: Invigorate Blood and dispel Blood Stasis.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi. Moderate spasms and alleviate pain.

Dx: Liver Qi Stagnation with chief complaint of Pain

J君: chái hú 柴胡

C臣: chén pí 陳皮

C臣: zhǐ ké 枳殼

C臣: xiāng fù 香附

Z佐: chuān xiōng 川芎

S使: sháo yào 芍藥

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Categ: (8) III. B.6 Reg-LV SP
B.512 C.238 Nat
Sx: headache, inguinal pain, flank pain, breast tenderness, hypochondriac fullness/pain, postpartum pain, irritability, stifling sensation in chest, suppressed emotions, belching, abdominal distension, alternating chills and fever, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea

P: bowstring

CTX: Long term use, Qi or Yin Deficiency
Tòng xiè yào fāng

J君: Tonify qi (by drying damp to benefit spleen) (dries stools to firm up).

C臣: Stop diarrhea. Nourish Yin. Benefit Liver.

Z佐: Regulate/move Spleen Qi. Harmonize/support Middle Jiao and digestion.

S使: Smooth Liver Qi. Benefit Spleen.

Dx: Liver Qi Stagnation with Spleen Qi Deficiency, chief compliant is diarrhea

J君: bái zhú 白朮

C臣: bái sháo 白芍

Z佐: chén pí 陳皮

S使: fáng fēng 防風

Categ: (9) III. B.7 Reg-LV SP
B.125 C.257 Nat
Sx: diarrhea with severe abdominal pain, severe tenesmus, abdominal distension/pain, borborygmus

T: twf
P: bowstring, deep (or sinking)

CTX: Diarrhea due to food damage
Bàn xià xiè xīn tāng

J君: Clear heat. Purge fire. Guide qi down.

J君: Clear Heat, purge Fire. Guide Qi down.

C臣: Guide Qi up (Heat dissolves Stagnation).

C臣: Descends Stomach Qi downward. Dissipate nodules.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi. Nourish Yin. Harmonize.

Dx: Stomach Disharmony

J君: huáng qín 黃芩

J君: huáng lián 黃連

C臣: gān jiāng 乾薑

C臣: bàn xià 半夏

Z佐: rén shēn 人參

Z佐: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

S使: dà zǎo 大棗

Categ: (10) III. C.1 Reg-ST Intest
B.127 C.261 NatCal
Sx: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, hiccups, decreased appetite, acid regurgitation, epigastric/abdominal distension (= clumping), borborygmus, soft/loose stools/constipation alternating, dysentery

T: normal or enlarged body, light red with white or slightly yellow thin greasy fur
P: bowstring, rapid, slippery

CTX: Distension due to Qi or Food Stagnation, or Phlegm Heat Accumulation; nausea/vomiting due to Yin Deficiency
Shēng jiāng xiè xīn tāng

J君: Clear heat. Purge fire. Guide qi down.

J君: Clear Heat, purge Fire. Guide Qi down.

C臣: Descends Stomach Qi downward. Dissipate nodules.

C臣: Guide Qi up (Heat dissolves Stagnation).

C臣: Promote urination. Reduce Dampness.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi. Nourish Yin. Harmonize.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Dx: Stomach disharmony with Dampness

J君: huáng qín 黃芩

J君: huáng lián 黃連

C臣: bàn xià 半夏

C臣: gān jiāng 乾薑

C臣: shēng jiāng 生薑

Z佐: rén shēn 人參

Z佐: dà zǎo 大棗

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Categ: (11) III. C.2 Reg-ST Intest
B.130 C.268 Nat
Sx: firm epigastric focal distension, dry heaves with foul odor, sound of fluids in hypochondrium, very loud borborygmus, and diarrhea

T: normal or enlarged body, light red with white or slightly yellow thin greasy fur
P: bowstring, rapid, slippery

CTX: Distension due to Qi or Food Stagnation, or Phlegm Heat Accumulation; nausea/vomiting due to Yin Deficiency
Gān căo xiè xīn tāng

J君: Clear heat. Purge fire. Guide qi down.

J君: Clear Heat, purge Fire. Guide Qi down.

C臣: Descends Stomach Qi downward. Dissipate nodules.

C臣: Guide Qi up (Heat dissolves Stagnation).

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi. Nourish Yin. Harmonize.

Dx: Stomach disharmony with Spleen Qi Deficiency

J君: huáng qín 黃芩

J君: huáng lián 黃連

C臣: bàn xià 半夏

C臣: gān jiāng 乾薑

Z佐: rén shēn 人參

Z佐: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

S使: dà zǎo 大棗

Categ: (12) III. C.3 Reg-ST Intest
B.130 C.269 Nat
Sx: epigastric distension/fullness/hardness, fatigue, restlessness, irritability, erosions in throat, aversion to even smell of food, dry heaves, vomiting, borborygmus, diarrhea with undigested food

T: normal or enlarged body, light red with white or slightly yellow thin greasy fur
P: bowstring, rapid, slippery

CTX: Distension due to Qi or Food Stagnation, or Phlegm Heat Accumulation; nausea/vomiting due to Yin Deficiency
Huáng lián tāng

J君: Clear heat. Purge fire. Guide qi down.

C臣: Descends Stomach Qi downward. Dissipate nodules.

C臣: Guide Qi up (Heat dissolves Stagnation).

C臣: Open channels and dispel Cold.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi. Nourish Yin. Harmonize.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Dx: Stomach disharmony with Cold signs

J君: huáng lián 黃連

C臣: bàn xià 半夏

C臣: gān jiāng 乾薑

C臣: guì zhī 桂枝

Z佐: rén shēn 人參

Z佐: dà zǎo 大棗

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Categ: (13) III. C.4 Reg-ST Intest
B.131 C.271
Sx: worse abdominal distension, stifling sensation in chest, irritability, cold epigastrium, heat makes better, symptoms worse with cold food or drink, nausea with urge to vomit, borborygmus, diarrhea

T: white greasy fur
P: bowstring

CTX: Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain due to Qi or Food Stagnation or Yin Deficiency