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62 Cards in this Set

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abjure verb

to renounce under oath, to abandon forever; to abstain from

s: renounce, disavow

abnegate verb

to give up; to deny oneself

s: abjure, surrender, renounce

abortive adjective

ending without results

s: fruitless, futile, unsuccessful

abridge verb

to condense, shorten

s: edit, condense

absolve verb

to forgive, free from blame

s: pardon, forgive

atavistic adjective

characteristic of a former era, ancient

s: old-fashioned, outdated

atypical adjective

unusual, irregular

s: uncommon, unusual

audacious adjective

bold, daring, fearless

s: daring, brave

autocrat noun

a dictator

s: tyrant, despot

cadence noun

rhythmic flow; marching beat

s: tempo, beat

cajole verb

flatter, coax, persuade

s: coax, wheedle

concomitant adjective

existing concurrently

s: coexistent, concurrent

concord noun


s: accord, concurrence

condole verb

to grieve; to express sympathy

s: console, sympathize

conflagration noun

big, destructive fire

s: blaze, inferno

ecstatic adjective


s: delighted, elated

efficacious adjective

effective, efficient

s: effective, successful

encumber verb

to weigh down, to burden

s: to hamper the activity of

epochal adjective

momentous, highly significant

s: unparalleled, notable

eponymous adjective

giving one's name to a place, boo, etc.

s: named after

evenhanded adjective

fair, impartial

s: unbiased, neutral

exacerbate verb

to aggravate, intensify the bad qualities

s: worsen, intensify

glossy adjective

shiny, showy, sleek

s: slick, shiny

glutton noun

person who eats or drinks excessively

n: gourmand, food lover

goad verb

to prod or urge

s: provoke, drive

gourmand verb

glutton; lover of fine food

s: epicure, foodie

gregarious adjective

outgoing, sociable

s: convivial, friendly

grotto noun

small cave

s: cavern, recess, burrow

illusory adjective

producing illusion, deceptive

s: false, imaginary

imbibe verb

to receive into the mind and take in, absorb

s: consume, assimilate

impassive adjective

absent of any external sign of emotion, expressionless

s: apathetic, unemotional

imperious adjective

commanding, domineering; urgent

s: authoritarian

imperturbable adjective

unshakably calm and steady

s: cool, unflappable

impugn verb

to call into question, attack verbally

s: attack, hold responsible

impute verb

to attribute; to credit

s: ascribe, attribute

ineffable adjective

indescribable, inexpressible

s: beyond words, indefinable

inefficacious adjective

ineffective, incompetent

s: ineffective, unproductive

inter verb

to bury

s: entomb, inhume, sepulcher

interlocutor noun

one who takes part in conversation

s: one who questions, an interrogator

internecine adjective

mutually destructive; equally devastating to both sides

s: deadly, baneful, pernicious

interregnum noun

a temporary halting of the usual operations of government or control

s: hiatus, interruption

kin noun

family, relatives

s: relations

kismet noun

destiny, fate

s: coincidence, luck

mawkish adjective

sickeningly sentimental

s: maudlin

meager adjective

minimal; scanty; deficient

s: insufficient, paltry

measured adjective

calculated, deliberate

s: precise, considered

megalomania noun

obsession with great or grandiose performance

s: egoism, self-centeredness

mellifluous adjective

having a smooth, rich flow

s: melodious

misnomer noun

an error in naming a person or place

s: error, misapplication

missive noun

a written note or letter

s: message

morass noun

marsh, an area of soggy ground

s: mess, mire

morose adjective

gloomy, sullen, or surly

s: miserable

mutability noun

the quality of being capable of change, in form or character; susceptibility of change

s: inconstancy, variation

myopic adjective

lacking foresight, having a narrow view or long-range perspective

s: short-sighted, unthinking

obfuscate verb

to confuse, make obscure

s: shadow, complicate

obsolete adjective

no longer in use; outdated

s: archaic, old-fashioned

obstreperous adjective

troublesome, boisterous, unruly

s: defiant, fractious

obstinate adjective

unreasonably persistent

s: stubborn, headstrong

olfactory adjective

relating to the sense of smell

s: aromatic, fragrant

opprobrious adjective

expressing contempt, reproach; deserving of disgrace

s: scurrilous, infamous

ornery adjective

having an irritable disposition, cantankerous

s: disagreeable, unfriendly