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15 Cards in this Set

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The art of subverting a nation to act as a second-hand colony for another.

The Tannery represents...

The advancement of the modern day; the rejection of old traditions to make way for the new; being colonized.

Who is Kamala Markandaya?

Author of Nectar in a Sieve, duh

How is the novel critacally accepted in the view of schools?

Schools tend to refer to the book as a safe choice due to lack of acknowledged violence and death.

How did Ghandi become anti-British?

He got thrown off a train cab meant for only "white people" while in South Africa


Insistence on Truth, the never-ending quest for the Truth using non violent means

Quit India Movement

Ghandi's successful urging to move the people of India to fight for its freedom or simply die in the struggle.

The Leaving of the British caused....

The Partition of India, otherwise known as the splitting of India into new day India and Pakistan for Hindus and Muslims.

The Delinking of British Rule

In the "Quit India" and 'Tryst with Destiny" speeches, the delinking of the horrid British rule from the British themselves was employed the encourage trade and commerce.

Who was Salman Rudshie?

An author who wrote and published the "Satanic Verses" which had the spirtual leader of Islam call for his execution. Rudshie simply smiles in 2014 as he is still clearly alive eating Hot and Spicy MacChickens

Tryst for Destiny

Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's speech set right after Indian Independence meant to encourage the people to push on forward and bring great HONA To TWERE FAMERIES

The Riddle of Midnight

A Salman Rudshie short written from the perspectives of kids born in the newly freed India, who all have state identity issues, questioning the validity of a Free India.


The scattering of a people around in a region due to Migration

The Probelm with the Commonwealth

Many educated Indians no longer saw themselves as apart of the British Commonwealth, choosing to be strictly Indian in nationalist view.

The quest for Home

In "Background Casually" and "Mr Pirzada came to dine" the search for a home(in one's land of birth/foreign land respectively) as many were confused to what to identify as.