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29 Cards in this Set

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Agile Approach
an approach to systems development that is normally iterative and that focuses on keeping with certain best practices
Data items belonging to objects
An apporach to systems development that focuses on producing initial plans and designs that are not subject to much change during the design and implementation phases
weaknesses in a system where small changes can result in major improvements in performance
Canned software packages
software packages purchased from a vendor
Cost effectiveness
The benefits of a design should exceed its costs
Decision flow diagram
graphic technique that emphasizes the chain of decisions relating to a particular subsystem
Dedicated software package
a commercially available software package that is intended for a narrow audience
Detailed design proposal
everything necessary to actually implement a design project, including timetables, a budget, personnel requirements, and design documentation
design criterion that it must be possible to actually implement the design specifications
Forms design
the process of designing specific forms
Information needs analysis
analysis of specific decisions made by managers in terms of the information inputs
design criteria that mean the avoidance of collectin and maintaining the same data items in more than one place
Iterative Approach
An approach to systems development in which the initial plans and designs are subject to revision as the project develops
Key success factors
characterisitics that distinguish a company from its competitors and are the keys to its success
things that objects do
Rapid application development
an approach to systems software development that combines iterative and structured approaches
(SaaS) Software as a Service
a software application, suite of applications, or software services that are delivered over the internet. Entire accounting systems are delivered as SaaS
Design criteria that all data items are to be entered in a standard format and assigned a common name when used in more than one place
Steering Committee
committee representing top management and all major functional areas within the organization that is charge with guiding the overall systems development effort
Strategic systems plan
a written document that incorporates both short- and long-run goals relating to the company's systems development effort
Structured English
a special language for describing process logic that uses several key words, including IF,THEN, ELSE IF, and SO
Structured systems analysis
an approach to systems analysis that begins with a very general description of a particular system and then proceeds through a logically related set of steps, each increasing in detail
Systems analysis
the process of understanding existing systems and problems, describing information needs, and establishing priorities for further systems work
Systems development life cycle
The concept that every systems development project goes through essentially the same process or life cycle of systems analysis, systems design, and implementation
Systems Planning
Identifying subsystems within the information system that need special attention for development
Turnkey systems
computer packages that meet the specific needs of an individual situation with minimal design work
Upwardly compatible
computer hardware that is easily upgradeable to a larger or faster model without losing existing data or programs
Waterfall approach
a synonym for the big-design-up-front approach to systems development