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29 Cards in this Set

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Institutional Economists
Conducted field research to see hwo the economy actually worked. Argued that free competition exists and that human actions are based purely on economic motivations.
Reform Darwinists
Rejected Spencor's social darwinism. Accepted evolutionary principles and influence of enviornment but rejected that humans were merely pawns to be manipulated by nature. Believed human intelligence could grow and change the enviornment especially when people worked together
Individuals who brought to light the corruption in almost every facet of society
Founded by W.E.B. Dubois and Ida B. Barnett. [National Association for the Addvancement of Colored People] Focus of its activities - Education and propoganda, court challenges to discrimination, and lobbying for such legislation as a federal anti lynching law
National Child Labor Committee
Moved states to legislate protection for women and children. Found evidence of harm done both by long hours and unsafe/unhealthy conditions. Argued that women and children could not protect themselves
Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
Party started by Roosevelt after being shut down by Taft's party. Enforced reforms such as abolition of child labor, federal old age, accident and unemployment insurance, eight hour workday, and women's suffrage
WWI Allies
Great Britain, France, Russia, Belguim. Later the US
WWI Central Powers
Germany, Austria Hungary, and their allies
Commitee of Public Information
used by the government to direct coercion at people rather than industries. Led by George W. Creel. Drafted a voluntary censorship agreement with newspapers to keep sensitive military information out of the newspapers. Hired musicians and writers to stage a patriotic campaign. Got speakers to give pro-war pep talks andd movie stars to sell war bonds
Staunch isolationists who opposed the league of nations in any form.
Approached International affairs as cautious nationalists, favoring an independant foreign policy
Ku Klux Klan
secret organizationled by Colonel Joseph Simmons. Stood for "100% pure amercianism". Limited its membership to white, native-born protestants. Personified the fears of political radicals and ethnic minorities
National Urban League
Organized by social workers, white philanthropists, and conservative african americans. Concentrated on finding jobs for African Americans
Bonus Army
Bedraggled collection of unemployed veterans. Asked congress for immediate payment of their army service bonuses. house voted to give them what they wanted, senate shut them down.
Reconstruction Finance corporation
Reluctantly adopted by Hoover. Authorized by congress to loan $2billion to banks, savings and loan associations, railroads, and life insurance companies. [hoping to revive the economy]
National Recovery Administration
Roosevelt's plan to help industry and labor. Sought to revive industry through rational planning. Representatives of buisness, labor, and government would establish codes of fair practice that would set prices, production levels, minimum wages, and maximum work hours within each industry. Supported workers' rights to join unions, sought to stabalize the economy by ending ruinous competition, over production, and labor conflicts, and by deflating prices
Public Works Administration
Roosevelts first major program to attack unemployment. Provided people with money to spend on industrial products. [didn't actually work in the end - Head was so concerned about potential graft and scandal that they didn't end up spending enough to signifigantly reduce unemployment]
Women's army corps
Example of a group set up after WWII. More women were being seen in uniform. Given special uniforms, their own officers, equal pay
Fair Employment Practices Commission
Created by Roosevelt in responce to the African American uproar, but the tiny staff lacked power and resources to enforce its decisions. Didn't even process most complaints
War Refugee Board
Set up by Roosevelt who was guilted into action. Set up refugee camps in Italy, North Africa, and the US. Too little too late - Hitler killed more than the W.R.B. saved
China Lobby
Informal group led by Harry Luce. Blasted the truman administration. Blamed Truman for "losing" China. Believed America had more power than it actually did. misinformed but well followed
House of Un-American Activities Commitee
Established by the house of representatives to combat subversive left-wing and right-wing movements. Kind of paranoid. attacked hollywood, saw communism everywhere
communist group under Ho Chi Minh. Controlled the North of Vietnam. Fought against the French in the south - both had considerable losses
Vietming guerillas. Openly revolted to Ngo Dihm Diem which led to resumed hosilities in North + South Vietnam
Black Panther Party
Armed revolutionary socialist organization advocating self determinism for urban ghettos. Most widely publicized group advocating racial seperatism and black power.
National Organization for Women. Formed by Betty Friedan. Filed suit against the EEoc to "force it to comply with its own governtment rules" Sued the country's 1300 largest corporations for gender discrimination and lobbied president Johnson to include women in affirmative action
Northern Security Company
Highly unpopular combination of railroad systems. unpopularity towards it reflected the west's concern for railroad regulation. Brought down by Roosevelt
Industrial Workers of the World
Opposed by Wilson's administration. Included groups such as textile mills, logging camps, and steel companies. Demanded higher wages and better living conditions - went on strike to get them