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15 Cards in this Set

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Sponsor's introduction

Up to five minutes

... to tell the story of "how we got here" ...whatever that means to them.

Welcome and Introduction

- Look around circle/bounding the space.

- What do we know about who's here? ...nobody knows, everybody cares, nobody in charge, everybody skilled.

State the theme

Summarize comments by host/sponsor/client organizer, see 'opening remarks' notes "

This year theme is "Inspire positive change around us"

A Little History about

Open Space Technology

Who knows what's open space about?

For those who doesn't know here is some context:

A guy who noticed that during Coffee break time -> best conversations of all happened

So, what happens?

Describe the Process

Anyone with an interest in a topic writes it on a postit like this some issue/opportunity related to our theme, with their name, announces it to the group and tapes it up on the designated part of the wall. After all topics are announce, people stand near the schedule wall and directly negotiate changes such as combining topics or changing times or room assignments.

Who tells people what to do?

No one. Everyone takes responsibility for their decisions throw the following:

The Four Principles

- Whoever comes are the right people

- Whatever happens is the only thing that could have

- Whenever it starts is the right time

- When it's over it's over if you finish in ten minutes, don't rehash for another 50...move on when it's not over, it's not over...so you might have to move, but don't have to end

The Law of Two Feet

- You have the right and the responsibility to use your two feet to go wherever you need to in order to maximize your own learning and contributing today.

- When mind wanders, take your body with it... stay whole!

- If you're not learning or contributing...go someplace else - don't waste time.

- Means if you aren't enjoying where you are, it's totally your choice to stay or move on

- Law is death to egotists and speechmakers

- Creates bumblebees who cross-pollinate and butterflies who create space to just be

Two Roles

Bumblebees & Butterflies

Fly from group to group cross-pollinating the discussions while butterflies sit around looking relaxed- interesting discussions emerge around them as people find them and pause to chat.

A Warning

"Be prepared to be surprised"

Jumping In

Once done please get back to the circle and wait for more instructions)

- Can't learn to swim from the side of the pool - time to jump in

- Identify an issue or opportunity for which you have some real passion

- Think of a short title and write it with your name

- Read it out -- my name is... my issue is..... -- no speeches required or allowed

-Post it and come back to circle

Shared Responsibility

Keep track of session notes and share them via Open Space Proceedings

refer them to the signs posted in each breakout room


- Clear a path to get to the wall

- Sign up for everything that interests you, even if more than one during the same session

- Conflicts...can combine, move or bumblebee, but conveners have final word on it

- On your own, take responsibility for your own meetings/times, bells don't ring until closing

- Go to your first session as soon as you're done signing up

Saturday Evening news


Sunday morning news

- new topics to post (Market is open to add new topics)

- other news?

Closing Open Space

Part 1) Distribute proceedings - gallery of notes, copies of handwritten notes, typed notes. Here refer audience to: accca.openspaceproceedings.com/east

Part 2) Talking stick closing - Possibilities

- what has this meant to you?

- what have you learned?

- what will you do now?

Other ideas Sue?