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283 Cards in this Set

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Above-average effect
The tendency for people to rate themselves as above the average on most positive social attributes.
Abusive supervision
Behavior in which supervisors direct frequent hostile verbal and nonverbal behavior toward their subordinates.
Actor-observer effect
The tendency to attribute our own behavior mainly to situational causes but the behavior of others mainly to internal (dispositional) causes.
Adaptive response
Any physical characteristic or behavioral tendency that enhances the odds of reproductive success for an individual or for other individuals with similar genes.
A person’s emotional state—positive and negative feelings and moods; our current feelings and moods.
Affect-centered model of attraction
A conceptual framework in which attraction is assumed to be based on positive and negative emotions. These emotions can be aroused directly by another person or simply associated with that person. The emotional arousal can also be enhanced or mitigated by cognitive processes.
Behavior directed toward the goal of harming another living being, who is motivated to avoid such treatment.
Behavior that is motivated by an unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
Altruistic personality
A combination of dispositional variables associated with prosocial behavior. The components are empathy, belief in a just world, acceptance of social responsibility, having an internal locus of control, and not being egocentric.
Anchoring and adjustment heuristic
A heuristic that involves the tendency to use a number or value as a starting point, to which we then make adjustments.
Appearance anxiety
Apprehension or worry about whether one’s physical appearance is adequate and about the possible negative reactions of other people.
Assumed similarity
The extent to which two people believe they are similar with respect to specific attitudes, beliefs, values, and so forth, as opposed to the extent to which they are actually similar.
Attachment style
The degree of security experienced in interpersonal relationships. Differential styles initially develop in the interactions between infant and caregiver when the infant acquires basic attitudes about self-worth and interpersonal trust.
Attitude accessibility
The ease with specific attitudes can be remembered and brought into consciousness.
Attitude similarity
The extent to which two individuals share the same attitude about a range of topics. In practice, the term also includes similarity of belies, values, and interests—as well as attitudes
Evaluation of various aspects of the social world.
Attitude-to-behavior process model
A model of how attitudes guide behavior that emphasizes the influence of attitudes and stored knowledge of what is appropriate in a given situation on an individual’s definition of the present situation. This definition, in turn, influence overt behavior.
The process through which we seek to identify the causes of others’ behavior and so gain knowledge of their stable traits and dispositions.
Augmenting principle
The tendency to attach greater importance to a potential cause of behavior if the behavior occurs despite the presence of other, inhibitory causes.
Authentic dissent
A technique for improving the quality of group decisions in which one or more group members actively disagree with the group’s initial preference without being assigned this role.
Automatic processing
After extensive experience with a task or type of information, the stage at which we can perform the task or process the information in a seemingly effortless, automatic, and nonconscious manner.
Availability heuristic
A strategy for making judgments on the basis of how easily specific kinds of information can be brought to mind.
Balance theory
The formulations of Heider and of Newcomb that specify the relationships among (1) an individual’s liking for another person, (2) his or her attitude about a given topic, and (3)the other person’s attitude about the same topic. Balance (liking plus agreement) results in a positive emotional state. Imbalance (liking plus disagreement) results in a negative state and desire to restore balance. Nonbalance (disliking plus either agreement or disagreement) leads to indifference.
Bargaining (negotiation)
A process in which opposing sides exchange offers, counteroffers, and concessions, either directly or through representatives.
Benevolent sexism
Views suggesting that women are superior to men in various ways and are truly necessary for men’s happiness.
Bilateral symmetry
The alikeness of the left and the right sides of the body (or parts of the body).
Black sheep effect
When a member of the ingroup behaves in a way that threatens the value of the group identity and is intensely derogated as a means of protecting the group identity.
Body language
Cues provided by the position, posture, and movement of others’ bodies or body parts.
Bona fide pipeline
A technique that uses priming to measure implicit racial attitudes.
A pattern of behavior in which one individual is chosen as the target of repeated aggression by one or more others; the target person (the victim) generally has less power than those who engage in aggression (the bullies).
Bystander effect
The fact that the likelihood of a prosocial response to an emergency is affected by the number of bystanders who are present.
Catharsis hypothesis
The view that providing angry persons with an opportunity to express their aggressive impulses in relatively safe ways will reduce their tendencies to engage in more harmful forms of aggression.
Central route (to persuasion)
Attitude change resulting from systematic processing of information presented in persuasive messages.
Classical conditioning
A basic form of learning in which one stimulus, initially neutral, acquires the capacity to evoke reactions through repeated pairing with another stimulus. In a sense, one stimulus becomes a signal for the presentation of occurrence of the other.
Close friendship
A relationship in which two people spend a great deal of time together, interact in a variety of situations and provide mutual emotional support.
Cognitive dissonance
An internal state that results when individuals notice inconsistency among two or more attitudes or between their attitudes and their behavior.
All forces (factors) that cause group members to remain in the group; all of the factors that bind group members together into a coherent social entity.
Common in-group identity model
A theory suggesting that to the extent to which individuals in different groups view themselves as members of a single social entity, intergroup bias will be reduced.
Communal behavior
Benevolent acts in a relationship that “cost” the one who performs those acts and “benefit” the partner and the relationship itself.
Companionate love
Love that is based on friendship, mutual attraction, shared interest, respect, and concern for one another’s welfare.
A form of social influence involving direct requests from one person to another.
A process in which individuals or groups perceive that others have taken or will soon take actions incompatible with their own interests.
A type of social influence in which individuals change their attitudes or behaviors in order to adhere to existing social norms.
The extent to which other persons react to some stimulus or event in the same manner as the person we are considering.
The extent to which an individual responds to a given stimulus or situation in the same way on different occasions (i.e., across time).
Consummate love
In Sternberg’s triangular model of love, a complete and ideal love that combines intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment.
Contact hypothesis
The view that increased contact between members of various social groups can be effective in reducing prejudice among them.
Behavior in which groups work together to attain shared goals.
Correlational method
A method of research in which a scientist systematically observes two or more variables to determine whether changes in one are accompanied by changes in the other.
Correspondence bias (fundamental attribution error)
The tendency to explain others’ actions as stemming from dispositions, even in the presence of clear situational causes.
Correspondent inference (theory of)
A theory describing how we use others’ behavior as a basis for inferring their stable dispositions.
Counterfactual thinking
The tendency to imagine other outcomes in a situation than the ones that actually occurred (“what might have been”).
Cultures of honor
Cultures in which there are strong norms indicating that aggression is an appropriate response to insults to one’s honor.
Deadline technique
A technique for increasing compliance in which target persons are told that they have only limited time to take advantage of some offer or to obtain some item.
Procedures at the conclusion of a research session in which participants are given full information about the nature of the research and the hypothesis or hypotheses under investigation.
A technique whereby researchers withhold information about the purposes or procedures of a study from persons participating in it.
Decision making
Processes involved in combining and integrating available information in order to choose one out of several possible courses of action.
In Sternberg’s triangular model of love, these are the cognitive processes involved in deciding that you love another person and are committed to maintaining the relationship.
A psychological state characterized by reduced self-awareness and reduced social identity, brought on by external conditions, such as being anonymous member of a large crowd.
Dependent variable
The variable that is measured in an experiment.
Descriptive norms
Norms that simply indicate what most people do in a given situation.
Devil’s advocate technique
A technique for improving the quality of group decisions in which one group member is assigned the task of disagreeing with and criticizing whatever plan or decision is under consideration.
Diffusion of responsibility
The idea that the amount of responsibility assumed by bystanders in an emergency is shared among them.
Discounting principle
The tendency to attach less importance to one potential cause of some behavior when other potential causes are also present.
Differential (usually negative) behaviors directed toward members of different social groups.
Dismissing attachment style
A style characterized by high self-esteem and low interpersonal trust. This is a conflicted and somewhat insecure style in which the individual feels that he or she “deserves” a close relationship but is frustrated because of mistrust of potential partners. The result is the tendency to reject the other person at some point in the relationship in order to avoid being the one who is rejected.
Displaced aggression
Aggression against someone other than the source of strong provocation; displaced aggression occurs because the persons who perform it are unwilling or unable to aggress against the initial source of provocation.
The extent to which an individual responds in the same manner to different stimuli or events.
Distraction-conflict theory
A theory suggesting that social facilitation stems from the conflict produced when individuals attempt, simultaneously, to pay attention to other persons and to the task being preformed.
Distributive justice (equity)
Refers to individuals’ judgments about whether they are receiving a fair share of available rewards—a share proportionate to their contributions to the group or any social relationship.
Door-in-the-face technique
A procedure for gaining compliance in which requesters being with a large request and then, when this is refused, retreat to a smaller one (the one they actually desire all along).
Downward social comparison
A comparison with someone who does less well than the self.
Drive theories (of aggression)
Theories suggesting that aggression stems from external conditions that arouse the motive to harm or injure others. The most famous of these is the frustration-aggression hypothesis.
Drive theory of social facilitation
A theory suggesting that the mere presence of others is arousing and increases the tendency to perform dominant responses.
Ego-defensive function
Protecting ourselves from unwanted or unflattering views of ourselves by claiming particular attitudes.
An exclusive concern with one’s own personal needs and welfare rather than with the needs and welfare of others.
Elaboration-likelihood model (of persuasion)
A theory suggesting that persuasion can occur in either of two distinct ways—systematic versus heuristic processing, which differ in the amount of cognitive effort or elaboration they require.
Empathetic joy hypothesis
The proposal that prosocial behavior is motivated by the positive emotion a helper anticipates experiencing as the result of having a beneficial impact on the life of someone in need.
A complex affective and cognitive response to another person’s emotional distress. Empathy includes being able to feel the other person’s emotional state, feeling sympathetic and attempting to solve the problem, and taking the perspective of others.
Empathy-altruism hypothesis
The proposal that prosocial behavior is motivated solely by the desire to help someone in need and by the fact that it feels good to help.
The extent to which a group is perceived as being a coherent entity.
Evaluation apprehension
Concern over being evaluated by others. Such concern can increase arousal and so contribute to social facilitation.
Evolutionary psychology
A new branch of psychology that seeks to investigate the potential role of genetic factors in various aspects of human behavior.
Excitation transfer theory
A theory suggesting that arousal produced in one situation can persist and intensify emotional reactions occurring in later situations.
Experimentation (experimental method)
A method of research in which one or more factors (the independent variables) are systematically changed to determine whether such variations affect one or more other factors (dependent variables).
External validity
The extent to which the findings of an experiment can be generalized to real-life social situations and perhaps to persons different from those who participated in the research.
Fearful-avoidant attachment style
A style characterized by low self-esteem and low interpersonal trust. This is the most insecure and least adaptive attachment style.
Foot-in-the-door technique
A procedure for gaining compliance in which requesters being with a small request and then, when this is granted, escalate to a larger one (the one they actually desire all along).
Advance knowledge that one is about to become the target of an attempt at persuasion. Forewarning often increases resistance to the persuasion that follows.
Giving up the desire to punish those who have hurt us, and seeking instead to act in kind, helpful ways toward them.
Frustration-aggression hypothesis
The suggestion that frustration is a very powerful determination of aggression.
Fundamental attribution error (correspondence bias)
The tendency to overestimate the impact of dispositional cues on others’ behavior.
Gender stereotypes
Stereotypes concerning the traits possessed by females and males, and that distinguishing the two genders from each other.
General aggression model
A modern theory of aggression suggesting that aggression is triggered by a wide range of input variables that influence arousal, affective stages, and cognitions.
An adult’s concern for and commitment to the well-being of future generations.
Genetic determinism model
The proposal that behavior is driven by genetic attributes that evolved because they enhanced the probability of transmitting one’s genes to subsequent generations.
Glass ceiling
Barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified women from advancing to top-level positions.
A collection of persons who are perceived to be bonded together in a coherent unit to some degree.
Group polarization
The tendency of group members to shift toward more extreme positions than those they initially held as a result of group discussion.
The tendency of the members of highly cohesive groups to assume that their decisions can’t be wrong, that all members must support the groups’ decisions strongly, and that information contrary to these decisions should be ignored.
Actions that involve courageous risk taking to obtain a socially valued goal. An example would be a dangerous act undertaken to save the life of a stranger.
Heuristic processing
Processing of information in a persuasive message that involves the use of simple rules of thumb or mental shortcuts.
Simple rules for making complex decisions or drawing inferences in a rapid and seemingly effortless manner.
Hostile aggression
Aggression in which the prime objective is inflicting some kind of harm on the victim.
Hostile attributional bias
The tendency to perceive hostile intentions or motives in others’ actions when these actions are ambiguous.
Hostile sexism
The view that women are a threat to men’s position.
The public advocating of some attitudes or behaviors and then acting in a way that is inconsistent with these attitudes or behaviors.
An as-yet-unverified prediction.
Identity interference
When two important social identities are perceived as being in conflict, such that acting on the basis of one identity interferes with performing well based on the other identity.
Identity or self-expression function
Attitudes can permit the expression of central values and beliefs and thereby communicate who we are.
Illusory correlation
The perception of a stronger association between two variables than actually exists.
Implicit associations
Links between group membership and trait associations or evaluations of which the perceiver may be unaware. They can be activated automatically when the target is categorized as a group member.
Implicit bystander effect
The decrease in helping behavior brought about by simply thinking about being in a group.
Implicit personality theories
Beliefs about what traits or characteristics tend to go together.
Impression formation
The process through which we form impressions of others.
Impression management (self-presentation)
Efforts by individuals to produce favorable first impressions on others.
Impression motivation function
Using attitudes to lead others to have a positive view of us. When motivated to do so, the attitudes we express can shift in order to create the desired impression on others.
Incidental feelings
Those feelings induced separately or before a target is encountered—so they are irrelevant to the group being judged, but can still affect judgment of the target.
Inclusive fitness
The concept that natural selection not only applies to individuals, but also involves behaviors that benefit other individuals with whom we share genes. Sometimes referred to as kin selection.
Independent self-concept
In individualistic cultures, the expectation is that people will develop a self-concept as separate from or independent of others. Men are expected to have an independent self-concept more so than women.
Independent variable
The variable that is systematically changed (i.e., varied) in an experiment.
The need to be distinguishable from others in some respects.
Induced or forced compliance
Situations in which individuals are somehow induced to say or do things inconsistent with their true attitudes.
Inferential statistics
A special form of mathematics that allows us to evaluate the likelihood that a given pattern of research results occurred by chance alone.
Information overload
Instances in which our ability to process information is exceeded.
Informational social influence
Social influence based on the desire to be correct (i.e., to process accurate perceptions of the social world).
Informed consent
A procedure in which research participants are provided with as much information as possible about a research project before deciding whether to participate in it.
A technique for gaining compliance in which requesters first induce target persons’ behavior in some desired manner; the attempt to make others like us by praising them.
The social group to which an individual perceives herself or himself as belonging (“us”).
In-group differentiation
The tendency to perceive members of our own group as showing much larger differences from one another (as being more heterogeneous) than members of other groups.
In-group homogeneity
In-group members are seen as more similar to each other than out-group members are. This tends to occur most among minority-group members.
Injunctive norms
Norms specifying what ought to be done—what is approved or disapproved behavior in a given situation.
Instrumental aggression
Aggression in which the primary goal is not harm to the victim but attainment of some other goal—for example, access to valued resources.
Instrumental conditioning
A basic form of learning in which responses lead to positive outcomes or that permit avoidance of negative outcomes are strengthened.
The characteristics that is common to all close relationships. Interdependence refers to an interpersonal association in which two people influence each others’ lives. They often focus their thoughts on one another and regularly engage in joint activities.
Interdependence self-concept
In collectivist cultures, the expectation is that people will develop a self-concept in terms of their connections or relationships with others. Women are expected to have an interdependent self-concept more so than men.
Intergroup comparisons
Judgments that result from comparisons between our group and another group.
Interpersonal attraction
A person’s attitude about another person. Attraction expressed along a dimension that ranges from strong liking to strong feelings of dislike.
Interpersonal trust
An attitudinal dimension underlying attachment styles that involves the belief that other people are generally trustworthy, dependable, and reliable as opposed to the belief that others are generally untrustworthy, undependable, and unreliable.
In Sternberg’s triangular model of love, the closeness felt by two people—the extent to which they are bonded.
Intragroup comparisons
Judgments that result from comparisons between individuals who are members of the same group.
Attempts to understand the self by self-examination; turning inward to assess one’s motives.
Kin selection
Another term for inclusive fitness—the concept that natural selection not only applies to individuals, but also involves behaviors that benefit other individuals with whom we share genes.
Knowledge function
Attitudes aid in the interpretation or new stimuli and enable rapid responding to attitude-relevant information.
Less-leads-to-more effect
The fact that offering individuals small rewards for engaging in counterattitudinal behavior often produced more dissonance, and so more attitude change, than offering them larger rewards.
Linguistic style
Aspects of speech apart from the meaning of the words employed.
The unpleasant emotional and cognitive state based on desiring close relationships but being unable to attain them.
A combination of emotions, cognitions, and behaviors that often plays a crucial role in intimate relationships.
Lowball procedure
A technique for gaining compliance in which an offer or deal is changed to make it less attractive to the target person after this person has accepted it.
Magical thinking
Thinking involving assumptions that don’t hold up to rational scrutiny—for example, the belief that things that resemble one another share fundamental properties.
Media violence
Depictions of violent actions in the mass media.
Mere exposure effect
Another term for the repeated exposure effect, emphasizing the fact that exposure to a stimulus is all that is necessary to enhance the positive evaluation of that stimulus.
Mere exposure
By having seen an object previously, but not necessarily remembering having done so, attitudes toward an object can become more positive.
A statistical technique for combining data from independent studies in order to determine whether specific variables (or interactions among variables) have significant effects across these studies.
Fleeting facial expressions lasting only a few tenths of a second.
The automatic tendency to imitate those with whom we interact. Being mimicked increases one’s prosocial tendencies.
Minimal groups
When people are categorized into different groups based on some “minimal” criteria, they tend to favor others who are categorized in the same group as themselves, compared with those categorized as members of a different group.
Modern racism
More subtle beliefs than blatant feelings of superiority. Modern racism consists primarily of thinking that minorities are seeking and receiving more benefits than they deserve and a denial that discrimination affects their outcomes.
Mood congruence effects
Effects that we are more likely to store or remember positive information when in a positive mood and negative information when in a negative mood.
Mood-dependent memory
The effect that what we remember while in a given mood may be determined, in part, by what we learned when previously in that mood.
Moral hypocrisy
The motivation to appear moral while doing one’s best to avoid the costs involved in actually being moral.
Moral integrity
The motivation to be moral and to actually engage in moral behavior.
Multicultural perspective
A focus on understanding the cultural and ethnic factors that influence social behavior.
A personality disposition characterized by unreasonable high self-esteem, a feeling of superiority, a need for admiration, sensitivity to criticism, a lack of empathy, and exploitative behavior.
Need for affiliation
The basic motive to seek and maintain interpersonal relationships.
Negative-state relief model
The proposal that prosocial behavior is motivated by the bystander’s desire to reduce his or her own uncomfortable negative emotions.
Negativity bias
A greater sensitivity to negative information than to positive information.
Noncommon effects
Effects produced by a particular cause that could not be produced by any other apparent cause.
Nonverbal communication
Communication between individuals that does not involve the content of spoken language. It relies instead on an unspoken language of facial expressions, eye contact, and body language.
Normative focus theory
A theory suggesting that norms will influence behavior only to the extent that they are focal for the persons involved at the time the behavior occurs.
Normative social influence
Social influence based on the desire to be liked or accepted by other persons.
Rules within a group indicating how its members should (or should not) behave.
A form of social influence in which one person simply orders one or more others to perform some action(s), and the persons then comply.
Objective scales
Scales with measurement units that are tied to external reality so that they mean the same thing regardless of category membership.
Objective self-awareness
The organism’s capacity to be the object of its own attraction—to know that it is seeing its own self in a mirror, for example.
Observational learning
A basic for of learning in which individuals acquire new forms of behavior as a result of observing others.
Optimistic bias
Our predisposition to expect things to turn out well overall.
Any group other than the one to which individuals perceive themselves as belonging.
Out-group homogeneity
The tendency to perceive members of an out-group as “all-alike” or more similar to each other than members of the in-group.
Overconfidence barrier
The tendency to have more confidence in the accuracy of our judgments than is reasonable.
In Sternberg’s triangular model of love, the sexual motives and sexual excitement associated with a couple’s relationship.
Passionate love
An intense and often unrealistic emotional response to another person. When this emotion is experienced, it is usually perceived as an indication of “true love,” but to outside observers it appears to be “infatuation.”
Peripheral route (to persuasion)
Attitude change that occurs in response to peripheral persuasion cues, often based on information concerning the expertise and status of would-be persuaders.
Perseverance effect
The tendency for beliefs and schemas to remain unchanged, even in the face of contradictory information.
Personality disposition
A characteristic behavioral tendency that is based on genetics, learning experiences, or both. Such dispositions tend to be stable over time and across situations.
Personal-social identity continuum
The two distinct ways that the self can be categorized. At the personal level, the self can be thought of as a unique individual, whereas at the social identity level, the self is thought of as a member of a group.
Efforts to change others’ attitudes through the use of various kinds of messages.
Physical attractiveness
The combination of characteristics that are evaluated as beautiful or handsome at the positive extreme and as unattractive at the negative extreme.
Planning fallacy
The tendency to make optimistic predictions concerning how long a given task will take for completion.
Playing hard to get
A technique that can be used for increasing compliance by suggesting that a person or object is scarce and hard to obtain.
Pluralistic ignorance
The tendency of bystanders in an emergency to reply on what other bystanders do and say, even though none of them is sure about what is happening or what to do about it. Very often, all of the bystanders hold back and behave as if there is no problem. Each individual uses this “information” to justify the failure to act; when we collectively misunderstand what attitudes others hold, and believe erroneously that others have different attitudes than ourselves.
Possible selves
Images of how the self might be in the future—either “dreaded” possible selves to be avoided or “desired” potential selves that can be strived for.
Negative attitudes toward the members of specific social groups.
Preoccupied attachment style
A style characterized by low self-esteem and high interpersonal trust. This is a conflicted and somewhat insecure style in which the individual strongly desires a close relationship but feels that he or she is unworthy of the partner and is thus vulnerable to being rejected.
Increased availability in memory or consciousness of specific types of information held in memory due to exposure to specific stimuli or events; using a stimulus to make accessible related information in memory.
Procedural justice
Judgments concerning the fairness of the procedures used to distribute available rewards among group members.
Proportion of similarity
The number of specific indicators that two people are similar divided by the number of specific indicators that two people are similar plus the number of specific indicators that they are dissimilar.
Prosocial behavior
A helpful action that benefits other people without necessarily providing any direct benefits to the person performing the act, and that may even involve a risk for the person who helps.
Actions by others that tend to trigger aggression in the recipient, often because these actions are perceived as stemming from malicious intent.
In attraction research, the physical closeness between two individuals with respect to where they live, where they sit in a classroom, where they work, and so on. The smaller the physical distance, the greater the probability that the two people will come into repeated exposure to one another, positive affect, and the development of mutual attractions.
Procedures in which aversive consequences are delivered to individuals when they engage in specific actions.
Random assignment of participants to experimental conditions
A basic requirement for conducting valid experiments. According to this principle, research participants must have an equal chance of being exposed to each level of the independent variable.
Negative reactions to threats to one’s personal freedom. Reactance often increases resistance to persuasion and can even produce negative attitude change or that opposite to what was intended.
Realistic conflict theory
The view that prejudice stems from direct competition between various social groups over scarce and valued resources.
Shifts in the boundaries between an individual’s in-group (“us” and some out-group (“them”). As a result of such recategorization, persons formerly viewed as out-group members may now be viewed more positively.
Reciprocal altruism
A theory suggesting that by sharing resources such as food, organisms increase their chances of survival, and thus the likelihood that they will pass their genes on to the next generation.
A basic rule of social life, suggesting that individuals should treat others as these persons have treated them.
Repeated exposure
Zajonc’s finding that frequent contact with any mildly negative, neutral, or positive stimulus results in an increasingly evaluation of that stimulus.
Representativeness heuristic
A strategy for making judgments based on the extent to which current stimuli or events resemble other stimuli or categories.
Repulsion hypothesis
Rosenbaum’s provocative proposal that attraction is not increased by similar attitudes but is simply decreased by dissimilar attitudes. This hypothesis is incorrect as stated, but it is true that dissimilar attitudes tend to have negative effects that are stronger than the positive effects of similar attitudes.
The quality of being seen positively and as having worth.
The set of behaviors that individuals occupying specific positions within a group are expected to perform.
Cognitive frameworks developed through experience that affect the processing of new social information; mental frameworks centering around a specific theme that help us to organize social information.
Secure attachment style
A style characterized by high self-esteem and high interpersonal trust. This is the most successful and most desirable attachment style.
Selective altruism
When a large group of individuals is in need and only one individual is helped.
Selective avoidance
A tendency to direct attention away from information that challenges existing attitudes. Such as avoidance increases resistance to persuasion.
How the self-concept is organized. For those whose self-concepts are organized complexly, important aspects of the self are distinct from one another. For those whose self concept is low in complexity, there is greater overlap in different components of the self.
The belief that one can achieve a goal as a result of one’s own actions. Collective self-efficacy is the belief that by working together with others, a goal can be achieved.
The degree to which the self is perceived positively or negatively; one’s overall attitude toward the self; the self-evaluation made by each individual. It represents one’s attitude about one-self along a positive-negative dimension.
Self-esteem function
Function in which holding particular attitudes can help maintain or enhance feelings of self-worth.
Self-evaluation maintenance model
The perspective that suggests that in order to maintain a positive view of the self, we distance ourselves from others who perform better than we do on valued dimensions, but move closer to others who perform worse. This view suggests that doing so will protect our self-esteem.
Self-fulfilling prophecies
Predictions that, in a sense, make themselves come true.
The motivation to engage in whatever behavior provides the greatest satisfaction for oneself.
The monitoring by people of their behavior in response to others’ expectancies. Low self-monitors are not very effective at doing this and instead prefer to act consistently according to their personal views. High self-monitors are quite effective at monitoring their behavior and adjust their actions according to others’ expectations or the situation.
Self-reference effect
People’s orientation toward stimuli that are associated with the self. People show a preference for objects owned by and reflective of the self.
Self-serving bias
The tendency to attribute positive outcomes to internal causes (e.g., one’s own traits or characteristics) but negative outcomes or events to external causes (e.g., chance, task difficulty).
Prejudice based on gender; it typically refers to biases and negative responses toward women.
Sexual harassment
Unwanted contact or communication of a sexual nature.
Shifting standards
When people use one group as the standard but shift to another group as the comparison standard when judging members of a different group.
Similarity-dissimilarity effect
The consistent finding that people respond positively to indications that another person is similar to themselves and negatively to indications that another person is dissimilar from themselves.
Slime effect
A tendency to form negative impressions of others who play up to their superiors but who treat subordinates with disdain.
Social categorization
The tendency to divide the social world into separate categories: our in-group (“us” ) and various groups (“them”).
Social cognition
The manner in which we interpret, analyze, remember, and use information about the social world.
Social comparison theory
Festinger (1954) suggested that people compare themselves to others because, for many domains and attributes, there is no objective yardstick with which to evaluate the self, so other people are therefore highly informative.
Social comparison
The process through which we compare ourselves to others in order to determine whether our views are social reality are or are not correct.
Social creativity responses
When low-status groups attempt to achieve positive distinctiveness for their group or alternative dimensions that do not threaten the high-status group (e.g., benevolent sexism).
Social decision schemas
Rules relating initial distribution of member views to final group decisions.
Social dilemmas
Situations in which each person can increase his or her individual gains by acting in one way; but if all (or most) persons do the same thing, the outcomes experienced by all are reduced.
Social exclusion
Social rejection of an individual by an entire group of people, not on the basis of what he or she has done, but on the basis of prejudice, stereotypes, and biases.
Social facilitation
Effects on performance resulting from the presence of others.
Social identity theory
A theory concerned with consequences of perceiving the self as a member of a social group and indentifying with it; our response when our group identity is salient. Suggests that we will move closer to positive others with whom we share identity, but distance ourselves from other ingroup members who perform poorly or otherwise make our social identity negative.
Social influence
Efforts by one or more individuals to change the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, or behaviors of one or more others.
Social learning view (of prejudice)
The view that prejudice is acquired through direct and vicarious experiences in much the same manner as other attitudes.
Social learning
The process through which we acquire new information, forms of behavior, or attitudes from other persons.
Social loafing
Reductions in motivation and effort when individuals work collectively in a group, compared with when they work individually or as independent cofactors.
Social neuroscience
An area of research in social psychology that seeks knowledge about the neural and biological bases of social processes.
Social norms
expectations about how people will or should behave in a particular context; rules indicating how individuals are expected to behave in specific situations; rules within particular social group concerning what actions and attitudes are appropriate.
Social perception
The process through which we seek to know and understand other persons.
Social psychology
The scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behavior and thought in social situations.
Social rejection
Rejection by one individual of another individual, not on the basis of what he or she has done, but on the basis of prejudice, stereotypes, and biases.
Spreading of alternatives
When individuals make a decision between two options, they tend to reduce the rating of the item they did not choose and increase the rating of the item they did choose.
A form of eye contact in which one person continues to gaze steadily at another regardless of rand in a group.
An individual’s position or rank in a group.
Stereotype threat
People’s belief that they might be judged in light of a negative stereotype about their group or that they may, because of their performance, in some way confirm a negative stereotype of their group.
Beliefs about social groups in terms of the traits or characteristics that they are deemed to share. Stereotypes are cognitive frameworks that influence the processing of social information.
Subjective scales
Response to scales that are open to interpretation and lack an externally grounded referent, including scales labeled from good to bad or weak to strong. They are said to be subjective because they can take on different meanings, depending on the group membership of the person being evaluated.
Subjective self-awareness
The first level of self to emerge. It is recognition that the self is separate from other objects in one’s physical environment.
Subliminal conditioning
Classical conditioning of attitudes by exposure to stimuli that are below individuals’ threshold of conscious awareness.
Subliminal levels
Stimuli shown to participants so rapidly that the stimuli cannot be recognized or identified by them.
A subset of a group that is not consistent with the stereotype of the group as a whole.
Superordinate goals
Goals that both sides of a conflict seek and that tie their interests together rather than drive them apart; goals that can be achieved only by cooperation between groups.
Survey method
A method of research in which large numbers of persons answer questions about their attitudes or behavior.
Symbolic social influence
The uniquely human capacity to form an abstract representation of the self through language.
Systematic observation
A method of research in which behavior is systematically observed and recorded.
Systematic processing
Processing information in a persuasive message that involves careful consideration of message content and ideas.
That’s-not-all technique
A technique for gaining compliance in which requesters offer additional benefits to target persons before these persons have decided whether to comply with or reject specific requests.
Efforts by scientists in any field to answer the question “why?” Theories involve attempts to understand why certain events or processes occur as they do.
Theory of planned behavior
An extension of the theory of reasoned action, that in addition to attitudes toward a given behavior and subjective norms about it, individuals also consider their ability to perform the behavior.
Theory of reasoned action
A theory suggesting that the decision to engage in a particular behavior is the result of a rational process in which behavioral options are considered, consequences or outcomes of each are evaluated, and a decision is reached to act or not to act. That decision is then reflected in behavioral intentions, which strongly influence overt behavior.
Third-person effect
Effect that occurs when the impact of media exposure on others’ attitudes and behaviors is overestimated and the impact on the self is underestimated.
Thought suppression
Efforts to prevent certain thoughts from entering consciousness.
Threat can take different forms, but it primarily concerns fear that one’s group interests will be undermined or that one’s self-esteem is in jeopardy.
Tokenism can refer to hiring based on group membership. It also can concern instances in which individuals perform trivial positive actions for members or out-groups that are later used as an excuse for refusing more meaningful beneficial actions for members of these groups.
Transactional (interpersonal justice)
Refers to the extent to which persons who distribute rewards explain or justify their decisions and show considerations ad courtesy to those who receive the rewards.
Triangular model of love
Sternberg’s conceptualization of love relationships consisting of three basic components: intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment.
A technique for reducing dissonance in which the importance or attitudes or behaviors that are inconsistent with each other is cognitively reduced.
Type A behavior pattern
A pattern consisting primarily, of high levels or competitiveness, time urgency, and hostility.
Type B behavior pattern
A pattern consisting of the absence of characteristics associated with the Type A behavior pattern.
Ultimate attribution error
The tendency to make more favorable and flattering attributions about members of one’s own group than about members of other groups. In effect, it is the self-serving attributional bias at the group level.
Unrequited love
Love felt by one person for another who does not feel love in return.
Upward social comparison
A comparison with someone who does better than the self.
Within-group comparisons
Comparisons made between a target and other members of that same category only.
Workplace aggression
Any form of behavior through which individuals seek to harm others in their workplace.