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66 Cards in this Set

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_____ is a personal values system


Officer's should represent their ____ not _____ feelings.

Department, personal

By allowing our contacts to save _____ face we reduce the likelihood of attack.


Citizens evaluate the peace officer based on ______, accountability, _______, and commitment.

Appearance, integrity

The community expects it's peace officers to be ______ and service oriented.


______ learning, trust, and _______ ______ are all benefits of earning/ gaining the respect of the community.

Continuous, community support

List the five recommended security locking devices.

Key in knob, dead bolt lock, mortise lock, rim lock, pad lock

Definition of the police - _______ cooperation roles in the prevention of _______ ; this means"effective interaction between ______ and concerned citizen groups.

Citizen, crime, police

Three elements of crime prevention

Effective law enforcement, public education, public awareness

Three operational aspects of crime prevention programs

Communications, group interactions, public acceptance.

Basic steps necessary in assessing a crime problem

Awareness of a problem, resources for solution, initiation of the program, evaluation after the program

Five security hazards found in residential and business structures

Lighting, landscaping, Windows, doors, sliding glass doors

Major roles the police may provide

Order maintenance, crime prevention, public education, delivery of service, enforcement of laws

Influences that could affect the communities attitude toward police.

Schools, media, family, peers

The perspective by the ______, those _______, the _______ ________ _________ and the ________ trainee are important to success in providing quality service.

Community, involved, law enforcement agency, student/ officer

Officer survival is dependant on 5 areas

Mental preparation, physical preparation, equipment, tactics, shooting skills

Three terms a police officer should avoid

Routine, average, typical

10 deadly errors +2

Attitude, tombstone courage, not e nough rest, taking a bad position, missing danger signs, failure to watch the hands, relaxing to soon, improper use or not using handcuffs, no search/ poor search, dirty or inoperable weapon, failure to wear vest/ seatbelt, failure to maintain physical/ mental fitness.

Methods we use to evaluate alertness.

Partner planing, familiar with equipment, evaluate tactics, mental attitude.

Principles of personal defense

Alertness, decisiveness, aggressiveness, speed, coolness, ruthlessness, surprise.

During a shooting situation, a component officer will _____

Respond aggressively

Before relaxing, an officer must _______ the threat.


If wounded, an officer should _______ pain is not an index of the ________

Never give up, seriousness of the wound

Continue to _______ for your life


After shooting incident, a competent officer will ________ the scene and remain ________ avoid __________ statements and speak only to ________

Secure, calm, spontaneous, supervisor/ investigators

On a scene where am officer is wounded, the _______ on the scene is in charge when no ________ is present

Senior officer, supervisor

If you arrive on the scene where an officer is wounded you should immediately _________ check and test wounds to your _________ and constantly _________ the wounded officer. Above all _______ panic, the wounded officer will key in on your _________ and emotions.

Summon help, level of training, reassure, don't, body language

First organized metro police force

London 1829

Father of modern law enforcement

Sir Robert peel

Two major types of law enforcement in modern America

Sheriff's and constables

First metro police force in the US

NYC 1844

First 3 federal agencies in the U.S.

Revenue cutter service, postal agency , treasury enforcement

First 5 state police organizations in the U.S.

Texas rangers, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Washington, West Virginia

Basic mission for which the police exist

Prevent crime and disorder

The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependant upon

Public approval of police actions

Police must secure the ________ of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the __________

Willing cooperation, respect of the public

The degree of cooperation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionally to the necessity off the _________

Use of physical force

Police seek and preserve public favor not by ________ to public opinion but by constantly demonstrating ________ to the law

Catering, absolute impartial service

Police use _________ to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion advice and warning is found to be insufficient.

Physical force

Police at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the _________ are the public and the ________ are the __________: the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interest of community welfare and existence.

Police, public, police

Police should always direct their action strictly towards their ________ and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary.


The test of police _________ is the absence of _________ not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.

Efficiency, crime and disorder

3 components of the criminal justice system of the U.S.

Police, court, corrections

Police goal

Crime prevention

Courts goal

Render fair judgment

Corrections goal


Police component is made up of

Federal, state, parish, municipal

Court component is made up of

Federal, state, municipal

Corrections component is made up of

Bureau of prisons, department of corrections, parish jails and district facilities, city jails and lock ups

U.S. _______ court is the lowest level of federal court


Those wishing to appeal might appear in the U.S. _______ court


To go higher would mean appealing to the U.S. court of _______


The highest court of all is the U.S.

Supreme court

The criminal justice system of the state has the same 3 components

Police, court, corrections

Police examples

State police, sheriff's department, municipal police

Corrections examples

Department of corrections, parish jails, city lock ups

List the factors which influence/ affect perception and explain each

Perceiver- attitude, motives. Situation and target - work setting, social. Environment - light, motion, sound

_______ is an act of recognizing or noting fact or occurrence through the use of one or more of the senses


________ id's a interpretation of what you observe


List the four means by which an officer's observation and perception skills can be improved

Practice/ training, memory games, develop good techniques, remove obstacles.

Risk factors for coronary heart disease

Age, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, smoking

Physical training components

Flexibility, strength, cardiovascular, body composition

Physical fitness definition

The ability to carry out daily task with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue and with ample energy to engage in leisure pursuits and to meet the above average physical stresses encountered in emergency situations.

Flexibility definition

Range of motion about a joint

Critical incident definition

Any situation that forces you to face your vulnerability send mortality or that potentially overwhelms your inability to cope

Commonalities of critical incident

Sudden, unexpected, sense of control is jeopardized, beliefs and values are disputed, time visual and/ or auditory distortions, confusion as evidenced by inattentive and dazed, may include physical or emotional loss.