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44 Cards in this Set

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sagittla plane
vertical plane that divides body left/right
midsagiattal (median) plane
plane creates a division w/2 = parts
coronal (aka frontal)
divides front/back sections
divides top/bottom protions
transverse cut (i.e. MRI, CT)
axial section
anatomical position
body standing, feet together, arms at sides, head, eyes, palms hands facing forward
superior, cranial, or rostral
front of body
back of body
middle of body
far away from median
closer to median
limb away from body and medial
close to feet/lower body
external location or near the surface
internal location, far from surface
groupings of cells w/ similar structure and function
simple epithelium
one-cell thick layers; diffusion, absorption, secretion, filtration
simple squamous epithelium
single layer of flat cells; found in heart, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, air sacs, Bowman's capsule in kidneys, eardrum; filtration, diffusion,osmosis, secretion
simple cubodial epithelium
single layer of cube-shaped cells; ovaries, eye, tubules of kidneys, ducts of other glands, thyroid; secretion and absorption
simple columnar epithelium
single layer of column cells
nonciliated simple columnar epithelium
found in gastrointestinal tract, ducts of glands, gallbladar; secretion and absorption
ciliated simple columnar epithelium
upper respiratory tract, Fallopian tubes, uterus, paranasal sinuses, central canal of spinal cord; moves mucus and other substances via cili
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
simlple columnar cells bunched together closely apear irregular and layered; upper respiratory tract; secretion and movement of mucus
stratified squamous epithelium
several layers of cells; protective layers in location that require resistance to wear and tear; skin, lining of mouth & esophagus, vagina, covering of toung
stratified cuboidal epithelium
2+ layers of cells, superficial cells cubed shaped; ducts of sweat glands, male urethra; protection
stratified columnal epithelium
several layers, column-like cells outermost layer; urethra, excretory ducts of glands, anus, eye; protection and secretion
transitional epithelium
multilayered cells contract and distend; common in urinary tract bladder
glandular epithelium
secretion; exocrine/endocrine glands
connective tissue
most abundant, compromised of cells; ground substnce &fibers outisde of cells, form matrix
loose areolar connective tissue
fibers and many types of cells embedded in a semifluid ground substance; subcutaneous layer of skin, around blood vessels, mucous membranes, nerves, organs; bind together, protects and nourish organs; tissue through which molecules diffuse to reach cells of other tissues
dense regular connective tissue
collagen fibers arranged in bundles; fibers made of collagen mlcls & twstd tgthr to increase strength; elastic arteries, tendons, ligaments
dense irregular connective tissue
randomly arranged collagen fibers; beneath skin and around muscles and organs, periosteum of bone, joint capsules, membrane capsules, various organs, pericardium (heart)& valves; provides strength
elastic connective tissue
fibers made of collagen and elastin, provides resiliency; aorta, large arteries, bronchial tubes; allows stretch
retiular tissue
woven fibers, fabric/netwok, produce tissue acts as a lattice for adfacent (usually epithelial) tissue; spleen, lymph nodes, liver; provides support to soft organs
adipose tissue
tissue composed of fat cells (adipocytes); stores fat, insulates, protects body, metabolic fuel reserves
connective tissue embeddedin a dense network of collagen, elastic fibers, matrix of chondroitin sulfate; strong yet flexible support fo r wndpipe, nose, ear, vertebral disks
cells of mature cartilage
hollow spaces in cartilage
a connecitve tissue; provides support to soft tissues and points of attachment for skeletal muscles, protection for intrnl orgns, fnctns in movement
intracellular substance, surround widely separated cells
red bone marrow
produces blood cells
yellow bone marrow
stores lipids, providing reserve of energy