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20 Cards in this Set

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Suppression: active/passive inhibition resulting in loss of awareness of visual impression for one eye in monocular/binocular vision.
Active; binocular
T or F: physiologic suppression is normal
Suppression is active/inactive, conscious/unconscious, voluntary/involuntary.
active, unconscious, involuntary
How is suppression classified (what are the 5 characteristics)?
Laterality, frequency, size, intensity/depth, and shape
Suppression usually starts centrally or peripherally?
Put these tests in order of least to most dissociating.

Vectograph, Bagolini, stereoscope, red/green, red lens,freespace

Is this list going shallow->deep or deep-> shallow?
Freespace, bagolini, vectograph, stereoscope, red lens, red/green
When would you use over corrective lenses?
distance blur in hyperopes (infants and toddlers); overminus IXT (young pt with good accomm)
Where do you place the seg height for a:

1. 4 year old
2. 6 year old
3. 9 year old
1. FT mid pupil
2. FT lower pupil margin
3. FT lower lid margin
What are the Rx guidelines if myopes are non-strabismic:

1. <1D
2. 1-3D
3. 3-5D
4. >=5D
1. can hold off
2. Rx if >=3yrs
3. Rx if >=1year
4. Rx at any age
T or F: oblique and WTR astig are more stable than ATR with increasing age
Hyperopic astig >___D assoc with strab and amblyopia...monitor closely and Rx when stable
For an ET, when do you Rx the full cyclopegic refraction? (what ages)
<=5 years
For astigmatism, what age should you Rx the full amount?

When shouldn't you correct astig?

What is the goal of overcorrective prism?
disrupt AC
What three conditions should you NOT consider prism a a viable Tx option?
AC, peripheral suppression, amblyopia
T or F: you shouldn't use relieving or correcting prisms for AC patients. but cosmetic prism is ok
What position should we hold our prism bars?
frontal plane position
What is a disruptive prism?
When you overcorrect an ET with AC, you cause diplopia and when the prism is removed the AC->NC. Also rotating prisms do the same thing
T or F: a myopic Rx with cause a smaller deviation than a hyperopic Rx for ETs and XTs
F! larger deviation
What is the amount of prism needed to eliminate a fixation disparity?
associated phoria