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160 Cards in this Set

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Absurdist Drama
Play that depicts life as meaningless, senseless,
uncertain. For example, an absurdist playwright's story
generally ends up where it started; nothing has been
accomplished and nothing gained. The characters may be
uncertain of time and place, and they are virtually the
same at the end of the play as they were at the beginning.
Here is how the genre came about: A group of dramatists in
1940's Paris believed life is without apparent meaning or
purpose; it is, in short, absurd, as French playwright and
novelist Albert Camus (1913-1960) wrote in a 1942 essay,
"The Myth of Sisyphus." Parodoxically, the only certainty
in life is uncertainty, the absurdists believed. For more
about absurdist drama, see Waiting for Godot.
Absurd, Theater of the
Term coined in 1965 by critic Martin Eslin to describe the
plays of Samuel Beckett and other writers who believed that
life is meaningless. For more information about this genre,
see “Waiting for Godot.”
One of the main divisions of a play. Shakespeare's plays
each have five acts. Each act is subdivided into scenes. An
act generally focuses on one major aspect of the plot or
theme. Between acts, stagehands may change scenery, and the
setting may shift to another locale.
Wise saying; proverb; short, memorable saying that
expresses a truth and is handed down from one generation to
the next; short saying that expresses an observation or
experience about life; maxim; aphorism; apothegm. Examples
of adages are the following:
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
wealthy, and wise.–Unknown author, 16th Century.
Birds of a feather flock together [probably based on an
observation of Robert Burton (1577-1640) in The Anatomy of
Melancholy: "Birds of a feather will gather together."]
A great dowry is a bed full of brambles.–George Herbert,
Outlandish Proverbs, 1640.
Stage direction in a Shakespeare play (or a play by another
author in Shakespeare's time) indicating the coming of a
battle; a call to arms.
Verse form popularized in France in which each line
contains twelve syllables (and sometimes thirteen). Major
accents occur on the sixth and twelfth syllables; two minor
accents occur, one before the sixth syllable and one before
the twelfth syllable. A pause (caesura) occurs immediately
after the sixth syllable. Generally, there is no enjambment
in the French Alexandrine line. However, enjambment does
occur in English translations of Alexandrine verse. The
name Alexandrine derives from a twelfth-century work about
Alexander the Great that was written in this verse format.
Jean Baptiste Racine was one of the masters of this format.
Some English writers later adapted the format in their
Literary work in which characters, events, objects, and
ideas have secondary or symbolic meanings. One of the most
popular allegories of the twentieth century was George
Orwell's Animal Farm, about farm animals vying for power.
On the surface, it is an entertaining story that even
children can enjoy. Beneath the surface, it is the story of
ruthless Soviet totalitarianism. Other famous examples of
allegories are John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and the
fifteenth-century morality play, Everyman.
Repetition of consonant sounds. Examples: (1) But now I am
cabined, cribbed, confined, bound into saucy doubts and
fears.–Shakespeare. (2) Duncan is in his grave; after
life's fitful fever he sleeps well–Shakespeare. (3) When I
was one-and- twenty–A.E. Housman. (Note that "one" has a
"w" sound. (4) I sent thee late a rosy wreath–Ben Jonson.
(Note that "wr" has an "r" sound.)
Reference to a historical event or to a mythical or
literary figure. Examples: (1) Sir Lancelot fought with
Herculean strength. (Reference to the mythological hero
Hercules). (2) "I have met my Waterloo," the mountain
climber said after returning from a failed attempt to
conquer Everest. (Reference to the Belgian town where
Napoleon lost a make-or-break battle). (3) Since my
elementary-school days, math has always been my Achilles
heel. (Reference to the weak spot of Achilles, the greatest
warrior to fight in the Trojan War. When his mother
submersed him in the River Styx after he was born, the
magical waters made him invulnerable. His flesh was
impervious to all harm–except for the heel of a foot. His
mother was grasping the heel when she dipped him into the
river. Because the river water did not touch his heel, it
was the only part of his body that could suffer harm. He
died when a poison-tipped arrow lodged in his heel. Hence,
writers over the ages have used the term Achilles heel to
refer to a person's most pronounced weakness.
A thing from a different period of history than that which
is under discussion; a thing that is out of place
historically. Suppose, for example, that a literary work
about World War I says that a wounded soldier is treated
with penicillin to prevent a bacterial infection. The
writer of the work would deserve criticism for committing
an anachronism, for penicillin and other antibiotics did
not come into use until 1941, twenty-three years after the
end of World War I.
Anadiplosis (an uh dih PLOH sis)
Figure of speech in which a word or phrase at the end of a
sentence, clause, or line of verse is repeated at or near
the beginning of the next sentence, clause, or line of
verse. Here are examples:
The peasant pledged the country his loyalty; loyalty was
his only possession.
In Greek drama, a startling discovery; moment of epiphany;
time of revelation when a character discovers his true
identity. In the Sophocles play Oedipus Rex, anagnorisis
occurs when Oedipus realizes who he is.
Literary work, film, character, setting, etc. that
resembles another literary work, film, character, setting,
etc. The film West Side Story is an analogue of
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Stephen Spielberg's film
Jaws is an analogue of Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick.
Repetition of a word, phrase, or clause at the beginning of
word groups occurring one after the other. Examples: (1)
Give me wine, give me women and give me song. (2) For
everything there is a season . . . a time to be born, and a
time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what
is planted.–Bible, Ecclesiastes. (3) To die, to sleep; to
sleep: perchance to dream.–Shakespeare, Hamlet. One of the
most famous examples of anaphora in Shakespeare occurs in
Act II, Scene I, Lines 40-68.
Anastrophe (uh NAS truh fe)
Inversion of the normal word order, as in a man forgotten
(instead of a forgotten man) or as in the opening lines of
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Kahn": In Xanada did Kubla
Kahn / A stately pleasure dome decree (instead of In
Xanadu, Kubla Kahn decreed a stately pleasure dome). Here
is another example, made up to demonstrate the inverted
word order of anastrophe:
In the garden green and dewy
A rose I plucked for Huey
A little story, often amusing, inserted in an essay or a
speech to help reinforce the thesis.
Explanatory note that accompanies text; footnote; comment.
Character in a story or poem who opposes the main character
(protagonist). Sometimes the antagonist is an animal, an
idea, or a thing. Examples of such antagonists might
include illness, oppression, or the serpent in the biblical
story of Adam and Eve.
Identification of a person by an appropriate substituted
phrase, such as her majesty for a queen or the Bard of Avon
for Shakespeare.
Placement of contrasting or opposing words, phrases,
clauses, or sentences side by side. Following are examples:
I am tall; you are short.
The world will little note nor long remember what we say
here, but it can never forget what they did here.–Abraham
Lincoln, "Gettysburg Address."
To err is human, to forgive divine.–Alexander Pope, "Essay
on Criticism."
Addressing an abstraction or a thing, present or absent; addressing an absent entity or person; addressing a deceased person. Examples: (1) Frailty, thy name is woman.–William Shakespeare. (2) Hail, Holy Light, offspring of heaven firstborn!–John Milton. (3) God in heaven, please help me.
Apprenticeship Novel (Bildungsroman)
Novel that centers on the period in which a young person grows up. This type of novel was pioneered by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) in his novel Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship). An apprenticeship novel can also be identified by its German name, bildungsroman, meaning novel (roman) of educational development (bildungs).
(1) Original model or models for persons appearing later in history or characters appearing later in literature; (2) the original model or models for places, things, or ideas appearing later in history or literature; (3) a primordial object, substance, or cycle of nature that always symbolizes or represents the same positive or negative qualities.
Tapestry hung on the stage to conceal scenery until the right moment. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, an arras played a crucial role. Polonius hid behind one to eavesdrop on a conversation between Hamlet and his mother, Queen Gertrude. When Hamlet saw the tapestry move, he stabbed at it, thinking King Claudius was behind it, and killed Polonius.
Arthurian Romance
Literary work in which a knight in the age of the legendary King Arthur goes on a quest.
Words an actor speaks to the audience which other actors on the stage cannot hear. Sometimes the actor cups his mouth toward the audience or turns away from the other actors. An aside serves to reveal a character's thoughts or concerns to the audience without revealing them to other characters in a play. Near the end of Hamlet, Queen Gertrude raises a cup of wine to her lips during the fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes. King Claudius had poisoned the wine and intended it for Hamlet. In an aside, Claudius–unwilling to warn Gertrude in an effort to preserve his innocence–says, "It is the poison'd cup: it is too late."
Repetition of vowel sounds preceded and followed by different consonant sounds. Use of "bite" and "like" in a line of poetry would constitute assonance. Examples: (1) There are no tricks in plain and simple faith.–Shakespeare. (2) But I am pigeon-livered, and lack gall to make oppression bitter. (3) John met his fate by the lake.
Use of words or phrases in a series without connectives such as and or so. Examples (1) One cause, one country, one heart.–Daniel Webster. (2) Veni, vidi, vici (Latin: I came, I saw, I conquered).–Julius Caesar.
Peninsula in southeastern Greece that included Athens. According to legend, the King of Athens, Theseus, unified 12 states in Attica into a single state dominated by Athenian leadership and the Athenian dialect of the Greek language. The adjective Attic has long been associated with the culture, language and art of Athens. The great period of Greek drama, between the Sixth and Fourth Centuries, B.C., is known as the Attic Period. Drama itself was invented by an Attic actor, Thespis, who introduced speaking parts to accompany choral odes.
Aubade [oh BAHD]
Joyful song about dawn and its beauty; morning serenade. One of the finest aubades in literature occurs in Act II, Scene III, of Shakespeare's play Cymbeline. It begins with the the famous words "Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings" (Line 22).
Ballad, Folk
Poem that tells a story that centers on a theme popular with the common people of a particular culture or place. Generally of unknown authorship, a folk ballad passes by word of mouth from one generation to the next. One of its key characteristics is a candence that makes the poem easy to set to mustic and sing.
Ballad, Literary
Ballad that imitates a folk ballad. But unlike the folk ballad, the literary ballad has a known author who composes the poem with careful deliberation according to sophisticated conventions. Like the folk ballad, it tells a story with a popular theme.
Lyric poem of French origin usually made up of three eight-line stanzas and a concluding four-line stanza called an envoi that offers parting advice or a summation. At the end of each stanza is a refrain. Each line of the poem contains about eight syllables. The rhyme scheme of the eight-line stanza is ababbcbc. The rhyme scheme of the envoi is bcbc. "Ballade des dames du temps jadis" is an excellent example of the genre.
Originally, a Celtic poet who sang epic poems while playing a harp. In time, bard was used to refer to any poet. Today, it is often used to refer to William Shakespeare (the Bard of Avon).
Inflated, pretentious speech or writing that sounds important but is generally balderdash.
Breton Lay
Fourteenth Century English narrative poem in rhyme about courtly love. The poem contains elements of the supernatural. The English borrowed the Breton-lay format from storytellers in Brittany, France. A lay is a medieval narrative poem originally intended to be sung. Breton is an adjective describing anyone or anything from Brittany. "The Franklin's Tale," a story in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, is an example of a Breton lay.
Literary work, film, or stage production that mocks a person, a place, a thing, or an idea by using wit, irony, hyperbole, sarcasm, and/or understatement. For example, a burlesque may turn a supposedly distinguished person into a buffoon or a supposedly lofty subject into a trivial one. A hallmark of burlesque is its thoroughgoing exaggeration, often to the point of the absurd. Cervantes used burlesque in Don Quixote to poke fun at chivalry and other outdated romantic ideals. Among English writers who used burlesque were Samuel Butler (Hudibras) and John Gay (The Beggar’s Opera). Burlesque is a close kin of parody. The latter usually ridicules a specific literary work or artistic production.
Pause in a line of verse shown in scansion by two vertical lines ( || ).
Complete works of an author. When reasonable doubt exists that an author wrote a work attributed to him, scholars generally exclude it from the author’s canon. Such doubt sometimes arises when a centuries-old work–for example, a play, poem, or novel–has survived intact to the present day without an author’s byline or other documentation proving that a particular author wrote it.
Major division division of an epic poem, such as Dante's Divine Comedy. The word is derived from the Latin cantus (song).
Literary work or cartoon that exaggerates the physical features, dress, or mannerisms of an individual or derides the ideas and actions of an organization, institution, movement, etc. The word is derived from the Italian caricare, meaning load, exaggerate, surcharge, fill to excess. In literature, caricature is a form of burlesque.
Carpe Diem
Latin expression meaning seize the day. Literary works with a carpe diem theme tell readers to enjoy life while they can. In other words, they should eat, drink and be merry and not worry about dying. Sir John Falstaff, the fun-loving and hard-drinking knight in Shakespeare's Henry IV Part I, Henry IV Part II, and The Merry Wives of Windsor believed in carpe diem. An example of a poem with a carpe diem theme is Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress."
Climax of a stage play.
(1) Denouement, or conclusion, of a stage tragedy; (2) denouement of any literary work.
In published Shakespeare plays in earlier times, a single word on the bottom of the right side of every page. This word was the first word appearing on the next page.
In literature and art, a purification of emotions. The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) used the term to describe the effect on the audience of a tragedy acted out on a theater stage. This effect consists in cleansing the audience of disturbing emotions, such as fear and pity, thereby releasing tension. This purgation occurs as a result of either of the following reactions: (1) Audience members resolve to avoid conflicts of the main character–for example, Oedipus in Oedipus Rex and Creon in Antigone–that arouse fear or pity or (2) audience members transfer their own pity and fear to the main character, thereby emptying themselves of these disquieting emotions. In either case, the audience members leave the theater as better persons intellectually, morally, or socially. They have either been cleansed of fear of pity or have vowed to avoid situations that arouse fear and pity. In modern usage, catharsis may refer to any experience, real or imagined, that purges a person of negative emotions.
In the drama of ancient Greece, sleeveless outer garment, or cloak, worn by some actors.
(pronounced SHAN te; alternate spellings: chantey, shantey, shanty) In earlier times, a song sung by sailors that kept time with the work they were doing, such as tugging on a rope to hoist a sail. The length of chanteys varied in relation to the length of the tasks being performed.
Character, Flat
Character in story who has only one prominent trait, such as greed or cruelty.
Character, Round
Character in a story who has many aspects to his or her personality. The character may have a good side and a bad side; he or she may be unpredictable.
Character, Static
Character in a literary work who does not change his or her outlook in response to events taking place.
Chivalric Romance
Tale of courtly love. In such tales, nights exhibit nobility, courage, and respect for their ladies fair, and the ladies exhibit elegance, modesty, and fidelity. Although knights and ladies may fall passionately in love, they eschew immoral behavior. In conflicts between good and evil, justice prevails. Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Knight's Tale," the first story in The Canterbury Tales, is an example of a chivalric romance.
Words in a second clause or phrase that invert or transpose the order of the first clause or phrase.
Chorus (Greek Play)
Bystanders in a Greek play who present odes on the action
recorder of medieval events; historian
Chronique Scandaleuse
Literary work centering on gossip and intrigue at the court of a king.
In literature, a tradition espousing the ideals of ancient Greece and Rome: objectivity, emotional restraint, systematic thinking, simplicity, clarity, universality, dignity, acceptance of established social standards, promotion of the general welfare, and strict adherence to formal rules of composition.
Overused expression
High point in a story.
Closet Drama
A drama written to be read rather than acted on a stage.
(Stage) Play with a happy ending.
Comedy of Manners
Comedy that ridicules the manners (way of life, social customs, etc.) of the privileged and fashionable segment of society
Concrete Poetry
Poetry with lines arranged to resemble a familiar object, such as a Christmas tree.
The struggle in a work of literature.
Conte Philosophique
Philosophical novel or philosophical story, a genre Voltaire is credited with inventing.
Funeral song (dirge) in Scotland and Ireland
Boots worn by actors in ancient Greece to increase their height and, thus, visibility to theater audiences. Singular: cothurnus.
Two successive lines of poetry with end rhyme
Coup de Théâtre
1) Startling development in a drama that is unforeseen and unmotivated; (2) a cheap plot development intended solely to create a sensation.
Couplet, Heroic
Two successive end-rhyming lines in iambic pentameter.
The outcome or resolution of the plot, occurring after the climax.
In Greek drama, the character second in importance to the main character, or protagonist.
Conversation in a play, short story, or novel. A literary work on a single topic presented in the form of a conversation. Plato's Republic, Symposium, and Phaedo are examples of literary works that are dialogues.
Word choice; the quality of the sound of a speaker or singer. Good diction means that a writer pleases the eye of a reader or the ear of a listener.
Adjective describing a literary work intended to teach a lesson or a moral principle.
Patron god of Greek drama; god of wine and vegetation
In the drama of ancient Greece, a choral hymn that praised Dionysus, god of wine and revelry, and sometimes told a story.
Trivial or bad poetry.
Domesday Book
official census of the English people and their possessions, notably land, which was completed in 1086 at the behest of King William I (William the Conqueror).
In folklore, the spirit double of a living person. Among well-known writers who have used doppelgängers in their works are Fyodor Dostoevski and E.T.A. Hoffman. A doppelgänger is not the same as a ghost; the latter is an apparition of a dead person.
Literary work with dialogue written in verse and/or prose and spoken by actors playing characters experiencing conflict and tension. The English word drama comes from the Greek word "dran," meaning "to do."
Dramatic Irony
Failure of a character to see or understand what is obvious to the audience. The most notable example of dramatic irony in all of literature occurs in Oedipux Rex, by Sophocles, when Oedipus fails to realize what the audience knows–that he married his own mother.
Dramatic Monologue
Poem that presents a moment in which a narrator/speaker discusses a topic and, in so doing, reveals his feelings and state of mind to a listener or the reader.
Dramatic Monologue
Poem that presents a moment in which a narrator/speaker discusses a topic and, in so doing, reveals his feelings and state of mind to a listener or the reader.
Dramatis Personae
List of the characters in a play. Such a list is found at the beginning of each Shakespeare play, as well as the plays of other dramatists.
Dumb Show
Part of play performed in gestures, without speech; pantomime. In Shakespeare's plays, "dumb show" appears as a stage direction.
Edition and Issue
Terms describing published versions of newspapers and magazines.
Egoism, Rational
Acting in oneself’s best interests (that is, acting selfishly) by selecting what appears to be the most beneficial of all the choices available. Russian writer Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828-1889) centered various writings on this subject.
A somber poem or song that praises or laments the dead. Perhaps the finest elegy in English literature is Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard."
Pertaining to the time when Elizabeth I reigned as queen of England. Elizabeth, born in 1533, reigned from 1558 until her death in 1603.
Encomium (Plural: Encomia)
In ancient Greece, a poem in the form of a choral song praising a victor in the Olympic games. (2) In modern usage, any speech, essay, poem, etc., that praises a person.
Carrying the sense of one line of verse over to the next line without a pause. In the first four lines of "My Last Duchess," by Robert Browning, enjambment joins the second and third lines (I call / That) and the third and fourth lines (Pandolf's hands / Worked):
Stage direction in a play manuscript indicating the entrance onto the stage of a character or characters
Long poem in a lofty style about the exploits of heroic figures. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, as well as the Old English poem Beowulf, are examples of epics.
Epic Conventions
Literary practices, rules, or devices that became commonplace in epic poetry.
Funeral hymn or ode; dirge
Wise or witty saying expressing a universal truth in a few words.
Quotation inserted at the beginning of a poem, a novel, or any other literary work; (2) a dedication of a literary work or a work of art such as a painting; (3) words inscribed or painted on a monument, building, trophy, etc.
In Shakespeare, a short address spoken by an actor at the end of a play that comments on the meaning of the events in the play or looks ahead to expected events; an afterword in any literary work.
Epinicion (Plural: Epinicia)
In ancient Greece, a choral ode celebrating an athletic victory. For additional information, click here.
Episode Scene or incident in a literary work.
Scene or incident in a literary work.
Letter written by an apostle in the New Testament of the Bible; any letter, especially an informal or instructive one
Epistolary Novel
Novel in which a character (or characters) tells the story through letters (epistles) sent to a friend, relative, etc. For example, in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Captain Robert Walton writes letters to his sister to bring her up to date on his expedition in the Arctic. After his ship takes Victor Frankenstein aboard, he listens to Frankenstein’s story and writes it down in letter form.
Inscription on a tomb or a written work praising a dead person; any commemoration, eulogy, or remembrance.
The part of a stage play that develops the characters, plot, and theme. The epitasis follows the protasis.
Epithalamion (or Epithalamium, Epithalamy)
Poem or song honoring the bride and groom on the day of their wedding.
a combination of a descriptive phrase and a noun. An epithet presents a miniature portrait that identifies a person or thing by highlighting a prominent characteristic of that person or thing. In English, the Homeric epithet usually consists of a noun modified by a compound adjective,
(1) Statement summarizing the content of a book, essay, report, etc. (2) Person or object that embodies all the qualities of something
Esprit d'escalier
Slow wit. Used to characterize a person who thinks of the ideal reply or retort after leaving a conversation and going upstairs (escalier). On the stairs, the ideal reply occurs to him.
Short, nonfiction composition on a single topic. The typical essay contains 500 to 5,000 words,
peech or written work paying tribute to a person who has recently died; speech or written work praising a person (living, as well as dead), place, thing, or idea
Word or phrase that softens the hard reality of the truth, such as senior citizen for old person, passed away for died, misstatement for lie, previously owned car for used car, collateral damage for civilian deaths during war, and pleasingly plump for fat. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency once used the euphemism Health Evaluation Committee for assassination team. In general, good writers avoid euphemisms.
Ornate, high-flown style of speaking or writing.
Stage direction in a play manuscript indicating that a military attack is taking place. The opening of Scene II in Act III of Shakespeare's King John contains such a stage direction.
Short narrative in verse or prose that teaches a moral lesson or reinforces a doctrine or religious belief.
Stage direction in a play manuscript indicating the departure of two or more characters from the stage.
Exeunt Omnes
Stage direction in a play manuscript indicating the departure of all the characters from the stage.
Stage direction in a play manuscript indicating the departure of a character from the stage.
In a drama of ancient Greece, the exit scene; the final part of the play
In literature, expressionism is a writing approach, process, or technique in which a writer depicts a character’s feelings about a subject (or the writer’s own feelings about it) rather than the objective surface reality of the subject.
In a story, the part of the plot that introduces the setting and characters and presents the events and situations that the story will focus on. Exposition also refers to an essay whose primary purpose is to inform readers rather than to argue a point.
Story that teaches a lesson or rule of living.
Short verse tale with coarse humor and earthy, realistic, and sometimes obscene descriptions that present an episode in the life of contemporary middle- and lower-class people.
Fair Copy
In Shakespeare's time, a play manuscript after it has been edited.
Type of comedy that relies on exaggeration, horseplay, and unrealistic or improbable situations to provoke laughter. In a farce, plotting takes precedence over characterization.
Figure of Speech
Word, phrase or sentence that (1) presents a “figure” to the mind of the reader, (2) presents an imaginative or unusual use of words that the reader is not to take literally, or (3) presents a special arrangement or use of words or word sounds that create an unusual effect. Ordinary language that does not contain a figure of speech is called literal language. Language that contains a figure of speech is called figurative language. Figurative language is also sometimes called imagery because it presents an image to the mind. Consider the following sentences:
Device in which a writer describes significant events of an earlier time or actually returns the plot to an earlier time
Stage direction in a play manuscript for music introducing the entrance or exit of a king or another important person. The music may consist of a short trumpet passage.
A secondary or minor character in a literary work who contrasts or clashes with the main character; (2) a secondary or minor character with personal qualities that are the opposite of, or markedly different from, those of another character; (3) the antagonist in a play or another literary work.
A folio is a sheet of printing paper folded once to form four separate pages for printing a book.
Stories, songs, and sayings transmitted by memory (that is, orally) rather than by books or other printed documents, from one generation to the next.
In the courts of England in Shakespeare's time, a fool was a comic figure with a quick tongue who entertained the king, the queen, and their guests.
Device a writer uses to hint at a future course of action
Foul Papers
Story with a plot structure in which an author uses two or more narrators to present the action.
Free Verse
Form of poetry that ignores standard rules of meter in favor of the rhythms of ordinary conversation.
xcessive boasting; incessant bragging.
Type or kind, as applied to literature and film. Examples of genres are romance, horror, tragedy, adventure, suspense, science fiction, epic poem,
Anglo-Saxon minstrel who sang or recited poetry. Gleemen traveled from place to place but sometimes found employment in the court of a monarch.
Adjective describing writing that contains wise, witty sayings (aphorisms)
Wandering student of Medieval Europe who made merry and wrote earthy or satiric verses in Latin. Goliards sometimes served as jesters or minstrels
Gothic Fiction
Literary genre focusing on dark, mysterious, terrifying events.
Book on the lives of saints; scholarly study of the lives of saints.
Serious character flaw of the main character (protagonist) of a Greek tragedy. Often, this flaw is great pride, or hubris. But it may also be prejudice, anger, zealotry, poor judgment, an inherited weakness, or any other serious shortcoming.
Stage direction in a play manuscript indicating that entering characters are playing hautboys, which are Elizabethan oboes.
Heroic Couple
Unit of two rhyming lines in iambic pentameter.
High Comedy
Comedy that relies on wit and subtle irony or sarcasm. High comedy usually focuses on the everyday life of upper classes. It is generally verbal rather than physical.
A clergyman's talk that usually presents practical moral advice rather than a lesson on a scriptural passage, as in a sermon.
Hubris or Hybris
Great pride that brings about the downfall of a character in a Greek drama or in other works of literature
Eight-line stanza (French)
Exaggeration; overstatement.
Poem focusing on the simplicity and tranquillity of rural life; prose work with a similar focus.
In a Shakespeare play, an introductory event that precedes Act 1
In Medias Res
Latin phrase for in the middle of things. It means that a story begins in the middle of the plot, usually at an exciting part.
Invocation of the Muse
In ancient Greece and Rome, poets generally requested a muse (goddess) to fire them with creative genius when they began long narrative poems, called epics, about godlike heroes and villains.
Ipse Dixit
Dogmatic or arbitrary statement made without supporting evidence.
Saying the opposite of what is meant, or verbal irony; (2) result or ending that is the opposite of what is expected, or situational irony; (3) situation in which the audience attending a dramatic presentation grasps the incongruity of a situation before the actors do, or dramatic irony.
Vocabulary understood by members of a profession or trade but usually not by other members of the general public.
Jeu d'esprit
Witty writing; clever wording; jest; pun, ingenious turn of phrase
Jeu de mots
Pun; play on words.
Itinerant minstrel in medieval England and France who sang songs (his own or those written by others) and told stories.