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15 Cards in this Set

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What is an absolute monarch?
A ruler with complete authority over the government and the lives of the people
Many European rulers believed in what?
Divine right, which was the belief that their right to rule came directly from God.
Why did Phillip of Spain send an armada across the English Channel?
To end English attacks and subdue the Dutch.
Who wrote the novel Don Quixote?
Miguel de Cervantes
What did Cardinal Richlieu do during his rule of France?
He destroyed the walls of Huegenot cities, but allowed them to pratice their religion.
Reduced the nobles' power and strengthened the central government
What did the Edict of Nantes do?
It gave Protestants protection, and allowed Huegenots to fortify their cities.
Why did Louis XIV perform rituals such as the levee?
To emphasize his own importance
What is an intendent and what class of people were generally given this office?
Intendents were officials who collected taxes, recruited soldiers and carried out the king's policies in the provinces.
Middle class men were generally appointed as intendents.
How did the balance of power affect Europe?
It prevented any single country from dominating Europe.
What are dissenters?
People who disagreed with certain government policies.
Who were the Cavaliers, and how do they differ from Round-heads?
Supporters of Charles I. They were often wealthy nobles with long hair. Usually trained in dualing and warfare
Who were the Roundheads, and how do they differ from the Cavaliers?
Supporters of Parliament. They consist of country gentry, town-dwelling manufacturers, and Puritan clergy.
How did Oliver Cromwell do while ruling England?
He made England into a re-public, quelled Irish uprisings and allowed Jews to come back to England.
What is the principle of Habeas Corpus?
States that no person can be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime.
What made English monarchs different from most monarchs?
The English monarchy's powers were limited by the English Bill of Rights and Parliament.