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46 Cards in this Set

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What regions of the country is ECT most often used?
Eastern and Midwestern States.
What are some examples of some benefits of rTMS?
-Few side effects
-No anesthesia
-Patients can remain awake
Which types of people are good candidates for rTMS?
People who do not respond to drug therapies and cannot tollerate ECT, who suffer from major depression.
What are circadian rhythms?
Natural cycles of activities that occur every 24 hours.
What is the concept of light therapy?
Light therapy might work by resetting the circadian rhythms and thereby normalizing the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.
How does Lithium work?
Lithium seems to stabalize a number of neurotransmitter systems, including serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate.
Is Lithium effective?
It appears to be more effective in reducing the symptoms of mania than the symptoms of depression.
How does Lithium effect people over time?
People maintained on an adequate dosage of Lithium have significantly fewwer relapses than those not maintained on Lithium.
What are some examples of some problem with Lithium?
-Dosages vary greatly from person to person
-Differences between the effective dose and a toxic dose is small.
-Many patients feel that they miss the positive symptoms of mania-such as elated moods, flowing ideas, and heightened self esteem-and feel washed out on Lithium.
What are anticonvulsants and are they effective?
-These drugs can be used to reduce the symptoms of severe and acute mania,
-although it is not clear if they are as good as Lithium for long term Bipolar issues.
What do Antipsychotics do?
These drugs reduce functional levels of dopamine and seem especially useful in the treatment of psychotic manic symptoms.
What is a functional analysis?
An analysis of the connections between specific circumstances and the depressed person's symptoms.
What are the strategies that can be used to make necessary changes in a clients life?
1) Change the aspects of the environment that are related to the depressive symptoms
2) Teach the depressed person skills to change his or her negative circumstances, particularly negative social interactions.
3) Teach the client mood-management skills that can be used in unpleasant situations.
What are the proposals of Behavior therapies when treating depression?
To increase positive reinforcers and decrease aversive events by teaching the person new skills for managing interpersonal situations and the environment and engaging in pleasant activities.
What are the proposals of Cognitive- Behavioral therapies when treating depression?
Challenges distorted thinking and helps the person learn more adaptive ways of thinking and new behavioral skills.
What are the proposals of Interpersonal therapies when treating depression?
Helps the person change dysfunctional relationship patterns.
What are the proposals of Psychodynamic therapies when treating depression?
Help the person gain insight into unconscious hostility and fears of abandonment to facilitate change in self-concept and behaviors.
What is one way that mood disorders can be transmitted?
How are people affected if their relatives are bipolar?
-People with bipolar disorder find that their first degree relatives have rates of both bipolar disorder and unipolar depression at least 2 to 3 times higher than rates of relatives of people without bipolar disorder.
What does the genetic theory of mood disorders say?
Disordered genes predispose people to depression or bipolar disorder.
What does the Neurotransmitter Theory of Mood Disorders say?
Dysregulation of neurotransmitters-norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine- have been most researched.
What does the Neurophysiological Abnormalities Theory say?
Abnormalities in the structure and functioning of the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, anterior cingulate cortex, and amygdala.
What does the Neuroendocrine Abnormalities Theory of Mood Disorder say?
Depressed people show chronic hyperactivity in the hypothalamic-pituitary gland adrenal axis and slow return to baseline after a stressor, which affects the functioning of neurotransmitters.
Does unipolar depression run in families?
How does Unipolar depression affect families of those who have it?
First degree relatives of people with unipolar depression are two to three times more likely also to have depression, compared with first degree relative of people without the disorder.
What do the differing effects on heredity of bipolar disorder and unipolar depression mean?
This suggests that bipolar disorder has a genetic basis different from that of unipolar depression.
Which gene specifically is involved in depression?
One specific genetic abnormality that some studies suggest may be involved in the vulnerability to depression is serotonin is on the serotonin transporter gene.
What kind of genetic makeup is a mood disorder made of?
Multifactorial- A particular configuration of several disordered genes may be necessary to create mood disorder.
Which neurotransmitter is most associated with mood disorders?
-Monoamines. -
(norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine)
What is the scale type concept of mood disorders?
Imbalances in one direction can cause depression, imbalances in the other direction can cause mania.
What is common of most neurotransmitter abnormalities found in people with mood disorders?
Most neurotransmitter abnormalities found in people with mood disorders are statedependent. That is, these differences are present when the mood disorder is present but tend to disappear when the mood disorder subsides.
What happens internally when you are confronted with a stessor?
The fight or flight response is activated and cortisol is released.
What happens internally to people who are depressed.
Their fight or flight response is overstimulated- and an inability to return back to normal is caused --in turn excess horemones are released.
How many women on average suffer from postpartum depression?
1 in 10.
What are new treatments of bipolar disorder focusing on?
The fact that it may be triggered by experiencing stressful events or living in an unsupportive family.
What did Beck's theory lead to?
The most widely used and successful therapies for depression.-cognitive-behavioral therapy.
What is typical of depressed people and not so much of non depressed people?
Depressed people are more likely than non depressed people to have chronic life stressors, such as financial strain or bad marriages.
What is a causal attribution?
An explanation of why an event happened.
What does Lewinsohn's Theory of Mood Disorders say?
Depressed people experience a reduction in positive reinforcers and an increase in adversive events, which leads to their depression.
What, does Aaron Beck's Theory of Mood Disorders say?
Depressed people have a negative cognitive triad of beliefs about the self, the world, and the future, which is maintained by distorted thinking.
What are learned helplessness deficits?
They are similar to the symptoms of depression: low motivation, passivity, and indecisiveness.
What does the Learned Helplessness Theory of Mood Disorders say?
Depressed people lack control, which leads to the belief that they are helpless, which leads to depressive symptoms.
What does the Reformulated Learned Helplessness Theory of Mood Disorders say?
Depressed people have the tendency to attribute events to internal, stable, and global factors, which contributes to depression.
What does the Ruminative Response Styles Theory of Mood Disorders say?
Depressed people tend to ruminate about their symptoms and problems.
When do helplessness depressions occur?
They occur when people come to believe that they are helpless to control important outcomes in their environment.
What does the Psychodynamic Theory of Mood Disorders say?
Depressed people are unconsciously punishing themselves because they feel abandoned by another person but cannot punish that person; dependency and perfectionism are risk factors for depression.