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93 Cards in this Set

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What is fear

Immediate, present orientated



Apprehensive, worry, future oriented

Somatic symptoms = tension (muscle tension/tight and stressed)

Panic attack

Abrupt experience of intense fear (a fear response at an inappropriate time)

Symptoms: palpitations, chest pain, dizziness

Biological Causes of anxiety

Genetic, neurotransmitters, limbic system (amygdala/ sends signals related to threat or overly reponsive amydala)

Psychological causes of anxiety

Behavioral - conditioning

Cognitive - negative beliefs about future, sense of control, attention to threat

Causes of anxiety social

Stressful life events

Generalized anxiety disorder

Excessive anxiety and worry

Six months

A number of events or activities

Difficult to control worry

3 of the following:

Restlessness, easy fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance

Gad biological


Autonomic restictors

Heightened threat sensitivity

Low gaba

Gad cognitive

Worry all the time/no end

Worry it might happen/ don't think of it happening

Gad treatment biological


Relaxation Training

Biofeedback (control over physiological reponses/ sweating)

Treatments gad psychological

Cognitive therapy

Worry exposure (talking about worry)

Coping skills

Panic disorder criteria


At least a month

Persistent concern ab. having attack

Change in behavior

Might have agoraphobia

Agoraphobia criteria

Marked fear or anxiety of two

Using public transportation

Being in open spaces

Being in enclosed spaces

Standing in line or being in a crowd

Being outside the home alone

At least 6 months

Panic order causes biological

Generalized vulnerability toward alarm responses

Increased norepinephrine

Panic disorder causes behavioral


Panic attacks causes cognitive

Misperception /inaccurate assumptions

Increased sensitivity of bodily sensation

PD/A treatments biological


PD/A Treatments psychological

Cognitive restructuring


Phobia criteria

Marked fear of object or situation

Actively avoids anxiety

Fear is out of proportion to actual danger

6 months

Impaired functionality

Types of specific phobia

Blood injury injection


Natural environment

Animal type


Specific phobias causes biological

Inherited vulnerability


Specific phobias causes psychological

Traumatic exposure



Information transmission

Specific phobia treatment



Systematic desensitization

Fear hierarchy


Social anxiety disorder criteria

Anxiety of social situation exposed to possible scrutiny

Fears will be negatively evaluated

Social situations are avoided

Fear is out of proportion

6 months

Impairs functionality

Performance only

Social phobia causes biological

Inherited vulnerability


Social phobia causes psychological

Traumatic exposure


Overly focused on negative self evaluation


Social phobia treatment biological

MAOIs (breaks down norepinephrine/ can cause stroke)

SSRIs (increase serotonin)

Social phobia treatment psychological

Group CBT

Social skills training

Body dysmorphic disorder

Overly emphasis on a part of their body

Hoarding disorder

Accumulate things


Excessive hair pulling to relieve anxiety


Pick at skin excessively

Acute stress disorder

Ptsd but can be diagnosed soon/ dealing w/ for 3 daysbut less than a month


Persistent thoughts urges or images / intrusive and unwanted / cause anxiety for distress

They attempt to ignore or suppress thoughts with another action


Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that someone does to reduce anxiety

Time consuming

1 hour per day

Cause distress

Specify awareness

OCD Causes biological

Generalized vulnerability

Low serotonin activity

OCD Causes psychological

Operant Conditioning

Yedasentience (lack of knowing when enough is enough)

Enhance thought action fusion (some thoughst are unacceptable)

OCD Treatments biological


OCD Treatments psychological

Exposure woth reponse prevention

Cognitive restructuring

PTSD Criteria

Exposed to actual or threatened death

Presence of one or more intrusive symptoms

Recurrent Involuntary distressing memories

Recurrent distressing dreams of the trauma

Dissociative reactions

Distress at exposure

Marked physiological reaction to trauma cues

PTSD Criteria pt. 2

Negative alterations in cognition 2 or more is needed

Inability to remember trauma

Persistent or exaggerated megative beliefs about self, others and world

Persistent negative emotional state

Lack of interest in activities

Feeling detached from others

Inability to experience positive emotions

PTSD Criteria pt 3.

Marked alterations in arousal or reactivity 2 or more needed

Irritable behavior w/ angry outburst

Reckless or self destructive behavior


Exaggeration startle response

Problem with concentration

Sleep disturbance

Longer than a month

PTSD Causes features of trauma

Intensity of exposure/ proximity

Duration of exposure

Extent of threat posed

Natural vs Man made

PTSD Causes features of person

Pretrauma psychological adjustments

Family history

Cognitive and coping styles

Feelings of guilt

PTSD Causes features of the post trauma environment

Availability and quality of social support

Additional major stressors

PTSD Treatments biological


PTSDs Treatments psychological

Exposure technique

Cognitive techniques

Major depressive disorder

Episodes of depression

Persistent depressive disorder

Depression for at least 2 years

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Mood swings right before period

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

Extreme outburst / temper tantrums

Cyclothymic disorder

Episode of depression and hyper mania over 2 years

Major depressive episode

At least 5bfor at least 2 weeks. Must have one of the first symptoms.

Depressed mood most of day everyday

Loss of interest and pleasure in activities

Significant appetite/ weight changes

Sleep problems

Psychomotor agitation or retardation

Fatigue, loss of energy

Feeling of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt

Can't concentrate or make decisions

Recurrent thoughts of death

Manic episode

Period of abnormally and elevated mood

At least 3 symptoms

Inflated self esteem

Decreased need for sleep


Racing thoughts



Risky activity

Major depressive disorder

Presence of a major depressive ep

Never been a manic or hypomanic ep


Single episode or recurrent

Hypomanic episode

Elevated, expansive irritable mood for at least 4 days

Same type of symptoms as manic

Not severe

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)

Depressed mood for at least 2 years

Two or more of the following

Poor appetite or overeating

Insomnia or hypersomnia

Low energy

Low self esteem

Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions

Feeling of hopelessness

Symptoms absent for no more than 2 months

Lasts for at least 2 years

Never manic, mixed or hypomanic ep

Bipolar 1 disorder

Presence of a manic, hypomanic, or major depressive epç history of a manic ep

Significant distress or impairment

Bipolar 2 disorder

At least one or more hypomanic ep past or present

One or more major depressive ep past or present

Never been a manic ep

Cause significant impairment

Cyclothymic disorder

At least 2 years, numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for full ep

Symptoms absent for no more than 2 months

No major depressive, manic, or hypomanic ep

Causes significant impairment

Cyclothymic disorder specifiers

Seasonal pattern

Rapid cycling

Mood congruent psychotic features

Mood incongruent psychotic features

Mixed features

Catatonic features

Melancholic features

Atypical features

Postpartum onset

With anxiety

Suicide risk severity

MDD biological perspective

Genetic vulnerability - 37

Decreased sensitivity in serotonin receptors

Norepinephrine not as effective

Dopamine non sensitive reward sensation

Brain activation abnormalities

Increased amygdala and anterior cingulate responces (not feel good)

Decreased hippocampus (ability to manage emotion)

High cortisol (stress hormone)

MDD Behavioral

Lewinsohn's operant Conditioning paradigm:

Behaviors we engage in an reinforced

Mastery vs. Pleasure reinforcers

Absence of reinforcers lead to extinction of behaviors

3 reasons for lack of reinforcement

Environment (divorce etc)

Skill deficit inhibits obtainment (not able to do something)

R available but person cannot enjoy (anxiety stops people )

Maintenance of depression

MDD Cognitive

Learned helpless (they can't do anything about it)

Hopelessness (it's not going to change)





Beck's cognitive theory of depression

Core of depression is distorted cognitions

Develop negative schemas as children

Upsetting situations trigger negative thinking

Negative view of self

Negative view of world

Negative view of future

Errors of thinking

Artifact theory

Women are more likely to be diagnosed

Hormone theory

Hormonal shifts

Quality of life

More likely to experience a trauma

Lack of control

Less control of their life

Reaction to stress

Women ruminate on a stressful situation

MDD Biological treatments


MAO inhibitors (increase norepinephrine)

Tricyclics (can get addicted and die)


Electroconvulsive therapy

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

MDD Behavioral treatments

Increase individuals rate of reinforcement

Decrease depressive behaviors

Social skills training

Cognitive therapy for MDD

Behavioral activation

Thought records

Hypothesis testing

Alter basic beliefs



Automatic thoughts

Rational response


Social cultural treatment fo MDD

Interpersonal therapy

Identify core problems

Interpersonal loss

Interpersonal role disputes

Interpersonal role transition

Interpersonal deficits

Develop strategies for resolving the problem

Bipolar treatment biological

Mood stabilizers


Bipolar treatment psychological

Cognitive therapy and psycho education

Death seekers

Really want to commit suicide / violent ways

Death initiators

Do it to rush nature

Death ignorers

Ritualistic suicides / suicide bombers

Death darers

Don't actually want to die

Suicide risk factors


Stressful events

Mood and thought changes


Having a disorder


Suicidal assessment

Suicidal ideation

Specific plan

Means of carrying out plan

Life in order

Previous attempts

Presence of model




Protective factor

Suicide intervention

Validate feelings

No suicide contract

Take away means

Get support





Anorexia nervosa

Restrict energy intake

Low body weight

85% or below fixed body weight

Fear of gaining weight


Binging and purging small amount

3 months

Bulimia nervosa

Recurrent episodes on binge eating

2 hours of eating more

Inappropriate compensatory behavior

Once a week for 3 months

Reactions to bulimia

Salivary gland enlarged

Erosion of teeth

Scarring on fingers

Kidney failure

Binge eating disorder

Recurrent binging, no purging

3 or more of the following

Eat rapidly

Eating until uncomfortable

Eating when not hungry

Eating alone

Feeling disgusting

Once a week for three months

Biological components


History of being overweight

Parental obesity

Low serotonin

Increase dopamine

Psychological factors



Can't tolerate negative emotion


Overprotective parents

Modeling of perfection

Interparental conflict

Social cultural factors

Society and being thin

Stigma against being overweight

Unrealistic body type

Treatment for anorexia

No effective drugs


Family therapy

Cognitive behavior

Treatment for bulimia


Plan and monitor eating schedule

Change attitudes and beliefs

Coping skills