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15 Cards in this Set

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Major depressive disorder

Depressed mood for at least two weeks. Fatigue, loss of energy and pleasure, hopelessness, thoughts of death or suicide, 10% commit suicide

Treatment: antidepressants (increase serotonin/norepinephrine, cognitive behavior therapy (corrects irrational depressive thinking)

Persistent Depressive Disorder

low level depression lasting at least two years. Irritability, sleep disturbances, pessimistic, negative.

Bipolar I Disorder

one or more manic episodes lasting at least one week (or less if hospitalized) abnormally elevated mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, loud speech, dangerous behavior, delusions hallucinations if severe

Treatment: mood stabilizers (Lithium, Depakote) or antipsychotics (abilify seroquel) supportive therapy(recognize symptoms, cope with illness)


chronic long term illness, hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking. "Negative" symptoms: social withdrawal, lack of motivation, flat effect

Rates: males get it earlier (late teens early 20's), females get it later (have better prognosis). Males have more negative symptoms, 10% commit suicide

Causes: too much dopamine causes psychotic symptoms. Exposure to viruses and toxins before birth. Enlarged ventricles. Genetic.

Maternal malnutrition, preeclampsia, birth during winter/early spring, perinatal brain damage

Treatment: antipsychotic medication, social skills training, family therapy/support. Medication: thorazine, mellarill, navane, haloperidol. (side effects: tremors, muscle stiffness)

Personality Disorders

Enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the individuals culture. Manifested in at least two: cognition, emotional, interpersonal functioning, impulse control

Cluster A: Odd/Eccentric

Paranoid PD: pattern of mistrust/suspiciousness of others motives, hold grudges, sensitive to criticism, quick to anger

Schizoid PD: detachment from social relationships, restricted emotional range

Schizotypal: uncomfortable in close relationships, perceptual distortions, odd behavior, dress strangely, talk in a peculiar way

Cluster B: Dramatic/Emotional/Erratic

narcissistic, histrionic, antisocial, borderline

Histrionic PD

dramatic, needy, attention-seeking, excessively emotional. Must be center of attention, life of the party. Sexual seductive, provocative. Rapidly shifting emotions. Uses physical appearance to get attention, very theatrical. Common in females.

Narcissistic PD

grandiose, need for recognition/admiration, lack empathy, exaggerated sense of self importance. Fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, or ideal love. Believe they are special and should only associate with special or high-status people. Exploit others. Jealous, or believe others are jealous of them. Arrogant, condescending.

Borderline PD

Borderline PD: instability in relationships, poor self-image, impulsive, self harming (suicidal gestures), intense fear of being rejected. "Black and white thinking". Substance abuse, more common in women, history of abuse, "I hate you, don't leave me"

Antisocial PD

Antisocial PD: disregard for law/rules, lack of remorse and empathy, lack of guilt, difficulty controlling behavior, substance abuse. History of bed wetting, fire setting, and cruelty to animals. Cannot be diagnosed before 18. More males

Cluster C

anxious, fearful. avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive,

Avoidant PD

social inhibition, feel inadequate, sensitive to criticism

Dependent PD

needy, submissive, great need to be taken care of, trouble making decisions. Let's others make major life decisions for them. Endure abusive relationships in order to be cared for.

Obsessive Compulsive PD

preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and control. Focus on small details, believes rules must always be followed. Prone to repetition. Inflexible to terms or morals, ethics, or values