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71 Cards in this Set

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Disorders that result in "acting out" behavior rather than "turning in" behavior are called?
Externalizing Disorders
What are the five major symptoms of externalizing disorders?
- rule violations
- negativity, anger, and aggression
- impulsivity
- hyperactivity
- attention deficits
For Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: what are the six symptoms on inattention?
- Careless mistakes, inattention to detail
- Problems sustaining attention
- Does not seem to listen
- Does not follow through on instructions
- Difficulty organizing tasks and activities
- Reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort
- Loses things necessary for tasks or activities
- Easily distracted
- Forgetful of daily activities
For Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: what are the six symptoms on hyperactivity?
- Fidgety
- Leaves seat in classroom
- Runs around excessively in inappropriate settings
- Difficult playing quietly
- Always “on the go”
- Talks excessively
For Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: what are the three symptoms on impulsivity?
- Blurts our answers before question completed
- Difficulty awaiting turn
- Interrupts or intrudes on others
To be diagnosed with ADHD as a child, how many settings must the child be impaired in?
at least two settings
What is the major characteristic of combine type ADHD?
Child has both inattention and hyperactivity symptoms
What percentage of clinic-referred children with ADHD fall into the combined type?
What are four major characteristics inattentive type ADHD?
- Less likely to show conduct problems and aggression
- Less likely to be rejected by peers
- More likely to have anxiety or depression
- Respond to lower doses of stimulant medication
What percentage of clinic-referred children with ADHD fall into the predominately inattentive type?
What percentage of school-age children have ADHD?
Which type of ADHD has less pronounced gender differences?
Predominantly inattentive type
Symptoms of ADHD can appear as early as what age, and in what setting is it usually diagnosed?
3-4yrs; elementary school
What percentage of children diagnosed with ADHD will still have clinically significant levels of symptoms in adulthood?
What are the four types of treatment of ADHD?
- Psychostimulants
- Antidepressants
- Behavioral Family Therapy
- The MTA Study
What is the most commonly used treatment for ADHD?
What are the eight characteristics used to diagnose ODD?
- Loses temper
- Argues with adults
- Actively defies
- Deliberately annoys people
- Blames others for his/her mistakes
- Touchy or easily annoyed
- Angry or resentful
- Spiteful and vindictive
How many of the eight characteristics for ODD must a child have, and for how long, before being diagnosed?
4 characteristics, 6months
Most children who develop CD start by showing which other external disorder first?
Most children with ODD do not develop which other common external disorder?
Repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated is called?
Conduct Disorder
What are the four characteristics used to diagnose CD in children?
- Aggression to people and/or animals
- Destruction of property
- Deceitfulness or theft
- Serious violations of rules
Which onset of CD is positively correlated with prison stays?
earlier onset
Which is the more chronic subtype of CD?
childhood onset
What is the percentage of boys and girls, who were referred for treatment for CD, that were imprisoned at least once?
43% of boys
12% of girls
What percentage of U.S. children have either ODD or CD
What is the most common reason that children and adolescents are referred to treatment for ODD or CD?
Conduct problems
What are the five treatments for ODD/CD?
- Behavioral family therapy
- Multisystemic therapy
- Multidimensional foster care treatement
- Juvenile court
What kind of psychopathology approach is absolutely essential to disorders of childhood?
developmental psychopathology
When do psychologists become concerned only when a child's behavior deviates substantially from?
developmental norms
Which types of disorders create difficulties for the child's external world?
externalizing disorders
What are psychological problems that primarily affect the child's internal world?
internalizing disorders
Children with which kind of disorders often break rules, are angry and aggressive, impulsive, overactive, and inattentive?
externalizing disorders
Many externalizing symptoms involve violations of?
age appropriate rules
Some misconduct is normal and perhaps?
even healthy
According to the FBI 30.9% of of arrests for what, were of young people under the age of 21?
index offensives
What percentage of juvenile offenders account for half of all juvenile arrests?
What is a cluster of problems, as opposed to a symptom?
Children of different ages are likely to violate?
very different rules
What is important to consider in relation to the timing as well as the nature of the rule violations?
children's age
Children with externalizing disorders violate rules?
at a younger age then is developmentally normal
Teenagers often violate the rules laid down by society as a means of?
asserting their independence
Externalizing behavior that ends along with the teen years is called?
Social behavior that continues into adult life is called?
Externalizing disorders that begin before adolescence are more likely to?
persist over the individual's life course
People judge children harshly if their intent is selfish and?
they show little remorse
Many impulsive children are trying to?
Impulsive children struggle with which function, the internal direction of behavior?
executive function
Reports from teachers are critical in identifying hyperactive behavior because?
hyperactive behavior is most noticeable in the classroom
What are characterized by distractibility, frequent shifts from one uncompleted activity to another, careless mistakes, poor organization, and general "spaciness"?
attention deficits
Sustained Attention is?
the problem with "staying on task"
Which test is commonly used in a laboratory as a measure of sustained attention?
continuous performance test
What are the three divisions the DSM-IV-TR makes regarding externalizing disorders?
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD)
Conduct Disorder (CD)
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is usually comorbid with which other externalizing disorder?
Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD)
Which externalizing disorder does not predict adult antisocial personality disorder?
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
25% of children with ODD or ADHD also have?
a learning disorder
What are the three subtypes of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
predominantly inattentive
predominantly hyperactive-impulsive
Most experts view which two subtypes of ADHD as one disorder?
predominantly hyperactive-impulsive and combined
What are acts that are illegal only because of the youth's status as a minor?/b
status offenses
Juvenile delinquency is a?
legal classification
Between 3-5% of children where are estimated to have ADHD?
the United States
Estimates of children who have ADHD in Eruope are?
much lower, around 1-2%
5-15% of the youth in the US may have?
ODD and/or CD
After the first few years of life, from 2-10 times as many who as who have and externalizing disorder?
boys as girls
The prevalence of externalizing behavior?
decreases with age
The Family Adversity Index includes which six family predictors?
low income
overcrowding in the home
maternal depression
paternal antisocial behavior
conflict between the parents
removal of the child from the home
Difficult temperament, neuropsychologial abnormalities and genetics are all what kind of factors?
biological factors
What is the inborn behavioral characteristics of a youth?
Abnormal CT scans is an example of what kind of sign of brain damage?
hard sign
Delays in fine motor skills is an example of what kind of sign of brain damage?
soft sign
Which externalizing disorder do genes contribute the most too?
ODD and CD