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49 Cards in this Set

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A structured form of
treatment derived from a psychological
framework that consists of one or more verbal
interactions or treatment session between a
client and a therapist.
The method of
Psychotherapy deveLoped by Sigmund freud.
Psychodynamic therapy
Therapy that
heLps individuals gain insight into, and
unconscious confLicts.
free association
the method of
urbanizing thoughts as they occur Without a
conscious attempt to edit or censure them.
TRansference relationship
the clients transfer or
generalization to the analyst of feeLings and
atitudes the client holds toward important
figures in his or her life
behavior therapy
The therapeutic
application of learning-based techniques.Focus on changing behavior not personality change
person-centered therapy
The establishment of a warm, accepting
therapeutic relationship that frees clients to
engage in self-exploration and achieve
Cognitive therapy
A form of therapy that
helps clients identify and correct maLadaptive
cognitions (thoughts, beliefs, and atitudes)
believed to underlie their emotional probLems
self-defeating behavior.
Rational emotive behavior therapy
A therapeutic approach that focuses
heLping clients repLace irrational,
maLadaptive beLiefs with alternative, more
adaptive beliefs.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Learning-based approach to therapy
incorporating cognitive and behavioral
antianxiety drugs
Drugs that combat
anxiety and reduce states of muscLe tension.
antipsychotic drugs
used to treat
shcizophrenia or other psychotic disorders.
antidepressants Orugs
used to treat
depression that affect the avaiLability of
neurotransmitters in the brain.
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
method of treating severe depression by
,administering electrical shock to the head.
he poLicy of
shifting care for patients with severe or
chronic mental heaLth probLems from
npatient faciLities to community-based
Adjustment Disorders
are charac-
terized by emotional reactions that are greater than normally
expected given the circumstances or by evidence of significant impairment in functioning. Impairment usually
the form of problems at work or school, or in social relationships or activities.
An emotional state characterized
by physioLogical arousal, unpLeasant feeLings
of tension, and a sense of apprehension or
anxiety disorders
A cLass of
psychoLogical disorders characterized by
excessive or maLadaptive anxiety reactions.
panic disorder
A type of anxiety disorder
characterized by repeated episodes of intense
anxiety or panic which involves intense physical features, notably cardiovascular symptoms
specific phobia
A phobia that is specific
to a particular object or situation.
s derived from Greek words meaning"fear of
market place," which suggests a fear of being out in open, busy areas.
obsessive-compulsive disorder
A type
of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent
obsessions, compulsions, or both.
A recurring thought or image
that the individual cannot control.
A repetitive or rituaListic
behavior that the person feed compelled
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
type of anxiety disorder involving persisten aniety that seems to be "free floating" or not tied to specific situation
Phobic Disorder
phobias are excessive irrational fears of specific object or situations.Involve behavioral component, avoidance of the phobic stimulus.
Acute Stress Disorder
traumatic stress reaction occurs in days and weeks following exposure to a traumatic event
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
persist for months or even years or decade after the traumatic experience and may not begin until months or years after the even.It intense flash bakc and patients don't want to talk about it.
dissociative disorder
A disorder
characterized by disruption, or dissociation,
identity, memory, or consciousness.
dissociative identity disorder
dissociative disorder in which a person has
two or more distinct, or alter, personalities.
dissociative amnesia
A dissociative
disorder in which a person experiences
memory Loss without any identifiable organic
dissociative fugue
dissociative disorder that the person suddenly travels away from home or place or works, shows a loss of memory for his or her personal past and experiences identitiy confusion or takes on a new identity
depersonatization disorder
characterized by persistent or recurrent
episodes of depersonalization.
Somatoform Disorders
A disorder
characterized by compLaints of physical
problems or symptoms that cannot be
expLained by physical causes.
Conversion Disorder
-change or loss of a physicaL function without
Medical cause
dysmorphic disorder
people are preoccupied with an imagined or exag-
erased defect in their physical appearance.
Somatization disorder
have multiple recurrent complaints of physical
symptoms that have persists for many years and that can-
be accounted for by organic causes
Scientific method
A systematic method
conducting scientific research in which
theories or assumptions are examined in the
Bight of evidence.
An assumption that is tested
Informed Consent
The principLe that
subjects should receive enough information
about an experiment beforehand to decide
freely whether to participate.
Longitudinal study
A research study in
which subjects are foLLowed over time.
Experimental method
A scientific
method that aims to discover cause-and-
EffeCt relationships by manipuLating
Idependent variabLes and observing the
effects on the dependent variables.
an inert medication or bogus
treatment that is intended to control for
Expectancy effects.
internal validity
The degree to which
manipulation of the independent variables
can be causaLly related to changes in the
dependent variabLes.
External Validity
The degree to which
experimental resuLts can be generaLized to
other settings and conditions.
construct validity
The degree to which
reatment effects can be accounted for by the
mechanisms (constructs)
represented in the independent variabLes.
the set of traits specified
individuaL's genetic code.
An individuaL's actuaL or
expressed traits
Culture-bound syndromes
Patterns of
Abnormal behavior found within only one or a