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31 Cards in this Set

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a common emotion characterized by physical symptoms, future-oriented thoughts, and escape or avoidance behavior
fight or flight
a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system activated by stress or fear that includes increased heart rate, enhanced muscle activity, and increased respiration
sympathetic nervous system
part of the autonomic nervous system that activates the body for fight-or-flight response
parasympathetic nervous system
part of the automnomic nervous system that counteracts the effects of system activation by slowing down heart rate and respiration, returning the body to a resting state
panic attack
a discrete period of intense fear or dicomfort and a cascade of physical symptoms
apprehensive (negative) expectations or outcomes about the future or the past that are considered to be unreasonable in light of the actual situation
anxiety disorders
a group of disorders characterized by heightened physical arousal, cognitive/subjective distress, and behavioral avoidance of feared objects/situations/events
generalized panic disorder
excessive worry about future events, past transgressions, financial status, and the health of oneself and loved ones
social phobia
pervasive pattern of social timidity characterized by fear that the person will behave in a way that will be humiliating or embarrassing
specifc phobias
severe or persistent fears of circumscribed events, objects, or situations that lead to significant disruption in areas of functioning
vasovagal syncope
a common physiological response consisting of slow heart rate and low blood pressure that sometimes occurs in people with blood-injury-illness phobias
obsessive-compulsive disorder
a condition involving obsessions, often combined with compulsions (repetitive behavior) that can be extensive, time consuming, and distressful
intrusive thoughts
post-traumatic-stress disorder - DSM-IV
person has experienced a something horrific and responded with fear
Traumatic Event is persistently reexperienced
Avoidance of stimuli associated with event
Panic disorder w/out Agoraphobia - DSM-IV
Recurrent unexpected attacks followed by 1 month of persistent concern about more attacks
Worry abuot the meaning of the attack
Behavior change, e.g. avoidance, going to doctor/emergency room
Panic disorder w/ Agoraphobia - DSM-IV
Recurrent unexpected attacks followed by 1 month of persistent concern about more attacks
Worry abuot the meaning of the attack
Behavior change, e.g. avoidance, going to doctor/emergency room
Generalized Panic Disorder - DSM-IV
Excessive anxiety & worry that is difficult to control, occurs more days than not and lasts for at least 6 months
Worry encompasses many different events or activities
Physical symptoms: restlessness, irritability, sleep problems
Social Phobia - DSM-IV
Pattern of social timidity for fear of humiliation/embarrassment
Possibilility of panic attacks, except in children who may cry or have a tantrum instead
Avoidance is NOT necessary for diagnosis
Specific Phobia - DSM-IV
Fear that is excessive/unreasonable and occurs only in the presence of a specific object or situation
When in the presence of a specific object or situation, anxiety occurs and possibly panic attack
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - DSM-IV
Presence of obsession, compulsions or both
Compulsions that the person feels compelled to do are a result of a reducing the distress of the obsession
Separation anxiety disorder - DSM-IV
Excessive and inappropriate anxiety concerning separation from caregiver
trait anxiety
anxiety-pronesness; a personality trait that exists along a dimension, with those high on this dimension being more "reactive" to stressful events and therefore more likely to develop a disorder
the percentage of variance in liability to the disorder accounted for by genetic factors
behavioral inhibition
a tempermental feature characterized by withdrawal from (or failure to approach) novel people, objects, or situations
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI)
Drugs thought to correct serotonin imbalances by increasing the time that the neurotransmitter remains in the synapse
overcoming of fear by actual or imagined contact with the feared object/event
Four groups of Specific Phobias
Natural environment
Inhibits post-synaptic activity; Meds that increase GABA efficiency are good for anti-anxiety
Cortico-releasing factor; Stimulates production of ACTH
adrenocorticotropic Hormone; produced in response to biological stress causing increased production and release of corticosteroids
hormones involved in stress response