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43 Cards in this Set

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What is Anorexia Nervosa?
the refusal to maintain minimally normal body weight.
Extreme emaciation.
What is Amenorrhea?
the absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles
In AN, what's the difference between restricting type and binge-eating/purge type?
Restricting type- during the current episode, the person has not regularly engaged in binging or purging behavior.

Bing-eating/purge type- the person has regularly engaged in binging or purging behavior.
What is Bulimia nervosa?
repeated episodes of binge eating, followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, or excessive excercise.
growing of fine hair on body, happens in Anorexia
the regurgitation and rechewing of food.
What's the cause of eating disorders?
psychological, social, and biological influences
Psychological Influences:
Normal shortcomings are more traumatic and a normal body a sign of imperfection. Often associated with obsessiveness
Psychological Influences:
people with eating disorders are often not tuned in to how they feel (or how hungry they are).
Lack of interoceptive awareness
Psychological Influences:
Eating disorders serve as desperate attempts to regulate overwhelming negative affects and to construct a coherent sense of self when internal structures are lacking
difficulty regulating emotion
Psychological Influences:
Girls with this are
at increased risk for EDs. Furthermore, dieting,
which is highly prone to disruptions that result in
overeating, often produces a downward spiraling of
this that contributes more specifically to
EDs (as opposed to, say, depression). Distorted
preoccupation with the social self may lead to a
sense of feeling governed by external rather than
internal standards.
low self-esteem
all roads to eating disorders appear to run through this concept
body dissatisfication
Treatment for AN?
-team approach and weight gain are crucial.
-psychological treatments (often involves family)
Treatment for BN?
-antidepressants help from binging and purging, but not good for long-term
-psychlogical treatment (individual, group, family)---
-CBT works faster
-interpersonal psychotherapy has long-term gains similiar to CBT
What is personality?
refers to the enduring patterns of thinking and behavior that define a person and distinguish him or her from others. E.g., Expressing emotion, patterns of thinking about ourselves and others.
What are the 5 categories of Personality Disorders?
agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability, and openness to experience.
A personality disorder...
emphasizes the duration of the pattern and the social impairment associated with the traits in question
Cluster A: PDs
-people who often appear odd or eccentric
Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal
Cluster B: PDs
-people who often appear dramatic, emotional, or erratic
Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic
Cluster C: PDs
- people who often appear anxious or fearful
Avoidant, Dependent, and Obsessive-Compulsive
Paranoid PD
distrust and suspiciousness of others
Schizoid PD
detachment from social relationships and restricted range of expression of emotions
-don't experience sadness, anger, happiness..
Schizotypal PD
discomfort with close relationships; cognitive and perceptual distortions; eccentricities of behavior.
-report bizarre fantasies and unusual perceptual experiences
Antisocial PD
disregard for and frequent violation of the rights of others
-irritable, aggressive, impulsive, reckless, and irresonsible.
Borderline PD
instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, emotions, and control over impulses.
-do not like to be alone
-form intense, unstable relationships
-mood shifts rapidly
Histrionic PD
excessive emotionality and attention seeking
-self-centered, vain, demanding
-constantly seek approval by others
-have intact sense of own identity and better capacity for stable relationships
Narcissistic PD
grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy
What is the main difference between narcissistic and borderline PD
The distinction between these disorders hinges on the inflated sense of self-important that is found in narcissistic PD and the deflated sense of self found in Borderline PD
Avoidant PD
social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation
-unlike schizoid PD, they want to be liked by others but are extremely shy
Dependent PD
excessive need to be taken care of, leading to submissive and clinging behavior
-may be extremely reluctant to leave home in order to attend college
Obsessive-Compulsive PD
preoccupation with orderliness and perfectionism at the expense of flexibility.
-more concerned with personality traits than anxiety (OCD)
Whats a difference between avoidant and dependent PD?
people who are avoidant have trouble initiating a relationship and people who are dependent have trouble being alone or separating from other people with whom they already have a close relationship
According to Cleckley (1941), what is a psychopath?
A psychopath is a person who is intelligent and
superficially charming but is also chronically deceitful, unreliable, and incapable or learning from experience.
Problems with DSM classificationof PDs
1. interrater reliability is consistently low
2. comorbidity is a HUGE problem (50% of patients meet diagnostic criteria for another disorder, 75% of Axis2 meet criteria for major depression, substance dependence, or anxiety disorder
3. Problems setting thresholds and need for 10
diagnoses on Axis II.
Antisocial PD
A. pattern of disregard for and violation of rights of others ocurring since age 15 as indicated by 3 or more signs.
B. atleast 18 years old
C. evidence of disorder before age 15
ASPD- What maintains
1. limited range of behavioral skills

2. progressive ensnarement in the antisocial lifestyle
why is there an inability to learn from past experiences with those with ASPD?
1. Psychopaths are emotionally impoverished and show no fear or anxiety

2. inability to shift attention
What treatment is used for BPD?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
increasing amounts required to achieve same effect. less sensitive to drug affects
negative physical reactions to quitting
What are the mose addictive substances?
cocaine, methamphetamines, and nicotine.
what is the life expectancy of an alcoholic
55 years
What is an amnestic disorder?
a form of cognitive disorder characterized by memory impairments that are more limited or circumscribed than those seen in dementia or delirium.