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52 Cards in this Set

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Somatic symptom

Preoccupation with health or appearance, physical complaints, no identifiable medical condition

Physical symptoms but nothing is really wrong

Illness anxiety disorder

Less concerned with physical symptoms but worried that illness is inevitable and sickness has arrived

Not sick but think their sick

Conversion disorder

Physical malfunctioning, such as paralysis, blindness, or difficulty speaking, without any physical or organic pathology

Wake up and can't see or wake up and can't walk but your legs are fine

Fictitious disorder

Intentionally produced symptoms in another person

Faking or exaggerating an illness or injury



Feeling disconnected from ones physical body

Dreaming state

Localized dissociative amnesia

Don't remember things around a traumatic event

Can't remember things before and after a car accident

Generalized dissociative amnesia

Don't remember things at any random time

Can't remember what you did yesterday

Dissociative fugue

Can't remember things around a traumatic event and causes flight

See something that triggers a bad memory and you start to run

Dissociative identity disorder

Adopt several new identities or "alters"

Multiple personality disorder


No more pleasure in things you used to like to do

Result of major depression

What is Aaron Beck's cognitive triad?

1) life sucks 2) can't do anything about it 3) it will never improve

Signs of suicide

What is persistent depressive disorder?

Mild symptoms and you are able to function

Also called dysthymia

What is double depression

Regular depression with even worse depressive phases

Dysthymia+major depression

What are atypical features?

Oversleeping and over eating

Weird features

What are atypical features?

Oversleeping and over eating

Weird features

What are catatonic features?


What is pathological grief?

2 years of grieving

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

PMS on steroids

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

Bipolar in children

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

Bipolar in children

Bipolar 1

More serious depression

Major depressive and manic tendencies

Bipolar 2

Milder bipolar

Hypomania with less severe depression

Bipolar 2

Milder bipolar

Hypomania with less severe depression

Cyclothymic disorder

Less severe than bipolar 1and 2 but still have mood swings

Bipolar 2

Milder bipolar

Hypomania with less severe depression

Cyclothymic disorder

Less severe than bipolar 1and 2 but still have mood swings

Who is more likely to have bipolar disorder


Bipolar 2

Milder bipolar

Hypomania with less severe depression

Cyclothymic disorder

Less severe than bipolar 1and 2 but still have mood swings

Who is more likely to have bipolar disorder


Conduct disorder

Not follow rules, hurting animals, hard ass behavior

What is the stress hormone released by the adrenal gland?


Stress hormones block neurons growth

What is the cause of depression?

Interactions between serotonin, epheranepheran, and dopamine

Who came up with learned helplessness?


Who came up with learned helplessness?


What is the go to drug to fight depression?

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (ssri)

What drug stabilizes mood?


What drug stabilizes mood?


What is just as affective as cognitive therapy in treating depression?

Interpersonal psychotherapy

Who created social rhythm therapy?

Ellen franks

What is the 11th leading cause of death?


Bulimia nervous

Eating a lot then throwing up the food

Ashamed of their problem and they are normal weight

Bulimia nervous

Eating a lot then throwing up the food

Ashamed of their problem and they are normal weight

Anorexia nervosa

Refusing to eat

Refuse treatment and severely under weight

What disorder commonly follows anorexia?


What is amenorrhea?

Women's period stops due to anorexia

What is a medication for bulimia?


What is binge eating disorder?

Same as bulimia without throwing up.

Can't stop eating

What are dyssomnias?

How well you sleep

What are parasomnias?

Strange things you do during your sleep


Over sleeping

Cataplectic attack

Where you suddenly fall asleep