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21 Cards in this Set

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What is the normal lab value ranges of WBC's?
What is the normal lab value ranges of Hgb?
Male-> 14-18
Female-> 12-16
What is the normal lab value ranges of Hct?
Male-> 45-60%
female-> 37-47%
What are the normal lab ranges for RBC's?
What are the normal lab ranges for platelets?
What are the normal lab ranges for PT, PTT, and INR?
PT-> 11-15 sec
PTT-> 25-35 sec
INR-> 0.9-1.2 sec
What are the normal lab ranges for sodium?
137-147 mEq/L
What are the normal lab ranges for potassium?
3.5-5.0 mEq/L
what are the normal lab ranges for BUN?
10-30 mg/dl
What are the normal lab ranges for creatinine?
What are the normal lab ranges for chloride?
95-105 mEq/L
What are the normal lab ranges for CO2?
20-30 mEq/L
What are the normal lab ranges for glucose?
70-100 mg/dl
What are the normal lab ranges for magnesium?
1.5-2.5 mEq/L
What are the normal lab ranges for albumin?
3.5-5.0 mEq/L
What are the normal lab ranges for total protein?
6-8 g/dl
What is the purpose of an assessment?
-Initial assessment gives us a baseline for patient's overall condition
-ongoing assessments help to recognize subtle changes that may occur and allow for early intervention
What are the components of an assessment?
-Health History which includes: medical history, allergies and current medications
-Patient Interview: used for accuracy in info and possible knowledge deficits
-Objective data
-Subjective data
What needs to be completed prior to the head to toe assessment?
-Vital signs including pain
-Assess general appearence
-Mental status (needs to be individual to pt.)
-Weight (daily weights to compare with baseline)
What are the early signs and symptoms of inadequate oxygenation?
-Dyspnea on excertion
-unexplained restlessness/irritability
-Mild hypertension
-Pale skin
-Capillary refill > 3 seconds
*early s/s in elderly->unexplained restlessness or irritability
What are the late signs and symptoms of inadequate oxygenation?
-use of accessory muscles or retractions
-SOB while speaking
-Cool, clammy skin