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5 Cards in this Set

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what is anxiety?
its a nervousness/abrihention(fear of the future) where the feelings are out of proportion to the danger
What is the criteria for un normal anxiety? AaaaaaaaaaaqqaqAaqqasqsa
1. How(what r u trying to do to make work in ur shed.) and if it affects ur functioning?

2. how persistent(everyday) or consistent(in school, at work) is it?

3. How extreme? (ex:heart pounding)

What are the 3 components that all Anxiety Disorders have?
1. Physical Component: shaking,sweating, fast heartbeat, dizziness, shortness of breath, tingles in their fingers, knots in their stomach

2. Behavioral Component: clingyness, dependency, "Just come w/me", we need other ppl (Avoidance Behavior: ex: avoid going out w/ friends)

3. Cognitive Component: doom & disastrous (girls they ruminate) & thoughts of "will I manage" "something wrong will happen." It is an extra awareness of physical symptoms. -- "I felt a movement in my kidney"

What are 2 new disorders added to Anxiety Disorders ?
1. Separation Anxiety Disorder: a lot of anxiety when they are separated by their caregiver. *** used to be in disorders in childhood. ex: when a parent gets crazy when a child goes away "don't go, don't go!" "I wont be able to manage." You threaten, you cry.

2: Selective Mutism Disoder-when a child selects/elects not to speak to certain social situations(social) but talks at home. only seen in kids. theyre not speaking bc they dont kw the language its bc too much anx. Kids wont speak in school for a whole yr but at home they cant stop. they play well with others. before we thought its was a conduct disorder in that they behaved that way bc they wanted to do that.

diagnostic criteria for selective mutism
1.constant failure to speak in specific social situations where there is an expectation for speaking despite speaking in social sit. '

2. disturbance interferes with educational/occupational(school, any job where u need to perform)

3. last for a month (not counting 1st month in school.

4. failure to speak is not bc lack of knowledge or discomfort with the language.