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24 Cards in this Set

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Somatoform Disorder
A physical illness or ailment that is explained largely by psychosocial causes, in which the patient experiences no sense of wanting or guyiding the symptoms
Hysterical Somatoform disorders
Somatoform disorders in which people suffer actual changes in their physical functioning
Conversion disorder
A somatoform disorder in which a psychosocial need or conflict is converted into dramatic physical symptoms that affect voluntary motor or sensory function
Somatization Disorder (briquet's Syndrome)
A somatoform disorder marked by numerous recurring physical ailments without an organic basis
Pain Disorder associated with psychological factors
A somatoform disorder marked by pain, with psycholsocial factors playing a central role in the onset, severity, or continuation of the pain
Factitious Disorder
An illness with no identifiable physical cause, in which the patient is believed to be intentionally producing or faking symptoms in order to assume a sick role.
Munchanusen syndrome
The extreme and chronic form of factitious disorder
Munchausen syndrom by proxy
A factitious disorder in which parents make up or produce illnesses in their children
Preoccupation somatoform dsorders
Disorders in which people misinterpret and overreact to minor, even normal, bodily symptoms or features
A Disorder in which people mistakenly fear that minor changes in their physical functioning indicate a serious disease
Body dysmorphic disorder
A disorder marked by excessive worry that some aspect of one's physical appearance is defective
Primary Gain
In psychodynamic theory, the gain achieved when hysterical symptoms elicit kindness from others or provide an excuse to avoid unpleasant activities
A sham treatment that a patient believes to be genuine
The faculty for recalling past events and past learning
Dissociative disorders
Disorders marked by major changes in memory that do not have clear physical causes
Dissociative amnesia
A dissociative disorder marked by an inability to recall important personal events and information
Dissociative fugue
A dissociative disorder in which a perosn travels to a new location and may assume a new identity, simultaneously forgetting his or her past
Dissociative identity disorder (Multiple personality disorder)
A dissociative disorder in which a person develops two or more distinct personalities
Subpersonalities (alternate personalities)
The two or more distinct personalities found in individuals suffering from mutiple personality disorder each with a unique set of memories behaviors, thought, and emotions.
Iatrogenic disorder
A disorder that is unintentionally caused by a practitioner
State-Dependent learning
Learning that becomes associated with the conditions under which it occurred, so that it is best remembered under the same conditions
The process of hypnotizing oneself, sometimes for the purpose of forgetting unpleasant events
Hypnotic therapy (Hypnotherapy)
A treatment in which the patient undergoes hypnosis and is then guided to recall forgotten events or perform other therapeutic activities
The final merging of two or more subpersonalities in multiple personality disorder