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47 Cards in this Set

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before meals
ad lib
as much as needed, as desired
alt dieb
alternate days
alt hor
alternate hour
alt noc
alternate nights
a, ante
twice a day
DC, disc
bedtime, hour of sleep
q h, qh
every hour
q m
every morning
after meals
prn, PRN
as necessary, whenever necessary
every day
q(2,3,4) h
Every (2,3,4) hours
qid, QID
Four times a day
Quantity not sufficient
Let it be repeated
tid, TID
Three times a day
What is an Allergy?
An individual hypersensitivity to a substance, usually an antibody-allergen reaction
What is an Allergen?
Any substance that causes allergy
Most common allergies are due to allergens such as...?
Pollens, Animal dander's, House dust, House dust mites, Molds, Certain drugs, Insect stings, many foods.
Other substances that may act as an allergen
Dyes, Perfumes, Cosmetics, Soaps, Detergents, Tobacco, Feathers, Fabrics, Smoke, Chemicals, Vapors, Games, Fumes, Metals, Latex
An allergic condition that may manifest itself as:
Hay fever, Asthma, Eczema, Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, Urticaria, Food Allergies, Occupational Allergy, Anaphylaxis
What is Anaphylaxis?
An allergic hypersensitivity reaction of the body to a foreign substance.
Symptoms of an allergic condition are:
Colic, sneezing, wheezing, couch, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dark circles under the eyes, redness of eyes and nose, tearing, noisy breathing, pain in forehead cheeks and teeth, skin rash
3 Basic types of allergy tests
1. Scratch (Epicutaneous) or Prick test
2. Patch Test
3. Intradermal Test
Scratch (Epicutaneous) or Prick test
Place a drop of the allergen on the skin and pass a sterile lancet or needle through the drop or scratch the skin and then place a drop of allergen on it.
Patch Test
placing the allergen on a gauze and place on patients arm with tape then read at 24 hours and again at 48 hours.
Intradermal Test
Injecting of allergen into the dermal layer, should have a wheal
Treatment methods
Avoidance, Drug Therapy, and Immunotherapy
avoid things that you are allergic to
Drug Therapy
Antihistamines, decongestants, corticosteroids, and cromolyn
allergy injections in the subcutaneous tissue, observe patient 15-30 minutes following injection
What in an infection?
Is the process or state whereby a pathogenic agent invades the body or a body part, multiples, and produces injury.
5 Natural defenses against microorganisms
1. Intact Skin
2. Cleansing action of body secretions
3. White Blood Cells
4. Body Chemicals
5. Anibodies
What are antibiotics used for?
To treat infectious diseases in plants, animals, and man
Emergency supplies and medications that should be available when administering any drug to a patient
Epinephrine/Adrenalin, Benadryl, Steroids, Aminophylline, Vasopressor, Blood Pressure Equipment, Oxygen, IV infusion materials, Oral Airways, Cardiac Support Systems
What is a Virus?
Minute organism that may invade normal cells and cause disease. Many viruses are considered to be harmless, yet others are the cause of approximately half of all infectious diseases.
What is Fungi?
Plantlike organisms that depends upon a host for their existence.
What are anti-fungal agents?
synthetic drugs that destroy or inhibit the growth of fungi/ They are also effective against yeast.
What is active immunization
it protects the body against a new infection as the result of antibodies that develop naturally after an initial infection or artificially after a vaccination
What is Passive Immunization?
antibodies that are transmitted naturally through the placenta to a fetus, it is not permanent