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61 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac muscle

myocardial cells with intercalated dics. b/t cells, function to move blood through vessels


Receiving chamber


Pumping chambers

Intercalated dics

Gap junction




inherent heart beat within, originating in the pacemaker

Superior/Inferior Vena Cava

Bring O2 low blood to the Right Atrium

Contraction of the right Atrium

Forces blood through the semi-lunar tricuspid valve into the right ventricles

Sinoatrial (S.A.)Node

Part of the Pacemaker

Fires every .8 sec. on Avg. for a total of 78 per min.

Contraction of Right Ventricles

forces blood into the trunk of the pulmonary arteries

The Pulmonary arteries

Transport O2 low blood to the lungs

The Pulmonary Veins

returns blood to the heart via the Left Atrium from the lungs

Contraction of the Left Atrium

Forcing blood to the Left Ventricles via the Bicuspid value (Mitral Valve)

Contraction of the Left Ventricle

Forcing blood to the Aorta via the Aorta Semi-ventricle valve


When blood flow backward through the valves that separate the various compartment of the circulatory system



S.A. Node

Located at the top Right of Atrium and never falling back completely to resting action potential. On average fires 70-80 times a minute.

Atrioventricular (A.V.) Node

Located at the bottom Left of the Atrium and traveled down the interventricular septum via the atrioventricular bundle to the base of both ventricle. Fires an average of 40 times a minute

Atrioventricular Bundle

The wiring that leads form the A.V node to the purkincle fibers

The purkincle fibers

The finer wiring that travel form the A.V. Bundles to the base of the ventricles. Fires an average of 15 time a minute.

Firing node hierarchy

S.A. Node: 70-80

A.V. Node: 40

Purkincle Fiber: 15

ECG Variable P

Sodium influx into atrial cells

ECG Variable QRS

Complex sodium influx in ventricular cells

ECG Variable T

Potassium efflux from ventricle

How much blood does the Cardiovascular system hold?

5 Liters


A solution containing:

-Red Blood cells

-White Blood cells


Has an Average temp. of 100.4^F/38^C


myocradial muscle

move blood

2nd only to the brain in O2 needs

Body Temp.



Carry blood away from the heart


The sight of gas exchange in the vessels


Carries blood toward the heart


Simple Squamous epithelium that continuously lines all the arteries, capillaries, and veins. Allow for diffusion.

Internal Elastic Lamina

The second layer artery from the inside


Tunica Media

The third layer artery from the inside

Smooth muscle

What is the Tunica Media responsible for?



Tunica Externa

Outer lining of the artery

Pressure damping

Caused by the elasticity of the arteries

Decreases the force on the smaller vessels

Pressure Reservior

Acts a secondary pump allowing for constant flow. This is possible b/c of the elasticity of vessels.


Small Arteries


Small Veins


The central tunnel that connect arterioles to venules. These tunnels branch out into capillaries.

How does the blood inter the capillaries?

A Pre-capillary Sphincter

What makes the Capillary?

Endothelium, and Basement membrane

Hypoxic Cells

Are found in the capillary bed releasing vasodilator substance, which causes the pre-capillary sphincters to dilate increasing the blood flow. A part of auto-regulation

Vasomotor center

controls the vaso-constriction in the vessels. Can be overridden by the auto-regulation

Emotional Shock

Can shut off the Vasomotor center causing a large de-flux of blood in the brain resulting in fantingW

What are the different resistances blood face?

-Friction: blood against the vessel walls


-length of vessels

-Vessel radius

What is the viscosity of blood?



Decreases radius and increase resistance. Increase blood pressure.


Increases the radius and decrease resistance. Decrease blood pressure.

What are the factors that can affect blood pressure?

-Heart Rate

-Blood Volume

-Peripheral Resistance

Increased heart rate yields what?

Increased Blood pressure

Decreased heart rate yields what?

Decreased Blood pressure

Blood Volume is directly proportional to what?

Blood Pressure

Systolic Pressure

-The highest pressure right after the ventricle contracts pushing blood into the Aorta.

-Avg. of 120mmHg

Diastolic Pressure

-The lowest pressure before the ventricle contracts to push the blood into the Aorta.


What are the circulatory system pressures?

-Aorta: 100mmHg

-Arterioles: 85mmHg

-Capillaries: 35mmHg

-Exist Capillary: 16mmHg

-Vena Cava: 2mmHg

-Right Atrium: 0mmHg

The summation of pressures that lead to the Net Filtration at the arterial end of the capillary

BHP (+35), BCOP (-26), IFOP (+1)

Total of (+10mmHg)

The summation of pressures that lead to the Net reabsorption at the venous end of the capillary

BHP(+16), BCOP(-26),IFOP(+1)

Total of (-9mmHg)

The Lymphatic capillaries

Pumps the remaining fluid left in the tissues, due to the difference of (+1mmHg) when reabsorption occurs, into the circulatory system.


Excess fluid build up w/i tissue. Caused by defective lymphatic capillaries.