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8 Cards in this Set

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Why the weak pulse in hypovolaemia?
Calf in shock
Less blood volume = less blood pumped around body
How do baroreceptors respond to low blood pressure?
Decreased firing to medulla oblongata
Reduced vagal tone
Increased heart rate and force, peripheral vasoconstriction,
Heart increases stroke volume
Why vaccinate cows and not calves?
Calves' immune system not fully developed
Maternal antibodies may be present
Long length of time between exposure and immune response
Types of viral infection?
Cytosidal - morphological changes to cell (CPE), inhibition of protein and DNA and RNA synthesis
Persistant non-cytosidal (productive) - no CPE, some loss of function?
Persistant non-cytosidal (non-productive) - no effects
Transformation - immortalised cells
How are viruses recognised by interferons?
Certain viral proteins recognised e.g. flagellum, double stranded RNA, viral glycoproteins, endotoxins - infected cell produces interferons which go to uninfected cells - pathogen recognition receptors
How do viruses evade IFN response?
Inhibit IFN-induced enzymes
Inhibit IFN-IFN receptor interaction
Why hyperkalaemia with diarrhoea?
Loss of K in diarrhoea
Because of acidosis, H ions in blood, body exchanges K for H using antiporter, so K in blood to raise pH
NaCl, water, HCO3