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42 Cards in this Set

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6 Common Symptoms of Organic Brain Disorders
1. impairment of orientation (may not know who they are or where they are)
2. impairment of memory
3. impairment of intellectual functioning (expressive and receptive language abilities)
4.impairment of judgement
5.inappropriate affect
6. loss of mental and emotional resilience
Which symptom is the most common
impairment of memory
filling in gaps of memory in stories by adding or making up stuff
8 Common Causes
cerebral infection
brain trauma
vascular accidents
brain tumor
degenerative disorders
nutritional deficiencies
endocrine disorders
toxic disorder
cerebral infection
can get cerebral abscess (direct contact or bacteria moves from elsewhere in the body)
encephalitis (virus infects brain from bugs)
meningitis (causes inflammation of brain/stem)
brain trauma
most common cause is car accidents
alcoholics and epileptics have unprotected falls
vascular accidents
cerebral occlusion (blockage)
cerebral hemorrhage (breakage)
cerebral occlusion
blockage typically caused by clotting after a stroke or heart attack
transient Ischemic Attacks
minor strokes that often go unnoticed
associated with behavioral changes
cerebral hemorrhage
breakage often associated cerebral aneurysm (a weakness in a blood vessel that may bubble up and expand till it bursts)
brain tumor
primary - originates in brain
secondary - metastasizes to brain
degenerative diseases
caused by general deterioration/progressive pahtological change
Huntington's Chorea
Huntington's Chorea
develop in 30's
many symptoms - disregard of social norms, violent outbursts, depression, poor memory/judgement, change in affect
choreafrom movements
explosive language
Choreaform movements
twitching, spasmatic movements
Nutritional Deficiencies
Korsakoff's Psychosis (B1, Thiamine)
Pellagra (B3, niacin)
Beriberi (B11, thiamine)
Endocrine Disorders
dysfunction of the thyroid or adrenal glands
hyperthyroidism - excessive thyroxin secretions, hallucinations, anxiety, motor movements
insight therapies (help them identify how they are dealing with the disorder and teach coping skills)
CBT can be helpful for Alzheimers patients to not be down on themselves
people deteriorate quickly without a loving supportive environment
conduct disorder
a type of developmental disorder
has under controlled, externalizing symptoms (affecting the lives of others)
Common characteristics
defiance, disobedience
vandalism, theft
early drug use
mugging, fire setting
abuse of animals
lack of emotional connection
Other facts:
more boys than girls, but girls catching up
increasing number of cases
parents often deny the problem
Socialization Correlates
lack a strong, affectionate bond with parents
parents fail to make firm moral demands
parents reward aggressive behavior
punish through power
School Phobia
miss many days of school a week
1-2% of population
more common in girls
incidence overall is going down (less stay at home moms)
How is their relationship with mothers?
mothers often struggle with separation anxiety also
overly emotionally meshed mother
subtle messages reinforce staying at home
How do you minimize fears in childreen
don't belittle them, but be understanding
play therapy - children often reveal their emotions through play
coping models
social rewards offer reinforcement
teach relevant skills
Anorexia Symptoms
serious weight loss, less than 85% of weight for their height
irrational fear of gaining weight
denial of problem/hunger
distorted body image, judge others accurately
pre-occupied with food
early onset (12 to 18 years)
Bulimia Nervosa Characteristics
"Binge Purge Syndrome"
seen in 1/2 of anorexic patients
no extreme weight loss
burning throat
rampant cavities, peach fuzz for warmth, etc.
The bulimarexic
2 types:
1. anorexia binge purge type (binge and purge for periods of time, both bulimic and anorexic)
2. anorexia restricting type
Psychoanalytic Etiology
fear of their own budding sexuality, avoid food to maintiain that child like image
Learning (socio-cultural)
society teaches what is beautiful and image of self gets distorted
Fear of Independence
want to stay child like and protected by mom and dad
fear of loss of control
this is the one thing they can control in crazy world
2 tiered (hospitalization/nutrition, and maintenance of weight)
can kill you
25% still struggle down the road
70% show positive change
Autism incidence?
skyrocketing in the past 20 years
Characteristics of Autism
80% considered mentally retarded
3.5:1 ratio of more boys than girls
"good little babies" don't seek love, attention like normal
indifferent to cuddling
aimless bursts of activity
escape artists
more interested in things vs humans
lack awareness of personal danger
language deficits
3 criteria for mental retardation (intellectual disability)
1. IQ below 70 (used to 85)
2. deficits in adaptive behavior (AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale or VIneland Adaptive Behavior Scale)
3. Onset prior to age 18
self injurious behavior
Lovaa's use of aversive conditioning can help
helmets with white noise, squirt guns with bad tasting solution
Language Deficits
echolalia (delayed)
10% of autistics
same as normal but with special ability
favors NATURE much more than nurutre
start behavioral modification early on, stop negative behaviors and reinforce good ones
important to establish language and communication
prognosis is MUCH better when language is established before age 5