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114 Cards in this Set

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Which part is considered the foundation of a word?


Blepharoplasty is performed on which part of the body?


Blephar/o: eyelid

Plasty: plastic repair

Based on word parts, what's the definition of a salpingo-oophorectomy?

Surgical removal of ovary and tube;

Salping/o: ovarian tube

Oophor/o: ovary

Ectomy: Surgical removal of a part

Based on word parts, what structure does paronychia refer to?


Paronychia is an infection of the finger nail

The prefix 'sub-' means beneath. Based on word parts, what is the definition of subfascial?

Beneath the fascia;

Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place.

Based on word parts, what is the definition of a tracheostomy?

Creation of a hole in the trachea

Stomy: creation of a hole

What is leukocytosis?

Increase in white blood cells

Based on word parts, what is the definition of a glossectomy?

Surgical removal of the tongue;

Gloss/o: tongue

Ectomy: surgical removal

A choledochal cyst originates from which structure?

Common bile duct


A cystourethroscopy is an examination of what structures?

Bladder and urethra;

Cyst/o: bladder

Urethr/o: urethra

Scopy: examination of

Diagnosis: calcification left basal ganglia

Where are the basal ganglia located?

Cerebral Cortex

Diagnosis: Vesicoureteral reflux

What is this a reflux of?

Urine back flow from bladder into ureters

Vesic/o- Urinary bladder

Ureter/o- Ureter

Docum: The posterior vaginal fornix and outer cervical os were prepped with a cleansing solution.

What does "os" stand for?

os: ostium (opening)

The narrow, central cervical canal ,connecting the uterine cavity & the lumen of the vagina

Hysterosalpingogram report: "Right cornual contour abnormality."

Where is the cornua found anatomically?

Where the Fallopian tubes connect to the fundus

Uterine tubes exit the cornua, forming a connection between the endometrial & peritoneal cavities

What is the medical term for a congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis?


Epi: on or over

Hypo: under other below

Leukocytosis is?

Increase in white blood cells; can indicate an infection

Where is gas exchanged and moved from the respiratory system into the circulatory system?

Alveoli and capillaries

Via Diffusion

Root meaning of joint?


Pelvic Girdle is part of which skeleton system?

Axial or Appendicular?


Which gland secretes thyroid hormone and calcitonin?

Thyroid gland

Which gland is also known as the hypophysis cerebri?

Pituitary gland

What term is used for pus draining from the ear?


Oto: ear

Pyo: pus

Rrhea: drainage

What type of membrane lines the interior walls of the digestive system?

Mucous membrane

Also lines respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems; mucous membranes are adapted for absorption and secretion.

Where is bile produced?


The gallbladder stores bile that is produced in the liver; Bile secreted into the intestines from the gallbladder helps the body digest fats.

The bronchi are found in which body cavity?

Thoracic cavity

Which layer of the epidermis is normally found on the palms of hands and soles of feet?

Stratum Lucidum

Name the 5 layers of the epidermis outermost to deepest; Hint: come, let’s get some beer

1) Stratum Corneum -Outermost later

2) Stratum Lucidum

3) Stratum Granulosum

4) Stratum Spinosum

5) Stratum Basale -deepest layer

A procedure requiring the physician to cut down to the superficial fascia is documented as cutting down into the what?


A fibrous connective tissue that anchors the skin to underlying musculature and protects the underlying structures

What fracture is an incomplete fracture commonly found in children?

Greenstick fracture

Which fracture occurs in the wrist and affects the distal radius bone?

Colles’ Fracture

What’s the difference between a closed fracture and a compound fracture?

Closed: No break in the skin

Compound: Projects thru the skin with possibility of an infection

What type of joint is most common in the human body?


Describe the Heart Blood Flow in 7 steps

1) deoxygenated blood enters superior and inferior vena cava

2) blood empties into the R atrium

3) blood flows to R ventricle and tricuspid valve closes

4) blood flows to the pulmonary artery into the lungs and becomes oxygenated

5) oxygen rich blood flows from lungs to the pulmonary veins and into the L atrium

6) Blood flows from L atrium into the L ventricle and the mitral valve closes 👇scroll up

7) oxygen rich blood flows to the aorta to supply the body and into the coronary arteries to supply the heart

What are the 3 layers of the heart?

Epicardium, Myocardium, & Endocardium

What is the term for the inflammation of the heart and vessels?


What causes cyanosis?

Oxygen deficiency

What is the pericardium?

Double wall cavity that lines and protects the heart

What type of cell is housed by the lymphatic system to help the body’s defense system?


The lymphatic ducts empty their contents into what structure?

Subclavian veins

Where is the carina located in relation to the respiratory system?

At the bifurcation of the trachea into 2 bronchi

Which structure is responsible for moistening, warming, & filtering inspired air?


Which suffix means “breathing?”


First portion of the small intestine


Which part of the large intestine is between the hepatic flexure and the splenic flexure?

Transverse Colon

Difference between the male and female urinary system?


Men have a penis with a urethra and women have a small hole opening for a urethra

Anatomical Difference between the male and female urinary system?


Men have a penis with a urethra and women have a small hole opening for a urethra

What is the primary function of the urinary system?

Excretion of metabolic wastes, & fluid & electrolyte balance

Are Cowper’s glands an organ found in the external or internal of the male genital system?

Internal organ

What is the introitis in relation to the female genitalia?

External opening of the vagina

Where are the Bartholin’s glands found?

Either side of the introitis in the female

What is part of the CNS? (Central Nervous System)

Brain and Spinal cord

What is part of the PNS? (Peripheral Nervous System)

Cranial and Spinal nerves

Subdural refers to what?

Below the dura mater

Laminectomy is a surgical excision of what?

Vertebral posterior arch or spinal process

Term for surgical opening into the skull


Medical term for headache


Loss of muscular coordination


Term for Repair of a severed nerve by suture, graft, or with synthetic conduit


Inflammation of gray matter of the spinal cord


Pertaining to above or outside the dura mater


What prevents the eyeball from collapsing?

Vitreous humor

Name the outer, middle, and inner ear

Hint: Everybody talks loud

External (outer ear), Tympanic (middle ear), Labrinth (inner ear)

Name the 3 layers of the Eye from inner to outer layer

Hint: Rita’s Chores Suck

Retina, Choroid, Sclera

Term for pus draining from the ear


What layer is below the dermis? What is it composed of?

Subcutaneous Layer composed of fatty tissue

Pertaining to a gland


Excessive secretion of thyroid hormone


Glands located behind the thyroid gland


Diabetes is a common term in which body system?

Endocrine System

Which diabetes type is caused from a resistance to insulin?

Type 2

Which diabetes type is caused by the pancreas’ failure to produce insulin?

Type 1

Which gland has 2 separate structures called the medulla and the cortex?

Adrenal glands

Name the 5 types of leukocytes

Hint: Never let monkeys eat bananas

Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, Basophils


Red blood cell

Which leukocyte is the Main defense against infection and antigens?


Which leukocyte is the Main defense against infection and antigens? What is the secondary line of defense?

Neutrophils (main)

Monocytes (secondary)

Disease of excessive mononuclear leukocytes in the blood


Subungual means what?

Under the nail

Three types of muscle tissue

Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth

Skeletal attaches to the skeleton by tendons

Cardiac is the heart muscle

Smooth is found in the walls of hollow organs (esophagus, bladder, eyes)

Which vessel takes blood away from the heart?


Which vessels take blood back to the heart?


The Spleen, Thymus, Tonsils, & Peyer’s Patches are considered what type of organs?

Lymphoid Organs

Lymph travels thru the body in one direction by means of what system?

Series of one way valves

The esophagus join’s the stomach at the what?

Cardiac orifice

The rounded upper portion of the stomach is called the what?


The main portion of the stomach is called what?

The body

The lower portion of the stomach is called what?

Pyloric Antrum

The Duodenum, Jejunum, and Ileum are part of what?

Small intestine

The ileocecal valve at the cecum begins which part of the digestive system?

Large intestine

The different names for colon from beginning to end

Ascending colon, Transverse colon, Descending colon, Sigmoid colon

What follows the Sigmoid colon?


Name the 4 parts/organs to the urinary system

Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary Bladder, Urethra

Is the Vas Deferens and ejaculatory duct considered internal or external?


Sensory, Integrative, and Motor are part of which body system?

Nervous system

A subsection of the nervous system

Sensory Organs

such as the Eye and Ear

Which cell assists in the clotting process?

Platelets or thrombocytes

An allergic response is also called what?

An immune response

The immune system is made up of B-cells and T-cells. Which one is created and matured in bone marrow and produce antibodies that attach to the surface of the infectious agent?


Which cell (B or T) directly attacks infectious agents?


B-cells and T-cells are both what types of cells?


What harmful term triggers an immune response in the body?


Removal of scar tissue resulting from burns or other injuries


Abnormal postures caused from this neurologic movement disorder


Suture of a ruptured spleen


Surgical procedure creating an opening into the jejunum


Create an opening to the gland and suture the cut edges to form a pouch


A kangaroo has a pouch and is a marsupial

Deficiency of potassium in the blood


Kalemia- presence of K (potassium) in the blood

Hypo- below or deficiency

An X ray procedure allowing the visualization of internal organs in motion


Administered into the subarachnoid space

Intrathecal injection

Protrusion of the eyeballs, as seen in Graves’ disease


oph·thal·mic: relating to the eye and it’s diseases

Accumulation of pus in the pleural space; also called empyema


Myringotomy is an operation of what?


Inferior rectus muscle is located where?

The eye

Term for humpback
