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9 Cards in this Set

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What is iconicity?

relationship/association between symbol and its referent

You want a strong or vague abstract symbol for AACs? Why?

Want something that is strong

Because you want more ppl to understand what you are saying

Is it bad for aac user to press buttons over and over again? Why?

It’s good and should be encouraged as word play, good sign they are getting into the system

Critical they understand symbol relationship, need to play with it to remember what’s hidden under each symbol

There is a whole cotinuum for iconicity. What are they?

Transparent symbols

Translucent symbols

Opaque symbols

What are transparent symbols? List an example.

the best, one that is easily guessable (picture of pizza that means pizza)

Doesn’t take a lot of cognitive power

What are translucent symbols?

easily guessable once relationship between symbol and referent are explained (the different ways you can say hello)

MUST instruct on what the symbol means

What are opaque symbols?

no obvious relationship between symbol and referent

What are two types of symbols? Define them.

Aided - external to the body (line drawing, photograph, objects, keyboard)

Unaided - not external to body (sign language, gestures, facial expressions)

What affects an individual’s understanding of symbols?


Neurological status

Age (Older do better - more world knowledge, better understanding of abstract concepts)

Sensory abilities



Communication/language abilities

World experience

Teaching strategies during instruction (biggest factor)