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45 Cards in this Set

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What is Immediate Hypersensitivity?
Immediate Hypersensitivity is Anaphylaxis.
What is Anaphylaxis pathophio? What similar condition?
Anaphylaxis is an acute worst allergic condition. Synomymous with Immediate Hypersensitivity. Pt already Sensitized to Antigen. IgE binds to Mast Cells, leading to release of Granules (eg Histamine, Prostaglandins, and Leukotrienes), results in Abnormalities that define Anaphylaxis. Anaphylactoid Reactions are Non-IgE related, are clinically Identical and Tx the same, and Do Not Need Preceding Sensitization to Antigen. Anaphylaxis has Respiratory and Hemodynamic effects. Anaphylaxis is defined by Severity, Not the Cause, or Reaction.
What is etiology of Anaphylaxis?
Anaphylaxis and Allergic event has Same causes - 1 Insect Bites and Stings, 2 Medications (Penicillin, Phenytoin, Lamotrigine, Quinidine, Rifampin, Sulfa), 3 Foods, 4 Latex (in Healthcare Workers)
What is an Important cause of Anaphylaxis in Healthcare workers?
Important cause of Anaphylaxis in Healthcare workers - Latex.
Anaphylaxis Px?
Anaphylaxis Px - 1 Rash, 2 Hypotension (Tachycardia), 3 Respiratory (Shortness of Breath, Wheezing, Swelling of Lips, Tongue, or Face, Stridor). Urticaria is considered part of Anaphylaxis, Not just an Allergy.
Anaphylaxis Tx?
Anaphylaxis Tx Best Initial - 1 Epinephrine, 2 Antihistamines (Diphenhydramine H1 blocker, Ranitidine H2 blocker), 3 Glucocorticoids (Methylprednisolone or Hydrocortisone, 4 Emergent Airway Protection if Needed (Intubation or Cricothyroidotomy)
Anaphylaxis Lx?
Anaphylaxis Lx - None
Anaphylaxis Etiology? Px? Lx? Tx?
Anaphylaxis and Allergic event has Same causes - 1 Insect Bites and Stings, 2 Medications (Penicillin, Phenytoin, Lamotrigine, Quinidine, Rifampin, Sulfa), 3 Foods, 4 Latex (in Healthcare Workers). Anaphylaxis Px - 1 Rash, 2 Hypotension (Tachycardia), 3 Respiratory (Shortness of Breath, Wheezing, Swelling of Lips, Tongue, or Face, Stridor). Urticaria is considered part of Anaphylaxis, Not just an Allergy. Anaphylaxis Lx - None. Anaphylaxis Tx Best Initial - 1 Epinephrine, 2 Antihistamines (Diphenhydramine H1 blocker, Ranitidine H2 blocker), 3 Glucocorticoids (Methylprednisolone or Hydrocortisone, 4 Emergent Airway Protection if Needed (Intubation or Cricothyroidotomy)
What is Angioedema?
Angioedema is Swelling of 1 Face, 2 Tongue, 3 Eyes, 4 Airway. Swelling due to 1 C1 Esterase Inhibitor. Association of Onset with Minor Physical Trauma, usually Idiopathic. Recent Start of ACEI before symptoms.
Angioedema Px?
Angioedema Px - Hereditary Angioedema is Characterized by 1 Sudden Facial Swelling and 2 Stridor with 3 No Pruritus and 4 No Urticaria.
Angioedema Lx?
Angioedema Lx Best Initial - 1 Decreased levels of C2 and C4 in Complement pathway, 2 Deficiency of C1 Esterase Inhibitor.
Angioedema Tx?
Angioedema Tx - 1 Acute Tx with Fresh Frozen Plasma, 2 Long-term mgt with Androgens (Danazol and Stanazol), 3 Ensure Airway Protection First - rapidly evolving process (Hereditary Angioedema Does Not Respond to Glucocorticoids.)
What is Not Angioedema Tx?
Angioedema Hereditary Angioedema Does Not Respond to Glucocorticoids.
What is Urticaria? Lx? Tx?
Urticaria is a form of Allergic Reaction that causes Sudden Swelling of Superficial layers of Skin. Urticaria is a Localized Anaphylaxis with a Wheal and Flare. Causes 1 Insects, 2 Medications, 3 Foods, 4 Physical agents (Pressure - Dermatographism, Cold, Vibration). Lx - None. Tx - 1 Antihistamines (Hydroxyzine, Diphenhydramine, Fexofenadine, Loratidine, or Cetirizine, Ranitidine), 2 Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (Monteleukast or Zafirlukast)
What is Dermatographism?
Dermatographism is Pressure causing Urticaria
What Urticaria Tx?
Urticaria Tx - 1 Antihistamines (Hydroxyzine, Diphenhydramine, Fexofenadine, Loratidine, or Cetirizine, Ranitidine), 2 Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (Monteleukast or Zafirlukast)
What are Antihistamine meds?
Antihistamine meds are 1Hydroxyzine, 2 Diphenhydramine, 3 Fexofenadine, 4 Loratidine, 5 Cetirizine, 6 Ranitidine
What are Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists meds?
Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (like Antihistamine, without dizziness) - 1 Monteleukast or 2 Zafirlukast
What class is Hydroxyzine?
Hydroxyzine is Antihistamine
What class is Diphenhydramine?
Diphenhydramine is Antihistamine.
What class is Fexofenadine?
Fexofenadine is Antihistamine
What class is Loratidine?
Loratidine is Antihistamine
What class is Cetirizine?
Cetirizine is Antihistamine
What class is Ranitidine
Ranitidine is Antihistamine
What class is Monteleukast?
Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (like Antihistamine, without dizziness) - 1 Monteleukast or 2 Zafirlukast
What class is Zafirlukast?
Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (like Antihistamine, without dizziness) - 1 Monteleukast or 2 Zafirlukast
Allergic Rhinitis. Etiology? Px? Lx? Tx?
Allergic Rhinitis. Etiology - Seasonal Allergies (eg Hay Fever) - IgE dependent triggering of Mast cells. Px - Recurrent Episodes of 1 Watery Eyes, Sneezing, Itching Nose, and Itchy Eyes, 2 Inflamed, Boggy Nasal Mucosa, 3 Pale or Violaceous Turbinates, 4 Nasal Polyps. Lx - Clinical Dx. Skin Testing and Blood Testing for Reactions to Antigens maybe useful in Identify a Specific Etiology. Allergen-Specific IgE levels may be Elevated. Nasal Smear may show Large Numbers of Eosinophils. Tx - 1 Prevention with Avoidance of Precipitating Allergen (aaaa Close windows and use air conditioning to avoid Pollen, bbbb Get Rid of Animals to which pt is Allergic, cccc Cover Mattresses and Pillows, dddd Use Air Purifiers and Dust Filters), 2 Intranasal Corticosteroids Sprays, 3 Antihistamines (Loratidine, Clemastine, Fexofenadine, Brompheniramine), 4 Intrasasal Anticholinergic med (Ipratropium), 5 Desensitization to Allergens that Cannot be Avoided
Allergic Rhinitis. Etiology?
Allergic Rhinitis. Etiology - Seasonal Allergies (eg Hay Fever) - IgE dependent triggering of Mast cells.
Allergic Rhinitis. Px?
Allergic Rhinitis. Px - Recurrent Episodes of 1 Watery Eyes, Sneezing, Itching Nose, and Itchy Eyes, 2 Inflamed, Boggy Nasal Mucosa, 3 Pale or Violaceous Turbinates, 4 Nasal Polyps.
Allergic Rhinitis. Lx?
Allergic Rhinitis. Lx - Clinical Dx. Skin Testing and Blood Testing for Reactions to Antigens maybe useful in Identify a Specific Etiology. Allergen-Specific IgE levels may be Elevated. Nasal Smear may show Large Numbers of Eosinophils.
Allergic Rhinitis. Tx?
Allergic Rhinitis. Tx - 1 Prevention with Avoidance of Precipitating Allergen (aaaa Close windows and use air conditioning to avoid Pollen, bbbb Get Rid of Animals to which pt is Allergic, cccc Cover Mattresses and Pillows, dddd Use Air Purifiers and Dust Filters), 2 Intranasal Corticosteroids Sprays, 3 Antihistamines (Loratidine, Clemastine, Fexofenadine, Brompheniramine), 4 Intrasasal Anticholinergic med (Ipratropium), 5 Desensitization to Allergens that Cannot be Avoided
Allergic Rhinitis. Prevention?
Allergic Rhinitis. 1 Prevention with Avoidance of Precipitating Allergen (aaaa Close windows and use air conditioning to avoid Pollen, bbbb Get Rid of Animals to which pt is Allergic, cccc Cover Mattresses and Pillows, dddd Use Air Purifiers and Dust Filters)
What types of Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders exist?
Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders exist - 1 Common Variable Immunodeficiency (B cell not making Immunoglobulin), 2 X-Linked (Bruton) Agammaglobulinemia (male child absence of Tonsils and Lymph nodes - absence B cells), 3 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (deficiency Both B and T cells), 4 IgA Deficiency, 5 Hyper IgE Syndrome, 6 Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (Immunodeficiency and Thrombocytopenia and Eczema - T cells Reduced), 7 Chronic Granulomatous Disease (Extensive Inflammatory reactions - alot of pus in Lymph Nodes)
Common Variable Immunodeficiency. Etiology? Px? Lx? Tx? Increased Risk of developing what disease?
Common Variable Immunodeficiency. Etiology - Normal numbers of B cells, but Not Making effective Amounts of Immunoglobulins. Decrease in all subtypes - IgG, IgM, and IgA. Px - Recurrent Sinopulmonary infections in Adults. Frequent episodes of Bronchitis, Pneumonia, sinusitis, and Otitis Media, and other manifestations (Giardiasis, Spruelike Intestinal Malabsorption, and Increase in Autoimmune diseases such as Pernicious Anemia and Seronegative Rheumatic disease). Lx - Immunoglobulin levels are Decreased and Decreased response to Antigen Stimulation of B cells. Tx - Antibiotics are used for each infection as it develops. Chronic Maintenance is with regular Infusions of Intravenous Immunoglobulins. Increased Risk of developing Lymphoma.
What is another name for X-linked Agammaglobulinemia?
Another name for X-linked Agammaglobulinemia is Bruton Agammaglobulinemia.
What is another name for Bruton Agammaglobulinemia?
Another name for Bruton Agammaglobulinemia is X-linked Agammaglobulinemia.
X-linked Agammaglobulinemia Px? Lx? Tx?
X-linked Agammaglobulinemia Px - Male children with Increased Sinopulmonary infections. Lx - B Cells and Lymphoid tissues are diminished. Decreased or Absence of Tonsils, Adenoids, Lymph Nodes, and Spleen. T Cells are Normal. Tx Infections as they Arise. Long-term regular administration of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) keeps these children healthier.
What does B cells problem cause?
B cells Decreased immunoglobulin production leads to Recurrent Sinopulmonary infection beginning as early as 6 months of age.
What does T cells problem cause?
T cells Decreased in Numbers gives many infections seen in pt with AIDS (PCP, Varicella, and Candida).
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency. Px? Lx? Tx?
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency. Px - Combined means Deficiency in Both B and T Cells. B cell problem - Recurrent Sinopulmonary infection beginning as early as 6 month of age. T cell number decreased similar to pt with AIDS (PCP, Varicella, and Candida). Lx - Decreased Immunoglopulins (B cell), and Decreased T cell count. Tx - Tx infection as they arise, and Undergo Bone Marrow transplant (curative)
IgA Deficiency Px? Tx?
IgA Deficiency Px - 1 Recurrent Sinopulmonary infections, 2 Atopic disease, 3 Anaphylaxis to blood transfusion when blood is given from a pt who has Normal levels of IgA, 4 Spruelike condition with fat malabsorption, 5 Increase in Risk of Vitiligo, Thyroiditis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Tx Infections as they Arise, and ONly use Blood that is from IgA-Deficient donors or Washed. IVIG injection will Not work because too few IgA and it make Provoke Anaphylaxis.
Hyper IgE Syndrome Px? Tx?
Hyper IgE Syndrome Px - Recurrent Skin Infections with Staph. Tx - Prophylactic Antibiotics (Dicloxacillin or Cephalexin)
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Px? Tx?
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Px - 1 Immunodeficiency, 2 Thrombocytopenia, and 3 Eczema. T lymphocytes are Markedly Deficient in Blood and Lymph Nodes. Tx - Bone Marrow Transplantation is Definitive.
Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Px? Lx?
Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Px - Genetic disease resulting in Extensive Inflammatory reactions. Lymph Nodes with Purulent Material Leaking out. Aphthous Ulcers and Inflammation of Nares is Common. Granulomas may become Obstructive in GI or Urinary Tract. Odd Combination of infections - 1 Staph, 2 Burkholderia, 3 Nocardia, and 4 Aspergillus. Lx - Abnormal Nitroblue tetrazolium Testing - detects Decreasei in Respiratory Burst that produces Hydrogen Peroxide. Decrease in NADPH Oxidase, which generates Superoxide.
Abnormal Nitroblue Tetrazolium Testing. How does it work? Dx?
Abnormal Nitroblue Tetrazolium Testing - NBT detects Decrease in respiratory Burst that produces Hydrogen Peroxide. Decrease in NADPH Oxidase, which generates Superoxide. Dx - Chronic Granulomatous Disease