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25 Cards in this Set

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What is the cutoff for hypotension in a newborn?
60 systolic
70 for older kids
Where do you check pulses in a kid during a trauma?
femoral pulse
Where do you get access to fluids for a kid in trauma?
IO tibial tuberosity
What empiric antibiotics are standard for neonate emergency?
amp gent acyclovir
Why do you push D10 rather than D50 for hypoglycemia in neonate/infant?
D50 is hard on veins
rule for dextrose amount IV for kids
1 gram dextrose per kilo of body weight

thus 3 kg kid = 3 g dextrose = 30 ml
amount of normal saline for kids in trauma
20 ml/kg is standard
If you give a fluid bolus to a kid and the liver edge becomes palpable, what should you suspect?
RHF; get bedside echo, CXR
What is the treatment for RHF?
more fluids?
What is given to kids in prep for RSI? Why?
atropine, to counter bradycardia from vagal effects
What induction would be good for an asthmatic kid?
ketamine; it's a bronchodilator
What caution on using etomidate in kids?
avoid in septic kids, it can cause adrenal failure
Is succinylcholine used in kids?
No, use versed (?)
hyperkalemia in pediatric trauma of male...think?
girls will have ambiguous genitalia
boys will be salt wasters and have hyperkalemia
High WBC might be an indicator of ? rather than sepsis
acute phase reaction
What is the main treatment for new onset cyanosis in a neonate?
prostaglandin E1, keeps duct open
Black patient with anemia, consider ?
sickle cell
blood in stool
leukemia (ask abot wt loss)
In addition to CBC, what other blood test should you check for anemia?
retic count
normal RDW

what happens in leukemia?

it widens (>14)
Most common thalassemia in US
alpha trait
What labs do you order as a second stage workup for hemolytic anemia?
direct coombs
indirect bilirubin
haptoglobin (binds free Hg)
Child with pallor, hg 3.9, no other sx. What is your first question in history?
"How much milk does she drink?"

Picky eater - only drinks milk - poor nutrition - iron deficiency
If nutritional iron deficiency anemia in child,
1. what will retic count be?
2. what will MCV be?
3. what will RDW be?
4. what else should you order?
1. normal
2. low
3. high?
4. lead level; iron studies probably unecessary if you confirm nutrition problem (milk excess)
What is the "rule of twos" for asthma severity?
2+ episodes per week
2 nights of cough to point of waking up per month
Rales in adults...think ?

Rales in kids...think ?
