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24 Cards in this Set

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What are the signs and symptoms of foreign body Airway obstruction

acute onset of respiratory distress with coughing, gagging, stridor or wheezing

Do Not Interfere with a patient with what sort of obstruction? (BLS SKILL)

Mild / Partial.

Monitor the patient for signs of severe foreign body airway obstruction

* Allow the patient to clear the airway by coughing
* Reassure the patient and allow for position of comfort

Abdominal Thrusts should be preformed for what type of patient? (BLS SKILL)

Conscious Patient with a Severe / Complete Obstruction.

Chest Thrusts should be preformed for what type of patient? (BLS SKILL)

A conscious, Severe patient AND:

1) unable to encircle the pt.'s chest (obesity)

2) late stage pregnancy

What two interventions should be preformed for an unresponsive patient (BLS SKILL)?

1) Start CPR

2) Check the mouth for foreign body often

What BLS skill should never be preformed on these patients?

DO NOT perform blind finger sweeps

What intervention should be preformed for suspected obstruction below the level of the cords?

Endotracheal Intubation

If still unable to ventilate:

* Attempt to push the obstruction with an endotracheal tube (balloon deflated).
* Retract endotracheal tube to original position and attempt ventilation

What intervention should be preformed for obstruction above the level of the cords?

direct laryngoscopy and attempt to remove the foreign body with Magill forceps

If all interventions have been attempted, and you are unable to intubate and unable to ventilate, what procedure should be preformed?


When does a SEVERE obstruction develop?

cough becomes silent, respiratory effort increases and is accompanied by stridor or unresponsiveness

DO NOT delay transport for multiple intubation attempts

DO NOT delay transport for multiple intubation attempts

What hospital should these patients be transported to?

Transport to the closest hospital is mandatory for an uncontrolled airway

Surgical Cricothomy is contraindicated in people under what age

Less then 10 years of age

In Surgical Cricothomy, where will the incision be made?

Just below the laryngeal prominence (point of the Adam’s apple). Slide finger downward to locate the cricothyroid membrane

In Surgical Cricothomy, how long and in what direction shall the incision of the skin be made?

Make 3cm vertical midline incision overlying the cricothyroid membrane.

In Surgical Cricothomy, What direction through the cricothyroid membrane should the incision be made

transverse incision through the cricothyroid membrane the width of the cricothyroid space.

In Surgical Cricothomy, What instrument is used to dilate the opening?

Kelly Clamp

In Surgical Cricothomy, What size ET tube should be inserted through the incision?

6.0 mm endotracheal tube directed inferiorly through the incision until just past the balloon and inflate cuff.

In Pt.'s less then __ years of age, needle cricothomy should be preformed.

Less then 10 years of age.

What are the indications for needle cricothomy?

Inability to adequately ventilate with an established airway of other means (e.g. bag-valve-mask device and OPA or endotracheal tube) due to:

* Severe oral or facial trauma

What are the contraindications of needle cricothomy?

* Neck tumors that obstruct anatomical landmarks
* Inability to identify appropriate landmarks

What guage needle should be preformed in needle cricothomy?

14 gauge needle

What angle should the needle be inserted at?

45 degrees caudually

What size adapter should be used to attach the BVM to the catheter in needle cricothomy?

15 mm adapter (removed from the 3.0 endotracheal tube)