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48 Cards in this Set

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enow (i-NOU) adjective, adverb

[From Middle English inow, from Old English genoge, plural of genog (enough).]
From Middle English
lex talionis (leks tal-ee-O-nis) noun
The law of retaliation that the punishment should correspond to the crime, as an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Also called talion.

[From Latin, lex (law) + talionis (retaliation).]
From Latin
flagrante delicto (fluh-GRAN-tee di-LIK-to)
In the very act of committing the offense; red-handed.

[From Medieval Latin, literally, while the crime is blazing.]
From Medieval Latin
vox populi (VOKS POP-yuh-ly) noun
Popular opinion; general sentiment.

[From Latin, literally voice of the people.]
From Latin
nolens volens (NO-lens VO-lens) adverb
Whether willingly or unwillingly (mostly the latter), willy-nilly.

[From Latin, from nolens, present participle of nolle (to be unwilling) + volens, present participle of velle (to wish or to be willing).]
From Latin
stet (stet) verb tr., intr.
Let it stand.

[From Latin stet (let it stand), from stare (to stand).]
From Latin
gaslight (GAS-lyt) verb tr.
To manipulate psychologically.

[From the title of the classic movie Gaslight (1940 and its 1944 remake), based on author Patrick Hamilton's play. The title refers to a man's use of seemingly unexplained dimming of gaslights (among other tricks) in the house in an attempt to manipulate his wife into thinking she is going insane.]
mondo (MON-do) adjective
Huge; enormous; ultimate.

[After 1966 movie Mondo Bizarro (literally "Bizarre World" but interpreted as "very bizarre"), where mondo is from the 1961 Italian movie Mondo Cane (A Dog's World) and interpreted as an intensifier.]
mondo (MON-do) adverb
Extremely, very.

[After 1966 movie Mondo Bizarro (literally "Bizarre World" but interpreted as "very bizarre"), where mondo is from the 1961 Italian movie Mondo Cane
(A Dog's World) and reinterpreted as an intensifier.]
Stepford (STEP-furd) adjective
Robotic, compliant, submissive; lacking in individuality.

[After the fictional suburb of Stepford, Connecticut in Ira Levin's 1972 novel, The Stepford Wives, later made into movies (in 1975 and 2004).
In the story, men of this seemingly ideal town have replaced their wives with attractive robotic dolls devoid of emotion or thought.]
Zelig (ZEL-ig) noun
A chameleon-like person who can change to fit in any surrounding; one who appears to be present everywhere and unexpectedly associated with famous people or events.

[After Leonard Zelig, hero of the 1983 movie Zelig by Woody Allen. Zelig can take characteristics of anyone. From German selig (blessed, happy).]
mitty (MIT-ee) noun
An ordinary, timid person who indulges in daydreams involving great adventures and triumphs.

[After the title character in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, a short story (1939) by James Thurber, later made into a movie (1947) of the same name.]
pantheon (PAN-thee-on) noun
1. A collection of people respected in a field.

2. A temple for all gods.

3. All the gods of a people or religion collectively.

4. A public building containing tombs of people.

[After Pantheon, in Rome. From Greek pantheion, from pan- (all) + theos (gods).]
From Greek
coliseum (KOL-i-SEE-uhm) noun, also colosseum
A large stadium, theater, or similar building for sports, cinema, exhibitions, etc.

[After Colosseum, name of the amphitheater in Rome, from Latin colosseus (gigantic).]
From Latin
palatine (PAL-uh-tyn) adjective
Of or relating to a palace.

[After Palatine, from Latin Palatium, the name of the centermost of the seven hills on which ancient Rome was built. Roman emperors built their palaces on this hill. The word palace also derives from the same source.]
From Latin
palatine (PAL-uh-tyn) adjective
Of, relating to, or in the palate.

[From French palatin, from Latin palatum palate (roof of the mouth).]
From French
rialto (re-AL-to) noun
1. A theatre district.

2. An exchange or marketplace.

[After Rialto, an island of Venice which was the commercial center of the city. The Rialto bridge was the first bridge on the Grand Canal.]
lido (LEE-do) noun
A fashionable beach resort or a public outdoor swimming pool.

[After Lido, an island reef in northeastern Italy, between the Lagoon of Venice and the Adriatic Sea, site of a famous beach resort.]
oneiromancy (o-NY-ruh-man-see) noun
The practice of predicting the future by interpreting dreams.

[From Greek oneiros (dream) + -mancy (divination).]
From Greek
Cassandra (kuh-SAND-ruh) noun
One who prophesies disaster and whose warnings are unheeded.

[After Cassandra in Greek mythology who received the gift of prophecy but was later cursed never to be believed.]
fatidic (fay-TID-ik) adjective
Of or relating to predicting fates; prophetic.

[From Latin fatidicus, from fatum (fate) + dicere (to say).]
From Latin
dowse (douz) verb tr., intr.
To search for underground water or minerals with a divining rod.

[Of obscure origin.]
sortilege (SOR-tl-ij) noun
1. Divination by drawing lots.

2. Sorcery; magic.

[From Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin sortilegium, from Latin sortilegus, from sort-, from sors (lot) + legere (to read or gather).]
From Latin
gadarene (GAD-uh-reen) adjective
Headlong; rash.

[After the town of Gadara in a biblical story where two demon-possessed men ask Jesus to send them into a herd of swine. They dash into the herd and all the animals rush violently over a cliff.]
Biblical allusion
potter's field (POT-uhrs feeld) noun
A burial place for poor or unidentified people.

[The term derives from the name of the area where Judas was buried after he hanged himself. The land was bought with pieces of silver he had received for betraying Jesus.]
Biblical allusion
crown of thorns (kroun ov thornz) noun
1. An onerous burden or an affliction that causes intense suffering.

2. A thorny bush native to Madagascar, (a houseplant.)

3. A starfish from the Pacific.

[After the biblical account of a mock crown made of thorny branches that Roman soldiers placed on Jesus's head before his crucifixion.]
Biblical allusion
widow's cruse (WID-oz KROOZ) noun
An inexhaustible supply of something that appears meager.

[From the biblical story of the widow's jug of oil that miraculously replenished itself to supply Elijah during a famine. A cruse is a small earthen pot for holding liquids.]
Biblical allusion
golden calf (GOL-den KAHF) noun
Something unworthy that is excessively esteemed, especially money.

[In the biblical story Moses came down from Mount Sinai carrying the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments only to find Israelites worshiping a calf made of gold.]
Biblical allusion
prospicient (pros-PISH-uhnt) adjective
Having foresight.

[From Latin prospiciens, from prospicere (to look forward), from pro- (forward) + spicere, from specere (to look).]
From Latin
chapfallen or chopfallen (CHAP-faw-luhn, chop-) adjective
Dejected or dispirited.

[From chap or chop (jaw) + fallen.]
recusant (REK-yu-zant, ri-KYOO-) adjective
Refusing to submit to authority; dissenting

[From Latin recusant-, stem of recusans, present participle of recusare (to recuse or object).]
From Latin
recusant (REK-yu-zant, ri-KYOO-) noun
1. One who refuses to obey authority.

2. One of the Roman Catholics during 16th and 18th century who refused to attend services of the Church of England and were punished for it.

[From Latin recusant-, stem of recusans, present participle of recusare (to recuse or object).]
From Latin
insouciant (in-SOO-see-uhnt) adjective
Happily unconcerned; carefree; nonchalant.

[From French insouciant, from in- (not) + souciant, present participle of soucier (to care), from Vulgar Latin sollicitare (to vex), from Latin sollicitus (anxious), from sollus (entire) + citus, past participle of ciere (to move).]
From French
inveterate (in-VET-ehr-it) adjective
Firmly established; habitual.

[From Middle English, from Latin inveteratus, past participle of inveterare (to grow old), in-, + vetus, stem of veter- (old).]
From Middle English
invious (IN-vi-uhs) adjective
Pathless; untrodden; inaccessible.

[From Latin invius, from in- (not) + via (road).]
From Latin
physis (FY-sis) noun
1. Nature personified; nature as a source of growth or change.

2. Something that grows, changes, or becomes.

[From Greek physis (origin).]
From Greek
apposite (AP-uh-zit, uh-POZ-it) adjective
Highly appropriate; relevant; apt.

[From Latin appositus, past participle of apponere (to put near), from ponere (to put).]
From Latin
secund (SEE-kuhnd, SEK-uhnd) adjective
Arranged on (or turned towards) only one side of an axis.

[From Latin secundus (following), from sequi (to follow).]
From Latin
renumerate (re-NOO-muh-rayt) verb tr.
To recount.

[From Latin renumerare (to count over) from re- + numerare (to count).]
From Latin
propitious (pruh-PISH-uhs) adjective
1. Presenting favorable conditions.

2. Favorably inclined; kindly.

[From Middle English propicius, from Latin propitius.]
From Latin
legerity (luh-JER-i-tee) noun
Nimbleness; agility.

[From French légèreté, from léger (light), from Vulgar Latin leviarius, from Latin levis (light).]
From Latin
malversation (mal-vuhr-SAY-shuhn) noun
Corrupt behavior in public office.

[From Middle French malversation, from malverser (to embezzle), from Latin maleversari (to behave badly), from male (ill) + versari (to behave), from vertere (to turn).]
From Middle French
axiomatic (ak-see-uh-MAT-ik) adjective
1. Indisputably true; self-evident.

2. Aphoristic.

[From Greek axiomatikos, from axioma (honorable).]
From Greek
sodality (so-DAL-i-tee) noun
1. A fellowship or association.

2. In the Roman Catholic Church, a lay society for devotional or charitable purposes.

[From Latin sodalitas (fellowship), from sodalis (companion).]
From Latin
rhinorrhea (ry-nuh-REE-uh) noun
A runny nose.

[From Neo-Latin, from Greek rhino- (nose), -rrhea (flow).]
From Greek
alexiteric (uh-LEK-si-TER-ik) adjective
Counteracting the effects of poison; warding off contagion.

[From Medieval Latin alexiterium (remedy), from Greek alexein (to ward off).]
From Greek
alexiteric (uh-LEK-si-TER-ik) noun
An antidote against poison; preventive against contagion.

[From Medieval Latin alexiterium (remedy), from Greek alexein (to ward off).]
From Greek
atretic (uh-TRET-ik) adjective
Of or relating to an abnormal closure or congenital absence of a bodily opening.

[From Neo-Latin, from Greek a- (not) + tresis (perforation).]
From Greek