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15 Cards in this Set

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is a muscle primarily responsible for producing a movement. For example, in a biceps curl, the biceps muscle is the agonist.
is a muscle opposing a movement. For example, in a biceps curl, the triceps muscle is the antagonist.
is the condition of diminished muscle size and strength due to lack of use.
concentric contraction
occurs when a muscle shortens as it overcomes resistance. For example, the biceps muscle contracts concentrically during arm flexion in a biceps curl.
constant resistance exercise
is exercise in which a constant resistance (weight) is used throughout the range of motion, but the force needed to move the weight varies with leverage determined by the angle of the joint. Doing a biceps curl with free weights is an example.
dynamic (isotonic) exercise
is exercise in which the muscle contracts, and shortens and movement occurs, such as push-ups or weight lifting.
eccentric contraction
occurs when a muscle lengthens and contracts at the same time, gradually allowing a force to overcome muscular resistance. For example, the biceps contracts eccentrically during the lowering phase of a biceps curl.
fast-twitch muscle fiber
muscle fiber contracts quickly and strongly. It is recruited and developed mainly in short-burst anaerobic activities such as sprinting and weight training.
is an increase in muscle size due to enlargement of existing muscle fibers. Muscles exhibit hypertrophy when exercised.
exercise controls the speed of movement as force is applied through a range of motion. Cybex or Orthotron equipment employs isokinetic contraction to strengthen muscles.
muscular power
a function of strength and speed, is the ability to apply force rapidly. Jumping requires muscular power.
progressive overload
is a gradual increase in physical activity to stress a muscle group or body system beyond accustomed levels. Gradual adaptation occurs, resulting in improved physiological functioning. The order of overload and 10 percent increase per week rules should be followed to overload correctly.
repetition (rep)
is the performance of an exercise one time, such as lifting a weight once.
repetition maximum (RM)
is the heaviest weight you can lift once with correct form.
is a group of several repetitions of an exercise. For example, lifting a weight eight times might be one set.