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176 Cards in this Set

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What ion shifts does aldosterone cause in kidneys?
acts on distal tubules to increase Na reabsorption, and secrete K and H ions
What ECG findings are most specific for digitalis toxicity?
Atrial tachycardia with AV block

dig can increase ectopy in atria or ventricles, can lead to atrial tachy

dig can also increase vagal tone and decrease conduction thru AV node

rare for these to occur together, so specific for digitalis
What medications should be withheld for 48 hours preceding cardiac stress testing?
Antianginal agents

beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates

these meds reduce the extend and severity of ischemia during exercise stress testing
What is the biggest risk factor for stroke (aside from prior stroke)?
Hypertension - ~4x risk

greater risk than smoking or diabetes
What is the most common form of glomerulopathy associated with HIV?
collapsing focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
What organism most likely causes cavitating lung nodules on radiography in an IV drug user?
staph aureus - 2/2 tricuspid valve endocarditis w/septic embolism to lungs

HIV increases risk of staph aureus bacteremia
Young male with elevated beta-HCG and AFP?
nonseminomatous germ cell tumor

seminoma will have elevated beta-HCG, but not AFP
What is the differential for an anterior mediastinal mass in young patient?
"4 Ts"

thymoma, teratoma (& other germ cell tumors), thyroid neoplasm, and terrible lymphoma
What test can differentiate between hereditary spherocytosis and autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
Direct coombs

positive - AIHA

negative - hereditary spherocytosis

both conditions do have spherocytes w/o central pallor (confusing!)
Hepatocytes that stain with periodic acid-Schiff (PAST) rxn and resist digestion by diastase?
Alpha-1 antitrypsin
How is gout treated w/prophylaxis and acutely?
Prophylaxis - allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor) and probenecid (uricosuric drug)

acutely - colchicine, NSAIDs, steroids
HIV patients with very low CD4 counts need abx prophylaxis against respiratory infection, what count, what drug, what infection is particularly likely?
CD4 < 50


Mycobacterium avium complex
What cancer can be correlated with B12 deficiency?
Gastric cancer

pernicious anemia, autimmune d/o w/anti-intrinsic factor

atrophic gastritis increases risk of intestinal-type gastric cancer and gastric carcinoid tumors by 2-3x
What vitamin deficiency causes alopecia, abnormal taste, bullous pustulous lesions surrounding body orificies and/or extremities, and impaired wound healing?
Zinc deficiency

found in animal prtn, whole grains, beans, nuts

digested primarily in the jejunum
Bullous skin rash that began in mouth, middle aged otherwise no previous problems person?
Pemphigus vulgaris

IgG deposits intracellularly in epidermis

autoantibodies against desmoglein, an adhesion molecule

tx w/steroids, may use azathiprine w/prednisone and methotrexate
How are foot ulcers classified? (Grade 0-5)
Grade 0 - high risk, no ulcer

Grade 1 - superficial ulcer, full skin thickness, no underlying tissue

Grade 2 - penetrating to ligament/muscle, no bone involved, no abscess

Grade 3 - deep ulcer w/cellulitis, abscess, or osteomyelitis

Grade 4 - localized gangrene

Grade 5 - extensive gangrene of whole foot
In TCA overdose, what should be administered, and what complications does this prevent?
Sodium bicarbonate

improves systolic BP (the major cause of mortality is hypotension)

narrows QRS complex

decreases incidence of ventricular arrhythmia
What is the formula used to assess for respiratory compensation in metabolic alkalosis? For metabolic acidosis?
Alkalosis: PaCO2 expected = (0.9 x bicarbonates) + 16 +/- 2

Acidosis - Winter's Formula: PaCO2 expected = (1.5 x bicarbonates) + 8 +/- 2
What pharmacotherapy is indicated for someone with hypterophic cardiomyopathy (dynamic outflow obstruction)?
Beta blockers

this increases ventricular volumes and so decreases obstruction, by decreasing rate and thus allowing more diastolic filling
What renal disease is characterized by dense deposits w/in glomerular basement membrane w/immunofluorescence positive for C3, not immunoglobulins? What is mechanism?
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, type 2

persistent activation of alternative complement pathway

caused by IgG antibodies (termed C3 nephritic factor) directed against C3 convertase of alternative complement pathway, leading to persistent complement activation & kidney damage
Which rash has tense bullae and urticarial plaques? Oral involvement? Immunofluorescence findings?
Bullous pemphigoid

pruritis is common

autoimmune in elderly person, often precipitating medication

NO mucous membrane involvement

caused by IgG autoantibodies against hemidesmosome and basement membrane zone, activates complement and inflamm mediators

immunofluorescence shows IgG and C3 deposits linearly along basement membrane zone
What are the components of CREST syndrome?
Calcinosis cutis
Esophageal dysmotility
Wisconsin adult male w/fever, night sweats, productive cough, weight loss, skin lesions, and lytic bone lesions?
Where is the most common foci for ectopic origin of signals in atrial fibrillation?
Pulmonary veins

tissue has diff electrical properties than surrounding atrial myocytes, prone to ectopic electrical foci
What is the prodrome for measles? What does the ensuing rash look like?
3 C's: coryza, conjunctivitis, cough, ~10 days

rash is erythematous maculopapular, initially on face and spreads to trunk and extremities
What are treatment indications for carotid artery stenosis based on % stenosis?
if < 50 % - ASA and observe

if symptomatic
-70-99%: Carotid endarterectomy if good surgical candidate, if not then carotid angioplasty
-CEA also considered for pts w/50-69%

-CEA beneficial if stenosis 60-99%, most benefit if > 80%
-Carotid angioplasty is NOT beneficial in asymptomatic
What electrolyte and metabolic abnormalities are side effects of thiazide diuretics?

Unfavorable lipid metabolism effects

Uric acid retention - gout
Proximal muscle weakness? (difficulty stairs, rising chair, combing hair)

how differentiate from other similar dz?

what do mm biopsy show?

-inflammatory mm dz unknown etiology
-dx w/mm biopsy

spares mm of mastication, but dysphagia can develop

differentiate from Dermatomyositis b/c no skin findings

biopsy shows mononuclear infiltrate surrounding necrotic and regenerating mm fibers
Cupping of optic discs with loss of peripheral vision?
Open angle glaucoma

african american, slow onset, high intraocular pressure

tx w/beta-blockers (timolol) eye drops
Formula for corrected calcium based on albumin?
Correced Calcium = measured calcium + [0.8 * (4.0 - measured albumin)]

or, ~ 0.8 mg calcium for ever 1 mg albumin
Ectopic ACTH production is most commonly associated with what 2 things?
small cell lung cancer

carcinoid (bronchial, pancreatic, thymus)
How do ACE inhibitors and NSAIDs affect kidney blood flow specifically?
Normally, angiotensin constricts glomerular efferent arterioles

prostaglandins dilate glomerular afferent arteriole

this maintains GFR

these meds blunt this
What characteristic deficits are present for:

Brainstem lesions?
thalamus or cortex lesions?

cortical lesions?
Brainstem - CNs and sensory loss of 1/2 of the face, and contralateral half of body

Thalamus/cortex - sensory loss of one half of face, and SAME half of body

cortical lesions - findings specific to cerebral cortex (aphasia, neglect, abnl graphesthesia, stereognosis)
What is the medial medullary syndrome? Caused by?
caused by occlusion of vertebral arter, one or both branches

contralateral paralysis of arm and leg
contralateral loss of tactile, vibrator, and position sense
and tongue deviation to injured side

so, limbs both sensory and motor are down on contralateral side, but tongue motor is down on ipsilateral side
What is lateral midpontine syndrome? Medial midpontine syndrome?
lesion of lateral pons

impaired sensory and motor function of CN V, with accompanying limb ataxia

lesion of medial pons

ipsilateral limb ataxia, contralateral eye deviation, paralysis of face, arm, and leg

impairment of touch and position sense is variable
What is Wallenberg syndrome?
lesion of lateral medulla

ipsilateral Horner syndrome
loss of pain and temp sensation of face
weakness of palate, pharynx, and vocal cords
cerebellar ataxia

loss of pain and temp sensation of contralateral body
Which of the regional fungal infections is associated with skin lesions?

endemic in south-central and north-central US

affects lungs, skin, bones, joints, prostate

cutaneous dz either verrucous or ulcerative - can become heaped up and warty

Coccidioids can have erythema multiforme and erythema nodosum
What regions are what fungal microbes found?
Blastomycosis - south central and north central US

Histoplasmosis - southeastern, mid-atlantic, and central US

Coccidioides - southwestern US, Central and South America

has cutaneous findings of erythema multiforme and erythema nodosum
Honeycomb pattern of lungs on CXR?
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

restrictive pattern with perfusion-ventilation mismatch
What diseases have low leukocyte alkaline phosphatase?
Chronic myelogenous leukemia


Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
What is the most common malignancy in asbestosis patients?
bronchogenic carcinoma

also causes peritoneal as well as pleural mesothelioma, but bronchogenic carcinoma is more likely
What vitamin should be given in the setting of DVT with elevated homocysteine?
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) and folate
-this is cofactor for cystathionine beta-synthase, which metabolizes homocysteine into cystathionine

B12 if deficiency is documented
What is the treatment for iron overdose?
Whole bowel irrigation (sometimes)


supportive care for circulation, airway & breathing
In acute coronary syndrome, what effect does lidocaine have?
Effective to control complex forms of ventricular arrhythmia (v tach)

however, increases risk of asystole so not used prophylactically
In positive vs negative skewed distribution, what does curve look like and is mean greater or less than median and mode?
Positive skew - tail on the right, mean greater than median and mode

Negative skew - tail on left, mean is less than median and mode
Characteristics of the MCC of lung cancer?

usually located peripherally consisting of columnar cells growing along septa

has the least association with smoking (as compared to squamous and small cell p- typically centrally located), but is still the most prevalent in smokers
What are anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides (CCP) associated with?
Rheumatoid arthritis (in adition to rheumatoid factor)
What is anti-mitochondrial antibody associated with?
Primary Biliary cirrhosis
What conditions are associated with primary biliar cirrhosis? What is treatment?
PBC (anti-mitochondrial antibodies)

Sjogren's syndrome, Raynaud's syndrome, scleroderma, autoimmune thyroid disease, hypothyroidism, celiac disease, elevated risk of hepatobiliary malignancy

ursodeoxycholic acid is drug of choice, slows dz progression and relieves sx

methotrexate and colchicine have shown moderate benefit
What are symptoms of chronic Vitamin D overdose?
can lead to hypercalcemia

constipation, abdominal pain, polyuria, polydipsia
How can you distinguish between Cushing disease and ectopic ACTH?
high dose dexamethasone suppression test

Cushing dz should have urinary cortisol secretion decreased by ~50%, as pituitary adenomas are only partially resistant to regulation

ectopic ACTH will not be suppressed
What is the location and presentation for the following 4 common lacunar syndromes?

-Pure motoer hemiparesis
-Pure sensory stroke
-Dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome
Pure motor hemiparesis - lacunar infarction in posterior limb of internal capsule - unilateral motor deficit (face, arm, leg) mild dysarthria, no sensory visual or cortical dysfxn

Pure sensory stroke - stroke of ventroposterolateral nucleus of thalamus - unilateral numbness, paresthesias, and hemisensory deficit of face, arm, trunk and leg

Ataxic-hemiparesis - lacunar infarction in anterior limb of internal capsule - weakness prominent in lower extremity, with ipsilateral arm and leg incoordination

Dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome - lacunar stroke at basis pontis - hand weakness, mild motor aphasia, no sensory abnlities
Does pulmonary embolism cause increased A-a gradient?
In Inflammatory Bowel Disease, what rheumatologic marker is positive? What extra-colonic symptoms can manifest?
p-ANCA and HLA-B27

skin findings (erythema nodosum and pyoderma gangrenosum)
What healthy individuals should not receive the intranasal influenza vaccine?
those > 50 yo

those caring for severely immune compromised individuals
What individuals should receive the pneumococcal vaccine?
all >= 65 yo

those < 65 w/chronic CV, pulm, hepatic, renal, metabolic dz, or immunosuppression
What is Bartter's and Gitelman's syndrome? What distinguishes them from other conditions with similar presentation?
Defective sodium and chloride reabsorption in thick ascending limb (Bartter) or distal convoluted tubule (Gitelman)

presents as polyuria, polydipsia, growth & mental retardation

similar to diuretic use and surreptitious vomiting, all have elevated plasma and renin levels, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis

Bartter and Gitelman syndrome have elevated URINE CHLORIDE, where the others do not
What is the prophylactic and acute treatment for cluster headache?
Acute - 100% oxygen, subQ sumatriptan

Prophylactic - verapamil, lithium, ergotamine
What findings on paracentesis are indicative of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?
PMN > 250

positive ascities culture

SAAG (serum-ascites albumin gradient) > 1.1 indicates portal hypertension as etiology of ascities
What finding on paracentesis would indicate ascites is due to portal hypertension?
SAAG (Serum-ascites albumin gap) > 1.1 mg / dL
How do you calculate the serum osmolar gap?
Osmolar gap = measured osmolarity - calculated osmolarity

calculated osmolarity = [2Na + Glu/18 + BUN/2.8]

normal is < 10

osmolar gap metabolic acidosis indicates acute methanol, ethanol, or ethylene glycol poisoning
What is primary medical therapy for patients with aortic regurg?
Vasodilators to reduce afterload

nifedipine or ACE inhibitors
What organism most commonly causes epididymitis?
In sexually active: chlamydia and gonococcus

Not sexually active, older men: E. Coli, and less commonly Pseudomonas
What microbe is most likely to cause a skin infection looking as an erythematous rash with a well demarcated border?
Group A Strept
What microbe most commonly causes UTI in patients with indwelling cathethers AND alkaline urine?
Proteus species
What is the ScVO2 in septic shock?
increased, due to hyperdynamic circulation, improper distribution of CO, inability of tissue to extract oxygen
Where is chloroquine resistant plasmodium falciparum most common? What is preferred prophylaxis in these areas?
sub-saharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh)

Mefloquine is drug of choice
Is cigarette smoking or alcohol a risk factor for pancreatic cancer?
Cigarette smoking

Alcohol is NOT a RF (tho chronic pancreatitis is)
How do you treat neuroleptic malignant syndrome acutely? What do you follow this with?
A muscle relaxant first (dantrolene)

follow with bromocriptine (dopamine agonist) and amantadine (antiviral drug w/dopaminergic properties)
What lab changes are expected in tumor lysis syndrome for potassium, uric acid, phosphate, and calcium?
increased K+

increased phosphate (intracellular ion)

increased uric acid (prtn breakdown)

decreased calcium (bound up by phosphate)
What is the major cause of mortality in subarrachnoid hemmorhage?
vasospasm (~30% of patients, ~7 days after event), give Nimodipine to prevent
Criteria for ARDS?
acute dyspnea

inciting condition

b/l infiltrates on CXR

PCWP < 18

PaO2/FiO2 < 200
Back pain in young-middle aged person that is worse in morning and improves gradually throughout day?
Seronegative spondyloarthropathy (ie ankylosing spondylitis)
What are the MEN syndromes?
MEN I - PTH, pituitary tumor, tneropancreatic tumor

MEN 2A - PTH hyperplasia, medullary thyroid cancer, pheo

MEN 2B - medullary thyroid, pheo, & other (mucosal & intestinal neuromas / marfanoid habitus)
What is amiloride?
A potassium sparing diuretic
What can cause chest pain following MI with ST elevation and deep Qs in the same leads as with presentation, 5 days to 3 months following MI?
Ventricular aneurysm
What are pharmacologic treatments for Graves disease? What are the side effects of each?
Both - agranulocytosis, rash, arthralgias, hepatitis

Methimazole - teratogen in 1st trimester, cholestatic jaundice

Propylthiouracil - vasculitis
What kind of renal disease is associated with Hepatitis C?
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

less freq membranous nephropathy
How do you managed SVT in setting of Wolf Parkinson White?
cardioversion, either electrical or with antiarrhythmics (procainamide in this question)

do NOT use beta-blockers, adenosine, etc, as anything that decreases AV node conduction will increase bypass and lead to v fib
In treating acne, what is the order treatments should be used in increasing severity of condition?
First line - topical retinoids

Moderate to severe - oral antibiotics

Severe acne w/atrophic scarring or resistant cases - oral isoretinoin
What is trihexphenidyl?
anticholinergic agent used for Parkinson's

often used in younger patients in whom tremor is predominant symptom
curvilinear gas shadowing in the gallbladder on ultrasound?
emphysematous cholecystitis

2/2 infection of gallbladder wall w/gas forming bacteria (clostridium, escherichia, staph, strept, pseudomonas, klebsiella)

vascular compromise or immunosuppression, gallstones, and infection are predisposing
What is cutoff value of synovial WBC count to differentiate crystal vs septic arthritis?

crystal 10,000 - 50,000

septic 50,000 - 150,000
Formulas for:

Positive Predictive Value
Negative Predictive Value
Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN, aka total dz)

Specificity = TN / (TN + FP, aka non-dz)

PPV = TP / (TP + FP, aka tot pos)

NPV = TN / (TN + FN, aka tot neg)
What test diagnoses primary syphilis?
Dark field microscopy

(serum tests rely on antibodies, which in primary syphilus may not be positive yet)
Renal side effect of acyclovir mechanism?
acyclovir poorly soluble in urine, precipitates easily

obstruction of rental tubules causing ARF

administer with hydration
What is the management of Goodpastures syndrome?
Early / immediate plasmapheresis

pulmorenal dz caused by circulating anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies, early removal of abs by emergency plasmapheresis minimizes extent of kidney injury, improves prognosis
What causes sideroblastic anemia, generally?
inherited or acquired defects affecting biosynthesis of heme w/in red cell precursors
What causes target cells, generally? What specific dz associations?
excess membrane relative to amount of hemoglobin

low hgb - thalassemia, iron deficiency, hemoglobin C, other hemoglobinopathies

excess membrane - liver disease

other - asplenia
What is the MCC mechanism of death in patients w/acute MI?
complex ventricular arrhythmias
What is the most common extraarticular manifestation of Ankylosing Spondylitis?
Anterior Uveitis, 25-40% of patients

monocular pain, bluring, and photophobia
What is anti-CCP associated with?
Rheumatoid arthritis
What is the treatment for fibromuscular dysplasia?
percutaneous angioplasty w/stent placement
Pulmonary nodule with a halo sign in a sick patient?

occurs in immunocompromised patients (neutropenia, cytotoxic drugs, glucocorticoids)

fever, cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis
What is treatment for prolactinoma?
Dopaminergic agents

-cabergoline - new drug w/fewer side effects, more effective

bromocriptine - old treatment
What is cabergoline?
a new dopaminergic agent used in tx of prolactinomas
What is the most important contributor to edema in CHF?
Sodium retention 2/2 activation of RAAS system 2/2 renal hypoperfusion
What pharmacologic treatment is approved for ALS?

glutamate inhibitor

may prolong survival and time to tracheostomy, tho cannot arrest underlying pathophys

SE are dizziness, nausea, wt loss, elevated LFTs, skeletal weakness
Which dementia is associated with prominent visual hallucinations, and can have Parkinson like findings?
Dementia with Lewy Body

characterized by fluctuating cognitive impairment
Skin lesion w/invasive cords of squamous cells w/keratin pearls?
Squamous cell carcinoma
Skin lesion w/invasive clusters of spindle cells surrounded by palisaded basal cells?
Basal cell carcinoma
HbA1c, each 1% corresponds to what change in blood sugar concentration?
1% ~ 35 mg/dL
How does estrogen supplementation effect thyroid replacement?
increased required drug levels

thought to induce metabolism by CYP3A4 of levothyroxine
What is cladribine?
purine analog, toxic to bone marrow

used for treatment of Hairy Cell Leukemia

SE - neurologic & kidney damage

Cladribine = 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine (2-CdA)
What is CHOP regimen for?
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
What are chlorambucil and prednisone for?
chronic lymphocytic leukemia
What is the difference between selection bias and confounding in case control?
Selection bias refers to exposure status, is not addressed by case control

Confounding refers to matching other variables (age, race, etc), can be accounted for in case control
What are t-test, z-test, chi-squared test, and ANOVA designed to evaluate?
t-test & z-test - compare two means (not proportions of dichotamous outcomes, z of limited use b/c need to know population variables)

chi-square - compare proportions (amount in each of two dichotomous outcomes), 2x2 table to compare observed w/expected values

ANOVA - compare means of 3 or more variables
What are the 4 main side effects of erythropoietin?
Worsening hypertension (~30%)

Headaches (~15%)

Flu-like syndrome (~5%)

Red cell aplasia - rare
How can peptic strictures be differentiated from esophageal adenocarcinoma in patient with Barett's esophagus?
both may have resolution of heartburn symptoms (peptic stricture actually helps reduce GERD)

peptic stricture - tend to be symmetric, circumferential narrowings on endoscopy

biopsy is req to r/o adenocarcinoma
What lab finding indicates a parapneumonic effusion requires chest tube?
pH < 7.2 - needs to be drained

glucose < 60 also indication
What is the classic ECG finding in PE?
S1 Q3 T3

(only a small fraction have)
What is the skin lesion associated w/celiac dz called? What is pharmacologic tx?
Dermatitis herpetiformis

What symptoms of SLE is hydroxychloroquine best at treating? What is the most serious side effect?
isolated skin and joint involvement

most serious side effect is retinopathy, eye exam q6mos
Muddy brown casts?
Acute tubular necrosis
RBC casts?
WBC casts?
Interstitial nephritis and pyelonephritis
Fatty casts?
Nephrotic syndrome
Broad and waxy casts?
chronic renal failure
IBD - crypt abscesses and non-caseating granulomas, which is more characteristic of which?
non-caseating granulomas - Crohn's

crypt abscesses - Ulcerative colitis
What lab measurement can be used to indicate exogenous thyroid hormone abuse?
low thyroglobulin indicates exogenous thyroid hormone ingestion, when combined with low radioactive iodide uptake
What does alkaline blood pH do to calcium and albumin?
increases calcium's affinity to albumin, thereby increasing levels of albumin-bound calcium
What should be considered when patient with Parkinson like symptoms develops orthostatic hypotension, impotence, incontinence, or other autonomic symptoms?
Multiple system atrophy (Shy-Drager syndrome)
what is TRAP stain?
Tartrate-RESISTENT acid phosphatase

Hairy Cell Leukemia

CD11c marker
What electrolyte abnormality is commonly seen in subarrachnoid hemmorhage? What is pathophys?
Hyponatremia - "cerebral salt wasting syndrome"

-inappropriate secretion of vasopressin
-increased secretion of atrial/bran natriuretic peptide (causing cerebral salt-wasting)

hyponatremia usually resolves w/in 1-2 weeks
What is MCC of nephrotic syndrome in patients with hepatitis B?
Membranous glomerulonephritis

also associated w/membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
What patients typically have Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis?
African americans

HIV infection
What metabolite is diagnostic of congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
What fungal lung infection shows mass in lung which moves with change in position?
What is anti-topoisomerase-1 antibody associated with?
Systemic sclerosis
What condition causes hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and increased PTH?
2ndary hyperPTH in chronic renal failure
What bacteria are patients with hemochromatosis at increased risk for?
Listeria monocytogenes

Yersinia enterocolitica

Vibrio vulnificus
How does sodium bicarb treat TCA overdose?
increases Na concentration extracellularly, alleviating the depressant action on Na channels

HCO3 alkalinity also decreases affinity of TCA for Na channels

combined helps relieve the QRS widening
Where do spinalthalamic tracts decussate?
at the level they enter the spinal cord

pain and temperature

lesion of this tract in spinal cord results in contralateral sensory loss 2 segments below
What measurement should be used to evaluate respiratory failure in Guillain-Barre? What value is cutoff?
Vital Capacity

if belo 15 mL/kg then high risk of resp failure
What is the name for measels?
Palpable purpura, glomerulonephritis, arthralgias, hepatosplenomegaly, peripheral neuropathy, and decreased complement levels?

most pts also have Hep C
Difference between severe rhizopus and pseudomonas infections in diabetics?
Rhizopus - begin in paranasal sinus and extend into orbit and brain

Pseudomonas - ear pain and drainage, granulation tissue, osteomyelitis of skull base and destruction of facial nerve (MOE)
Blood transfusions before what year put people at risk for what infections?
before 1992 - hep C

before 1986 - hep B
What are Lights criteria for exudative pleural effusion?
Protein in pleural fluid : serum ratio > 0.5

pleural fluid LDH : serum LDH ratio > 0.6

pleural fluid LDH > 2/3 ULN for serum LDH
What is A-a gradient formula? Normal values?
A-a = PAO2 - PaO2

PAO2 = (FiO2 - [Patm - PH20]) - (PaCO2 / R)
=150 - PaCO2 / 0.8

nl is < 15 (or up to 30 in elderly)
>30 is always abnl
Do you use corticosteroids or IVIG for Guillan Barre tx?
IVIG (+ plasmaphoresis)

corticosteroids was once mainstay, but has not showed any benefits and are no longer used
What is the treatment for solitary brain metastasis w/stable extracranial disease?
Surgical resection followed by whole brain radidation

if multiple metastases then just palliative whole brain radiation
What is characteristic of waldenostrom's macroglobinemia? How can it be differentiated from MGUS?
Hyperviscosity of blood from overproduction of IgM
-IgM spike
-tiredness, increased spleen/liver/lymph node size, easy bleeding & bruising/night sweats, HA/dizziness, visual problems, pain and numbness in extremities

patients with MGUS are largely asymptomatic
Hemolytic anemia with venous thrombosis? Which vein in particular?
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
(cell membrane anchor prtn GP1 abnl, CD55 and CD59 not bound, which nl help inhibit destruction)

PNH has tendency towards hepatic venous thrombosis
What is the most common nephropathy associated with carcinomas? What is a cancer that is an exception to this?
Membranous glomerulonephritis

Hodgkin's lymphoma has association with minimal change dz
What is a serious side effect of propylthiouracil?

fever and sore throat in patient taking anti-thyroid drugs suggests agranulocytosis
What drug can be given to counteract the anti-cholinergic effects of diphenhydramine overdose?
Physostigmine (cholinesterase inhibitor)
What is tx for platelet dysfxn in renal failure?
DDAVP if needed

increases release of factor VIII:von Willebrand factor multimers from endothelial storage sites
What is MOA and SE of cyclosporine and tacrolimus?

SE - nephrotoxic, hyperkalemia, HTN, tremor

(Cyclosporine also has gum hypertrophy and hirsutism)
What is the MOA and SE of azathioprine?
purine analog converted to 6-mercaptopurine, inhibiting purine synthesis

SE - diarrhea, leukopenia, hepatotoxicity
What is MOA and SE of Mycophenolate?
reversible inhibitor of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, rate-limiting enzyme in de novo purine synthesis

SE - bone marrow suppression
What effect does hyperthyroidism have on bones?
if left untreated hyperthyroid patients are at risk for rapid bone loss due to direct effects of thyroid hormones on bone cells
Eggshell calcification of hepatic cyst on CT?
Hydatid cyst (echinococcus)

intimate contact with dogs
What is a radiolucent kidney stone made of? What is treatment?
Uric acid stones (10-15% of total cases)

seen in low urine pH levels and hyperuricosuria

tx - alkalinize urine, hydration, low-purine diet

alkalinize urine to pH > 6.5 w/oral KHCO3 or K-citrate
What are CSF findings in Guillain-Barre syndrome?
High protein

Normal - WBC, glucose, RBC
What is presentation and timeline of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia? What is pathophys? What is a diagnostic lab test?
Platelets drop by > 50% baseline in 5-14 days after starting heparin

2/2 antibodies against heparin-platelet factor 4 complexes, activating platelets

serotonin release assay can confirm diagnosis
What is a particular use for procainamide?
Wolff-Parkinson-White ventricular arrhythmias
What is the difference between Steven's Johnson syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis?
SJ up to 10% skin involved

TEN > 30% body surface involved
What is the mechanism of Eaton-Lamber syndrome?
antibodies against voltage-gated calcium channels in PREsynaptic nerve terminal

associated w/small cell carcinoma

tx w/plamapheresis and immunosuppressive drug therapy
How is Riboflavin (B2) deficiency different than Niacin (B3 deficiency)?
Riboflavin does not have the diarrhea nor the dementia (neurologic) components (except for some photophobia)

they both can have dermatitis, oropharyngeal changes
What kind of lesion are patient's with Hashimoto's thyroiditis at increased risk for developing?
Thyroid lymphoma (~60x increased risk)
What is the main gluconeogenic amino acid? What intermediate metabolite is it converted to?

Infection causing erythematous, maculopapular rash, starting on face and progressing to trunk and extremities? How differentiate from other causes?
Rubella or Rubeola

Measles (Rubeola?) prodrome will include additional items of fever, cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis (may also have Koplik spots)

Rubella has arthritis, which Rubeola does not
Important disease association with Dermatomyositis?
Internal malignancies (>10% of DM patients)

Ovarian MC
also breast, lung, other female urogenital
What lab findings are present in adrenal insufficiency 2/2 chronic exogenous steroids?
Central adrenal insufficiency

decreased ACTH, decreased cortisol

(CRH is also suppressed)
Is ursodeoxycholic acid indicated for asymptomatic gallstones?
How is sarcoidosis treated?
Asymptomatic - followed w/o tx due to high rate of spontaneous remission

Symptomatic - systemic glucocorticoids

If w/renal involvement - cyclophosphamide
When and why is ampicillin used in meningitis tx?
In adults > 55 yo

covers listeria monocytogenes
What is the difference between bronchiectasis and bronchitis?
Bronchiectasis - recurrent purulent expectoration

Bronchitis - recurrent NONpurulent expectoration
Which fungal infection causes palatal ulcers, hepatosplenomegaly, and pancytopenia?
Disseminated histoplasmosis
What peripheral blood smear findings are characteristic of G6PD deficiency?
Heinz bodies

bite cells
What is the organism and treatment for cat-scratch dz?
Bartonella henselae

azithromycin x5 days
Hepatolenticular degeneration?
Wilson's dz
What kind of bias does loss to follow-up create?
Selection bias (b/c the ones remaining to be studied are no longer properly "selected")

ascertainment and observer bias relate to misclassification of the OUTCOME
What is the MCC of nephrotic syndrome in adults? What is a vascular complication?
Membranous glomerulonephritis

loss of Antithrombin III increases risk of venous and arterial thrombosis, including Renval vein thrombosis (abdominal pain, fever, hematuria)