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235 Cards in this Set

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Orbicularis oris
Corrugator supercilii
Orbicularis oculi
Epicranial aponeurosis
Medial pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Splenius capitis
Scalene muscles
Levator scapulae
Erector spinae group
External abdominal oblique
Internal abdominal oblique
Upside down V
Transverse abdominis
Rectus abdominis
External intercostals
Internal intercostals
Pectoralis minor
Serratus anterior
Rhomboid major
Rhomboid minor
Latissimus dorsi
Pectoralis major
Teres major
Triceps brachii
Teres minor
Biceps brachii
Psoas major
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
Tensor fascia latae
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Biceps femoris
Vastus intermedius
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
teardrop shaped
Rectus femoris
Tibialis anterior
Action of the frontalis
Wrinkles forehead
Action of the occipitalis
Retracts scalp posteriorly
Elevates eyebrows
Action of the buccinator
Compress cheek
Action of the Orbicularis oris
Purse lips
Action of the corrugator supercilii
Pulls eyebrows medially and inferiorly
Vertical furrows
Action of the Orbicularis oculi
Closes eye
Action of the temporalis
Elevate and retract mandible
Action of the masseter
Elevation of the mandible
Jaw closure
Protract mandible
Action of the medial pterygoid
Elevate and protract mandible
side-to-side mandible movement
Acton of the lateral pterygoid
Protract mandible
Side-to-side mandible movements
Action of the sternocleidomastoid
Rotate head
Laterally flex head
Action of the splenius capitus
Rotate head
Extend head
Action of the scalene muscles
Elevate ribs
Forced inspiration
Action of the elevator scapulae
Elevate or inferiorly rotate the scapula
Action of the erector spinae group
Extend neck and vertebral column
Action of the external abdominal oblique
Lateral flexion
Flexion of vertebral column
Compression of abdominal wall
Action of internal abdominal oblique
Lateral flexion
Flexion of vertebral column
Compression of abdominal wall
Action of the transverse abdominis
Lateral Flexion
Flexion of vertebral column
Compression of abdominal wall
Action of Rectus abdominis
Flex vertebral column
Action of the diaphragm
Expand thoracic cavity
Action of the external intercostals
Elevate ribs during inspiration
Action of internal intercostals
Depress the ribs during forced expiration
Action of the Pectoralis minor
depress the scapula
Action of the serratus anterior
Protracts the scapula
Rotates the scapula superiorly
Action of the subclavius
Stabilize or depress the clavicle
Action of the rhomboid major
Inferiorly rotate the scapula
Action of the rhomboid minor
Inferiorly rotate scapula
Action of the trapezius
Superiorly rotate
Depress the scapula
Action of the latissimus dorsi
Arm extension
Adduct and medially rotate the arm
Action of the Pectoralis major
Arm Flexion
Medially move arm
Action of the deltoid
Arm abduction
Medial rotation
lateral rotation
Action of the Teres major
Medially rotate arm
Action of the triceps brachii
Extender of forearm and humerus
Action of the subscapularis
Medially rotate arm
Action of the supraspinatus
Abduct the arm
Action of the infraspinatus
Adduct the arm
Laterally rotate the arm
Action of the teres minor
Adduct and laterally rotate the arm
Action of the biceps brachii
Flex forearm
Flex arm
Supinator of the forearm
Action of the brachialis
Forearm Flexion
Action of the brachioradialis
Flex forearm
Acton of the psoas major
Flex the thigh
Action of the sartorius
Cross the leg
Flex and laterally rotate the though
Flex and medially rotate the leg
Longest muscle
Action of the adductor longus
Adducts and flexes the thigh
Action of the adductor brevis
Hip adduction
Adduct and flex the thigh
Action of the gracilis
Adduct and flex the thigh
Flex the leg
Action of the pectineus
Flex and adduct the thigh
Action of the adductor magnus
or extend the thigh or
medially rotate
Largest muscle
Action of the tensor fascia latae
Medially rotation
Abduction of the thigh
Action of the gluteus maximus
Extend and laterally rotate the thigh
Action of the gluteus medius
Abduct and medially rotate the thigh
Action of the gluteus minimus
Abducts and medially rotates the thigh
Action of the biceps femoris
Extend thigh
Flex and laterally rotate the leg
Action of the semimembranosus
Extend the thigh
Flex leg
Medially rotate leg
Action of the semitendinosus
Extend thigh
Flex leg
Medially rotate the leg
Action of the vastus intermedius
Extend leg
Action of the Vastus lateralis
Extend leg
Action of the Vastus medialis
Extend leg
Action of the Rectus femoris
Flex thigh
Extend leg
Action of the tibialis anterior
Dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot
Action of the gastrocnemius
Plantar Flexion
Flex leg
Action of the soleus
Plantar flexion
Origin and insertion of the frontalis
O: Frontal bone

I: Skin of the frontal bone
Epicranial aponeurosis
Origin and insertion of occipitalis
O: Occipital bone

I: Epicranial aponeurosis
Origin and Insertion of the buccinator
O: Mandible and maxilla

I: Orbicularis oris
Origin and insertion of Orbicularis oris
O: Maxilla and mandible

I: Skin surrounding mouth
Origin and insertion of the corrugator supercilii
O: Frontal bone

I: Skin over frontal bone
Origin and insertion of the Orbicularis oculi
O: Medial wall of orbit

I: Skin around the eyelids
Origin and insertion of the temporalis
O: Temporal bone

I: Coronoid process of mandible
Origin and insertion of masseter
O: Zygomatic arch

I: Coronoid process of mandible
Lateral surface of mandible
Origin and insertion of medial pterygoid
O: Maxilla, medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate

I: Mandible
Origin and insertion of lateral pterygoid
O: Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate

I: Mandible
Origin and insertion of sternocleidomastoid
O: Manubrium of sternum

I: Mastoid process of temporal bone
Origin and insertion of the splenius capitis
O: Cervicle vertebrae

I: Temporal bone
Occipital bone
Origin and insertion of scalene muscles
O: Cervicle vertebrae

I: Ribs
Origin and insertion of the elevator scapulae
O: Cervical vertebrae

I: Scapula
Origin and insertion of erector spinae group
O: Iliac crest
Sacrum and lumbar vertebrae

I: Ribs
Thoracic and cervical vertebrae
Origin and insertion external abdominal oblique
O: Ribs

I: Linea alba
Iliac crest
Origin and insertion of internal abdominal oblique
O: Iliac crest

I: Linea alba
Pubic crest
Origin and insertion of the transversus abdominus
O: Iliac crest

I: Linea alba
Pubic crest
Origin and insertion of the Rectus abdominis
O: Pubis

I: Xiphoid process of sternum
Origin and insertion of diaphragm
O: Sternum, costal cartilages, ribs, lumbar vertebrae

I: Central tendon
Origin and insertion of external intercostals
O: Ribs

I: Ribs
Origin and insertion of the internal intercostals
O: Ribs

I: Ribs
Origin and insertion of Pectoralis minor
O: Rib

I: Coracoid process of the scapula
Origin and insertion of the serratus anterior
O: Rib

I: Scapula
Origin and insertion of the subclavius
O: Rib

I: Clavicle
Origin and insertion of the rhomboid major
O: Thoracic vertebrae

I: Scapula
Origin and insertion of the rhomboid minor
O: Cervical and thoracic vertebrae

I: Scapula
Origin and insertion of the trapezius
O: Occipital bone, cervical and thoracic vertebrae

I: Scapula, clavicle
Origin and insertion of latissimus dorsi
O: Thoracic vertebrae, ribs, Iliac crest

I: Intertubicular groove of humerus
Origin and insertion of Pectoralis major
O: Clavicle, costal cartilages, sternum

I: Intertubicular groove of the humerus
Origin and insertion of the deltoid
O: Scapula, clavicle

I: Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
Origin and insertion of the Teres major
O: Scapula

I: Lesser tubercle of humerus, intertubicular groove of humerus
Origin and insertion of triceps brachii
O: Humerus, scapula

I: Olecranon process of ulna
Origin and insertion of subscapularis
O: Scapula, subscapula fossa

I: Lesser tubercle of the humerus
Origin and insertion of supraspinatus
O: Supraspinus fossa of scapula

I: Greater tubercle of the humerus
Origin and insertion of infraspinatus
O: Infraspinous fossa

I: Greater tubercle of the humerus
Origin and insertion of the Teres minor
O: Scapula

I: Greater tubercle of the humerus
Origin and insertion of the biceps brachii
O: Scapula

I: Radial tuberosity of radius
Origin and insertion of the brachialis
O: Humerus

I: Ulna
Origin and insertion of the brachioradialis
O: Humerus

I: Styloid process of the radius
Origin and insertion of psoas major
O: Lumbar vertebrae

I: Lesser trochanter of the femur
Origin and insertion of sartorius
O: Anterior superior Iliac spine

I: Ischial tuberosity
Origin and insertion of adductor longus
O: Pubis

I: Linea aspera of femur
Origin and insertion of adductor brevis
O: Pubis

I: Lesser trochanter and Linea aspera of the femur
Origin and insertion of the gracilis
O: Pubis

I: Tibia
Origin and insertion of pectineus
O: Pubis

I: Femur
Origin and insertion of adductor magnus
O: Pubis, ischial tuberosities

I: Linea aspera, adductor tubercle of the femur
Origin and insertion of tensor fascia latae
O: Iliac crest, anterior superior Iliac spine

I: Iliac tibial band onto the tibia
Origin and insertion of gluteus maximus
O: Iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx

I: Iliotibial band, Linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity of femur
Origin and insertion of gluteus medius
O: Iliac crest

I: Greater trochanter of the femur
Origin and insertion of the gluteus minimus
O: Ilium

I: Greater trochanter of the femur
Origin and insertion of the biceps femoris
O: Ischial tuberosity and Linea aspera of the femur

I: Head of the fibula
Origin and insertion of the semimembranosus
O: Ischial tuberosity

I: Medial condyle of the tibia
Origin and insertion of the semitendinosus
O: Ischial tuberosity

I: Tibia
Origin and insertion of Vastus intermedius
O: Femur

I: Patella, tibial tuberosity
Origin and insertion of Vastus lateralis
O: Greater trochanter, Linea aspera of the femur

I: Patella, tibial tuberosity
Origin and insertion of the Vastus medialis
O: intertrochanteric crest, Linea aspera of the femur

I: Patella, tibial tuberosity
Origin and insertion of the rectus femoris
O: Anterior inferior Iliac spine

I: Patella, tibial tuberosity
Origin and insertion of the tibialis anterior
O: Tibia

I: 1st metatarsal, medial cuneiform
Origin and insertion of gastrocnemius
O: Lateral and medial condyles of the femur

I: Calcaneus
Origin and insertion of the soleus
O: Tibia, fibula

I: Calcaneus
Innervation of frontalis
Facial nerve
Innervation of the occipitalis
Facial nerve
Innervation of the buccinator
Facial nerve
Innervation of the Orbicularis oris
Facial nerve
Innervation of the corrugator supercilii
Facial nerve
Innervation of the Orbicularis oculi
Facial nerve
Innervation of the temporalis
Trigeminal nerve
Innervation of the masseter
Trigeminal nerve
Innervation of the medial pterygoid
Trigeminal nerve
Innervation of the lateral pterygoid
Trigeminal nerve
Innervation of the sternocleidomastoid
Accessory nerve
Innervation of the splenius capitis
Cervical spinal nerves
Innervation of the scalene muscles
Cervical spinal nerves
Innervation of the levator scapulae
Cervical spinal nerves
Innervation of erector spinae group
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar spinal nerves
Innervation of external abdominal oblique
Spinal nerves
Innervation of internal abdominal oblique
Spinal nerves
Innervation of transversus abdominis
Spinal nerves
Innervation of Rectus abominis
spinal nerves
Innervation of the diaphragm
Phrenic nerve
Innervation of the external intercostals
Intercostal nerves
Innervation of the internal intercostals
Intercostal nerves
Innervation of the serratus anterior
Long thoracic nerve
Innervation of the trapezius
Accessory nerve
Innervation of the deltoid
Axillary nerve
Innervation of the triceps brachii
Radial nerve
Innervation of Teres minor
Axillary nerve
Innervation of the biceps brachii
Musculocutaneous nerve
Innervation of the brachialis
Musculocutaneous nerve
Innervation of the brachioradialis
Radial nerve
Innervation of sartorius
Femoral nerve
Innervation of the adductor longus
Obturator nerve
Innervation of the adductor brevis
Innervation of the gracilis
Innervation of the pectineus
Innervation of adductor magnus
Innervation of tensor fascia latae
Superior gluteal nerve
Innervation of gluteus maximus
Inferior gluteal
Innervation of gluteus medius
Superior gluteal
Innervation of gluteus minimus
Superior gluteal nerve
Innervation of biceps femoris
Common fibular
Innervation of semimembranosus
Innervation of the semitendinosis
Innervation of Vastus intermedius
Innervation of Vastus lateralis
Innervation of Vastus medialis
Innervation of Rectus femoris
Innervation of Tibialis anterior
Innervation of gastrocnemius
Tibial nerve
Innervation of soleus
Tibial nerve