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44 Cards in this Set

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Where is the heart apex?
on top of the diaphragm pointing towards the left side
Which valve is between the left atrium and the left ventricle?
left AV or bicuspid or mitral valve
Which valve is between the left ventricle and the aorta?
left semilunar or aortic valve
Which valve is between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery
right semilunar or pulmonary valve
What valve is between the right artium and the right ventricle?
right AV or tricuspid valve
What is the first heart sound caused by?
the closure of the AV (tricuspid and mitral) valves
What is the second heart sound caused by?
the closure of the semilunar (pulmonary and aortic) valves
What is the "pacemaker" of the heart?
SA (sinoatrial) node
What leads to cardiac muscle contractions?
conduction of electrical impulses to the Purkinje fibers
What does bradycardia mean?

brady = < 60 beats per minute

tachy = > 100 beats per minute
What are atria? How are they different from ventricles?
the upper receiving chambers and have thinner walls
What are ventricles? How are the different from atria?
lower discharging chambers and they have thicker walls
What are the two layers of the pericardium?
Parietal and visceral
What is between the visceral and parietal layers?
pericardial cavity which has lubricating fluid to prevent surface friction
Where is visceral layer of pericardium?
intimately related to the outer heart layer, the epicardium
Where does blood from the right atrium go? What valve does it pass through?
passes through the tricuspid valve going into the right ventricle
Where does blood from the right ventricle go?
goes to the pulmonary artery
Where does blood from the left ventricle go?
goes to the aorta
Where does blood coming from the lungs go?
enters the left atrium
Where does blood from the superior and inferior vena cavae go?
into the right atrium
What is the sequence of impulse through the heart's conduction system?
sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, bundle of HIS, and Purkinje fibers
What is pericarium?
special covering of the heart
What is myocardium?
the thick muscular layer of the heart
What is the endothelium?
continuously lines the heart's and blood vessels' inner walls
What are valves?
anatomic structures that provide a unidirectional flow to blood
What holds atrioventricular valves in place?
papillary muscles and chordae tendinae
What is the path of blood flow?
arteries - arterioles - capillaries - venules - veins
How many layers in blood vessels?
inner tunica intima
middle tunica media
outer tunica adventitia
How are arterial tunica media different than venous tunica media?
arterial tunica media is usually thicker the venous
What does inner tunica consists of?
smooth and consists of endothelial cells
What is the tunica adventitia or externa consist of?
connective tissue
What are the precapillary sphincters? and what do they do?
valves that control the flow of blood from the arterioles to the capillaries
What is systemic circulation?
blood flow from the aorta to different parts of the body then back to the heart
What is pulmonary circulation?
blood flow from the pulmonary artery to the lungs then back to the heart
What does the left subclavian artery supply?
supplies blood partly to the head and partly to the left upper extremity
When pregnant, where does oxygen-rich blood coming from placenta go?
it goes through the umbilical vein and then to the ductus venosus
What carries blood away from the heart?
Arteries do not have valves
What contains valves and brings blood back to the heart?
What is a capillary?
does not have valves. It is the place where exchange of substances with the body cells takes place
What does the fetal ductus venous do?
it bypasses the immature liver, bringing blood back to the heart
Where is blood pressure highest?
large arteries
Where is blood pressure the lowest?
large veins
What is a direct cause of blood pressure?
blood volume
What can cause resistance to blood flow?
blood viscosity and tension of the muscles in the blood vessel walls