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41 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
1- proximal epiphysis
2- diaphysis
3- distal epiphysis
4- articular cartilage
5-epiphyseal line
6- compact bone
7- medullary cavity
8- yellow marrow
9- Periosteum
10- nutrient artery
11- Endosteum
12- spongy Bone
Femur (thigh bone)
Femur (thigh bone)
1- proximal epiphysis
2- spongy bone
3- metaphysis
4- compact bone
5- medullary cavity
Name #1-7
Name #1-7
1- maxilla
2- vomer
3- sphenoid bone
4- occipital bone
5- Zygomatic bone
6- palatine bone
7- temporal bone
Name #1-12
Name #1-12
1- parietal bone
2- sphenoid bone
3- Ethmoid bone
4- lacrimal bone
5- inferior nasal concha/ turbinate
6- vomer
7- frontal bone
8- temporal bone
9- nasal bone
10- Zygomatic bone
11- maxilla
12- mandible
1- supraorbital foramen
2- orbit of eye
3- inferior orbital fissure
4- perpendicular plate of Ethmoid
5- mental foramen
6- supraorbital margin
7- superior orbital fissure
8- middle nasal concha
Which bone looks like a butterfly?
Sphenoid bone
Nasal Septum
Nasal Septum
1- perpendicular plate of Ethmoid
2- septal cartilage
3- vomer
Major fontanels of the fetal skull
Major fontanels of the fetal skull
1- anterolateral fontanel
2- posterolateral fontanel
3- anterior fontanel
4- posterior fontanel
1- cervical vertebrae
2- thoracic vertebrae
3- lumbar vertebrae
4- sacrum
5- coccyx
curves of the spine
curves of the spine
6- cervical curve
7- thoracic curve
8- lumbar curve
9- sacral curve
What is the name of the vertebra?
What is the name of the vertebra?
Atlas (C1)
1- superior articular facet
2- transverse foramen
3- transverse process
What is the name of this vertebra?
What is the name of this vertebra?
Axis (C2)
4- lamina
5- dens
6- spinous process
What kind of vertebra is this?
What kind of vertebra is this?
7- body
8- transverse process
9- bifurcated spinous process
10- pedicle
Name# 1-8
Name# 1-8
1- external auditory meatus
2- mastoid process
3- lacrimal fossa
4- Zygomatic process of temp. bone
5- condylar process
6- coronoid process
7- ramus of mandible
8- body of mandible
Name #1-6
Name #1-6
1- frontal bone
2- coronal suture
3- parietal bone
4- sagittal suture
5- Lambdoid suture
6- occipital bone
Name #7 and 14
Name #7 and 14
7- occipital condyle
14- foramen magnum
What kind of vertebra is this?
What kind of vertebra is this?
Thoracic vertebrae
1- transverse process
2- facet for articular part of tubercle of rib
3- superior articular facet
4- superior demifacet
What kind of vertebra is this?
What kind of vertebra is this?
Thoracic vertebrae
5- facet for articular part of tubercle of rib
6- slanted spinous process
7- superior demifacet
8- inferior demifacet
What kind of vertebra is this?
What kind of vertebra is this?
Lumbar vertebrae
1- pedicle
2- superior articular process
3- transverse process
4- vertebral foramen
5- body
What kind of vertebra is this?
What kind of vertebra is this?
Lumbar vertebrae
6- hatchet shaped spinous process
7- inferior articular facet
What 2 bones are this?
What 2 bones are this?
Sacrum and Coccyx
1- sacral ala
2- base
3- sacral promontory
4- sacral foramen
5- coccyx
6- sacral canal
7- superior articular facet
8- auricular surface
9- sacral hiatus
a) scoliosis
b) kyphosis
c) lordosis
1- jugular notch
2- manubrium
3- body of sternum
4- xiphoid process
5- sternum
6- costal cartilage
7- sternal angle
8- true ribs
9- floating ribs
10- false ribs
How many false ribs?
How many floating ribs?
11 and 12
How many true ribs?
1- 7
1- frontal bone
2- parietal bone
3- squamous suture
4- Ethmoid bone
5- lacrimal fossa
6- perpendicular plate of Ethmoid bone
7- inferior nasal concha
8- vomer
9- coronal suture
10- temporal bone
11- nasal bone
12- middle nasal concha
13- Zygomatic bone
14- maxilla
15- mandible
Anterior View
Anterior View
3- acromion
4- coracoid process
5- glenoid cavity
6- lateral border
7- subscapular fossa
8- medial border
Posterior View
Posterior View
9- supraspinous fossa
10- infraspinous fossa
11- acromion
12- spine
13- glenoid cavity or fossa
1- greater tubercle
2- intertubercular groove
3- lesser tubercle
4- lateral epicondyle
5- capitulum
6- head
7- anatomical neck
8- deltoid tuberosity
9- coronoid fossa
10- medial epicondyle
11- trochlea
12- olecranon fossa
13- medial epicondyle
14- lateral epicondyle
ulna and radius
ulna and radius
1- head of radius
2- radial tuberosity
3- styloid process of radius
4- olecranon (process)
5- trochlear notch
6- coronoid process
7- radial notch
8- styloid process of ulna
9- ulna
10- radius
1- carpals
2- metacarpals
3- proximal phalanx
4- middle phalanx
5- distal phalanx
1- ilium
2- posterior superior iliac spine
3- posterior inferior iliac spine
4- greater sciatic notch
5- ischium
6- ischial spine
7- lesser sciatic notch
8- obturator foramen
9- ischial tuberosity
10- iliac crest
11- anterior superior iliac spine
12- anterior inferior iliac spine
13- acetabulum
14- pubis
Female or Male?
Female or Male?
1- iliac crest
2- ilium
3- ischial spine
4- pelvic brim
5- pubic symphysis
6- false pelvis
7- true pelvis
8- pubis
Female or Male?
Female or Male?
9- ischial spine
10- false pelvis
11- sacroiliac joint
12- sacrum
13- coccyx
14- true pelvis
15- pubis
1- head of femur
2- greater tochanter
3- neck
4- lesser trochanter
5- medial epicondyle
6- medial condyle
7- lina aspera
8- lateral epicondyle
9- lateral condyle
Tibia, fibula and patella
Tibia, fibula and patella
1- lateral condyle
2- head of fibula
3- fibula
4- lateral malleolus
5- medial condyle
6- tibial tuberosity
7- tibia
8- medial malleolus
1- calcaneus
2- talus
3- proximal phalanx II
4- middle phalanx II
5- distal phalanx II
6- tarsals
7- metatarsals
8- phalanges
Lateral view
Lateral view
9- calcaneus
10- tibia
11- lateral malleolus
12- talus
13- tarsals
14- metatarsals
15- phalanges
Structural classification: amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis, synarthrosis
Structural classification: amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis, synarthrosis
1- D
2- D
3- A
4- D
5- A
6- S
7- A
8- A
9- D
10- D
11- S
1- articular bone
2- synovial fluid
3- synovial cavity
4- articular cartilage
5- fibrous capsule
6- synovial membrane
7- articular capsule