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45 Cards in this Set

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What is articulation?
2 or more bones that come together to form a joint
What is flexion?
decrease in angle between 2 bones
What is extension?
INCREASE in angle between 2 bones
Define abduction
Movement AWAY from midline
Define adduction
Movement TOWARDS midline
What is a tendon?
A connective tissue that connects MUSCLE to bone

What is a ligament?
Connective tissue that connects bone to bone.

Where is the scapulohumeral joint located?
It is the shoulder joint where the scapula and humerus meet.
Where is the Humeroradioulnar joint located/
The elbow where the humerus & the radius, ulna meet
The carpus is made up of what kind of bones?
Carpal bones, also known as the wrist in humans
Where is the sacroiliac joint located?
Between the sacrum and iliac crest
What 2 bones do the pelvic symphysis join?
the pubic bones
What two bones make up the Coxofemoral joint?
the pelvic bones and the femur
The Fibula is always located on the medial or lateral side of the pelvic limb?
What is a Meniscus?
A cartilaginous pad for cushion & support. A shock absorber
The lateral meniscus is located by which bone?
The fibula
The cranial cruciate ligament is located where?
located within the stifle (knee) joint and acts to stabilize the femur on the tibia. Attaches to the tibia cranially and the femur caudally
The Caudal Cruciate ligament is located where?
Located within the stifle joint and complements the cranial cruciate ligament in providing a major part of the stability of the stifle joint. originates from the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle, passes caudally and distally to insert on the medial side of the tibia.
The tarsus is made up of?
Tarsal bones and is also known as the HOCK
What is a collateral ligament?

Name 2 types.
A ligament located on either side of a hinge joint such as the knee or wrist that acts as a radius of movement for the joint.

Media and lateral
Where is the Atlanto-occipital joint located? What is the nickname for this joint?
Between the Atlas (C1) and the Occipital bone.

AKA: the yes joint
Where is the Atlanto-Axial joint located? What is its nickname?
Between C1 and C2, the Atlas & Axial vertebrae

AKA: The NO joint
When using medical terminology, Joints are listed in what order?
In anatomical order, cranial to caudal, proximal to distal
Where is the femorotibial joint located?
Between the femur and tibial bones. Also know as the stifle joint
What species is it okay to use the term Knee for referring to the carpus?
What is medical term for the thoracic limb fetlock joint of the horses?

Pelvic fetlock joint?
Metacarpophalangeal joint that is located between the fetlock and the phalanges

Metatarsophalangeal joint
What is the medical term for the pastern joint of the horse?
Proximal Interphalangeal joint located between P1 & P2
What is the medical term for the coffin joint?
Distal Interphalangeal joint and is located between P2 & P3
What is the function of the Trapezius?
Trapezius elevates the shoulder: draws it forward and backward
What is the function of the Latissimus Dorsi?
The Latissimus Dorsi flexes the shoulder, advances the body
What is the function of the Brachiocephalicus?
Brachiocephalicus pulls the limb forward, flexes neck laterally
What is the function of the Deltoid muscles?
The Deltoid flexes the shoulder
What is the function of the Supraspinatus muscle?
The Supraspinatus muscle extends the shoulder
What is the function of the Infraspinatus muscle?
The Infraspinatus muscle flexes the shoulder
What is the function of the Superficial Pectoral Muscle?
The Superficial Pectoral Muscle is responsible for adduction and advancing the limb
What is the function of the Deep Pectoral muscle?
The Deep Pectoral Muscle is responsible for adduction of the limb as well as flexing the shoulder
What is the function of the External & Internal Abdominal Obliques as well as the Transversus Abdominis?
All 3 muscles arch the back, assist with forced expiration as well as defecation.
What is the function of the Rectus Abdominis?
The Rectus Abdominis flexes the trunk and compresses abdominal viscera
The Longissimus Dorsi is located where and is important to the veterinary field because______?
the Longissimus Dorsi is located ALONG the spine

Important because it is a primary location for IM shots
Where is the Iliocostalis located?
Ventral to the Longissimus Dorsi, goes from ribs to the ilium
The muscles of the abdomen meet where?
At the Linea Alba
The Rectus Abdominis muscles go in what direction?
Caudal to cranial on the abdomen along the central abdomen
The External obliques have what types of striations?
Downward towards caudal end, meet in a V at the Linea Alba
Internal Obliques have striations that go in what direction and that is _______ of External Obliques?
Upward V that points cranially
The Transverse Abdominis is located where and the striations of this muscle go in what direction?
Located deep to the External and Internal Oblique muscles inside the peritoneum
striations go across the abdomen