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37 Cards in this Set

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2 types of glands



Exocrine functions

• Secrete products into ducts

• ex. Sweat, oil, mammary glands, pancreas

Endocrine gland functions

•Secrete product into extracellular fluid (ECF)

●Enters blood and transported to another area in the body

•Ex. Pituitary, thyroid, pancreas

Endocrine feedback loop (1-3)

1) Stimulus: change in homeostasis which triggers release of hormone

2)production site: Where hormone is made

3)Hormone: chemical substance secreted by cells into ECF that regulates metabolic functions in other cells

Endocrine feedback loop (4-6)

4) Target site: Tissue where the hormone exerts its action

5)Action: Reaction that hormone stimulates

6) Response: Return to homeostasis levels, usually opposite of stimulus

2 types of of hormones



Non-steroidal hormone

= Amino-acid based(any peptide or protein hormone)

•Water soluble

•Most common

Steroidal hormone

=Lipid soluble hormones synthesized from cholesterol - includes sex hormones and adrenal cortex hormone

•Other lipid hormone = Thyroid hormones(T3/T4)

What is a receptor?

Binding site of hormone on target cell

Type of receptor depends on hormone type....

•Steroidal (Lipid soluble) located inside target cell (nucleus)

•Non-steroidal (water soluble) on plasma membrane of target cell

Most hormones removed from body by ____ or _____

Duration is limited (_________)

Kidney or liver

20 min - few hours

Hypothalamus function

Directs pituitary gland

Pituitary gland sections and secretions

Posterior pituitary = ADH, Oxytocin

Anterior pituitary = hGH, ACTH, TSH, Sex hormones

Thyroid gland produces

T3/T4; Calcitonin

Parathyroid gland produces


Adrenal gland areas and functions

Cortex = cortisol, aldosterone, androgens

Medulla = Epinephrine, norepinephrine

Pancreas produces....

Alpha cells = Glucagon

Beta cells = insulin

The hypothalamus has 3 links between the nervous and endocrine system:

1)Input from cerebral cortex, thalamus, limbic system, RAS initiate changes in hypothalamus

2)Controls autonomic nervous system (Body temp/thirst/hunger/ect)

3) Secretes hormones that regulates pituitary or have direct affect on target

Location of the pituitary gland

Sella turicica of sphenoid bone

Anatomy and functions of pituitary gland

Posterior (neurohypophysis)

• Neural tissue stores hormones made in hypothalamus (ADH, Oxytocin)

●Anterior (adenohypopysis)

•Epithelial tissue that produces several hormones

What stimulates ADH? Where is it made? What does it target? What does it do?

Stimulus: dehydration or low blood volume/pressure

Production site: Hypothalamus, stored & released by posterior pituitary gland

Target: kidney tubeless

Action/response: increase H2O reabsorption, increase blood volume/pressure

*Disorder = hyposecretion --> diabetes insipidus

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Stimulus/production site/target/action

Stimulus: low thyroid hormone levels (T3/T4)

Production site: Anterior pituitary

Target: follicular cells in thyroid gland

Action/response: triggers release of thyroid hormone (T3/T4)

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Stimulus/Production site/target/action

Stimulus: Hypothalamus triggers release from AP in response to decrease in cortisol levels; long term stress

Prod. Site: Anterior pituitary

Target: adrenal cortex

Action/response: triggers release of cortisol


stimulus/prod. site/target/action

Stimulus: decreased hGH levels

Prod. site: Anterior pituitary

Targets: liver, bones, skeletal muscles

Actions/response: Increased hGH - increases mitosis rate and protein synthesis, cellular repair; Increased blood glucose levels.

hGH disorders

Hypersecretion = Giantism (childhood onset) Acromegaly (adult onset)

Hyposecretion = pituitary dwarfism (childhood onset)

Thyroid gland produces 2 hormones

T3/T4 produced by follicular cells

Calcitonin produced by parafollicular cells

Thyroid Hormone (T3/T4)


Stimulus: TSH release from anterior pituitary

Targets: all body cells

Action/response: Increase T3 T4 which increases ATP and BMR

Thyroid Hormone (T3/T4) disorders

Hyposecretion: Myxedema (adult onset), Cretinism (infants)

Hypersecretion: Grave's disease


Stimulus/production site/target/action

Stimulus: High blood calcium levels

Prod.site: parafollicular thyroid cells

Target: osteoclasts in bone


•Inhibit osteoclast activity to decrease bone resorption

•Stimulates osteoblasts calcium upstake from blood to bone

•Decrease blood calcium levels

Where is the parathyroid located and what does it produce?

-posterior aspect of thyroid gland

-parathyroid hormone(PTH): Increase blood Ca2+ levels

Parathyroid hormone (PTH)


Stim: low blood calcium levels

Prod site: parathyroid gland

Target: Osteoclasts in bone kidney and intestines


•releases Ca2+ & phosphate into blood

•stimulate kidneys: reabsorb more Ca2+ & activate vitamin D

•increased levels of calcitriol increases calcium absorption in intestines

•Increased blood calcium levels

The adrenal gland has 2 layers...

1)Cortex = Outer layer which produces steroids

2)Medulla = inner core of postganglionic sympathetic neurons which secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine



Stim: Decreased blood volume, decrease BP

Prod.site: Adrenal cortex

Target: Kidney tubeless


•Increase Na+ reabsorption into blood (H20 also as a result)

•increases K+ secretion from blood into urine, decreased plasma K+ levels

•increase blood volume/pressure



Stim: ACTH release from AP

Prod site: Adrenal cortex

Targets: Muscles, liver, adipose tissue

Action: Increase cortisol levels, increase ATP, inhibit basophils, depress immune system

Cortisol disorders

Hypersecretion: Cushing's disease

Hyposecretion: Addison's disease



Stim: Sympathetic nervous system - short term stress

Prod site: Adrenal Medulla

Target: heart, blood vessels, lungs, liver

Action: Increase heart rate, dilated bronchioles, vasoconstrict some blood vessels - dialate others, increase glucose levels

The pancreas had both exocrine and endocrine glands

Excocrine (most of gland) = acinar cells secrete digestive enzymes

Endocrine = Pancreatic islets secrete glucagon (alpha cells) and insulin (beta cells)