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73 Cards in this Set

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4 types of tissues
Epithelial, Connective, Muscular & Nervous
Epithelial Tissue
used in lining & covering, densely packed cells, avascular (no blood cells, no nerves).
Must be connected to connective tissue!
Connective Tissue
holds body areas together, widly scattered celss in extra cellular matrix, has blood & nerves. storage
next to the opening,
Extra cellular matrix
water based ground substance produces by extra cellular matrix.
Ground substances may be
liquid to gel to solid; depending on connective tissue
protien fibers, common, flexible tough material,
tendons & ligiments.
elastic fibers, elastic stretch and return, think rubber band.
walls of big arteries
Reticular (branched collagen)
thinner version of collagen fibers, is structural form in tissue.
Strong not elastic
young active cell
Connective Tissue Types
Fibroblasts; Macrophange & Mast
Mast Cell
responsible for allergic cells; derives from white blood cells
cleanup, remove & consume bacteria & etc. (pac man)
derived from white blood cells
generic connective tissue, produces extracellular matrix
lose & squshy connective tissue
Adipose Tissue
storing fat
droplets called adiposecytes= insulator & withstanding pressure
Dense lose connective tissue contains
blood and nerves
connective tissue, avascular, cells within called chondrocytes (contains collagen, elastic fibers)
ground semi-solid gel
a hole where cell lives
bone tissues, connective, extra cellular matrix = solid
connective, extra cellular matrix = liquid
Body Cavaties
thin lining of connective tissue
Serous Membrane
lining of abdominal cavity
Synorial membrane
cap over joints
keep particles moving, flow or sway
Types of Epithelial Tissue
simple, stratified, squamous, cubodial, columnar,
other types:
pseudostratified columnar & transitional
Transitional Epithelial
multiple layers, change,
urinary bladder
Pseudostratified Culmnar
not many layers, column shape
Simple Cubodial
one layer, cube shape
glands & ducts
sweat glands
stratified squamous
more than one layer, flat cells,
Columnar Cells
long & skinny cells
one layer
Basilar Surface
end of cell touching basement membrane or basilar surface
Apical Surface
opposite end of cell from basal end, lines open space
Basement Membrane
sticky protien fibers, comprised of both epithelial & connective tissue
Cell Junction Types
Gap, Tight & Desmosomes
Gap Junction
open spaces (gaps) connect adjacent cells, fast chemical signaling
cardiac muscle
Tight Junction
Glue holds together, no space, prevent leakage
Desmosomes Junction
velcrow; protien filaments sticking out
Cell Junction
place where two cells very close possible touch
Integumentary System
skin, hair, nails, glands, blood vessels & nerves
prevents dehydration, temperature control, sensory input, vitamin D, protection from external environment
cutaneous membrane, layer of epithelial tissue connected to connective tissue
Superficial Layer
layer on outside, epidermis, epithelial tissue.
Deep Layer
dermis, below epidermis, connective tissue
(subcutaneous) areolar lose connective tissue & andipose,
between skin & muscle or bones
epithelial tissue, avascular, stratified squamous,
Stratum Basale
actively divided cells, one layer of cubodial cells, melonocytes =produce melatanin (pigment)
Stratum Spinosum
spiney cells, not actively dividing, cell may be alive
desmosome junctions 8-10 layers
Stratum Grandulosum
grandulars w/i cell, cell dying, producing keratin
3-5 layers
tough waterproof protien
Stratum Lucidum
light or clear layer, palms & soles only (no hair) cells similar to grandulosum
Stratum Corneum
horny layer, superficial, flat, dead cells, top layers flake off,
25-30 layers
connective tissue; two regions 1. papillary 2. reticular
most cells fibroblasts (young)
Papillary (dermis)
1/5 areolar tissue with elastic fibers, finger like ridges, attaches to epidermis
Reticular (dermis)
4/5 dense irregular connective tissue, collagen fibers, random directions, flexable, not srtong
Accesory Structures
hair, nails, glands
dead, kerativized cells, protective of head, insulates & absorbs ultra violent light radation
Hair Shaft
hair above the epidermis
Hair Root
below skin
Hair follicle
extension of epidermis, hair grows out of, feeds the hair follicle
bottom of hair follicle w/ small indentation of dermis
Papilla of the hair
bottom of follicle where live dividing cells
hair matrix
Hair color?
melanocytes in hair matrix
Eye brows & eye lashes
protect eyes from dust, sweat & micro organisms
Body Hair
nerve endings @ bulb, detect charges, movements b4 reach skin= hair root plexus
w/i skin, catagory of exocrine=secretes into duct
Gland Catagory
Sebaceous, sweat, pheromone & cerumimous
Sebaceous gland
@ to hair follical
secrete: lipid, protien
Sweat glands
eccrine- active whole life, cooling agent
secrete sweat
apocrine-active at puberty, most abundant at groin & axillary
secrete oily substance
molecule secreted by one organism that affects the behavior of another
Ceruminous gland
in ear canal, external auditory canal
produces cerumen (eat wax)
grow out modified fold in epidermis, called nail matrix
new cell move away from matrix produce keratin & die off; no color