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95 Cards in this Set

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Name the 2 divisions of the nervous system
Central nervous system (CNS)
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Name the 2 divisions of the PNS
What makes up the CNS
brain & spinal cord
How many neurons does the brain contain?
~ 100 billion
What makes up the PNS
nerves that exit & enter CNS
The somatic nervous system is involved in what?
somatic sensation (touch, limb movement & pain)
control of skeletal muscle contraction
Which types of nerves travel from peripheral tissues(skin, muscle & joints) to spinal cord?
Somatic sensory nerves
Which type of nerves travel from spinal cord to skeletal muscle
motor nerves
What are the 2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system is involved in the regulation of what?
Internal environment--BP, respirations, body temp & other variables
Name the major anatomical divisions of the brain, from lowest to highest
hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain
What structures makes up the brainstem
medulla, pons & midbrain
Where does the cerebellum attach
to the brainstem
What structures make up the hindbrain
medulla, pons & cerebellum
Mesencephalon is another name for_______
The forebrain includes
diencephalon &
The diencephalon contains all things "thalamus"? True or false
True--thalamus & hypothalamus
The limbic system produces emotions & motivation--T or F
The telencephalon includes
basal ganglia
limbic cortex
cerebral cortex
The cerebral cortex includes what (3) types of cortexes
somatic sensory
Medulla contains both ascending & descending nerve tracts (axon bundles) T or F?
What are brain nuclei?
Dense clusters of neurons that are responsible for a specific function
What 2 nuclei are present in the medulla
cardiovascular center (controls HR & BP)
respiratory center (controls activity of resp muscles)
Where is the locus coeruleus (blue area) found?
dorsal portion of pons
Axons from the locus coeruleus project to which areas
hypothalamus, thalamus & cerebral cortex
The function of the locus coeruleus is what
they play a role in arousal of higher brain areas of hypothalamus, thalamus & cerebral cortex
Depletion of which neurotransmitter in the locus coeruleus may play a role in depression
Basal portion of pons connects what areas
hemispheres of cerebral cortex & contralateral hemispheres of cerebellum
What nuclei are located in the midbrain?
substania nigra & red nucleus
Is substantia nigra unilateral?
The degeneration of substantia nigra neurons is affected in what disease?
The red nucleus is bilateral. T or F
What does the red nucleus do?
works closely with cerebellum in certain aspects of motor control
What makes up the reticular formation
numerous nuclei & diffuse network of neurons not included in specific nuclei or nerve tracts
Axons from reticular formation project into which brain areas?
thalamus, limbic system & cerebral cortex
T or F Neuron output from reticular formation is referred to as reticular activation system (RAS)?
What's the primary function of RAS?
Providing background excitation of higher brain areas
What type of input does the reticular formation receive?
somatic sensory (e.g. pain, temp, touch, pressure)
What types of meds act as depressants of reticular formation?
Injury to reticular formation can cause?
Tonic-clonic seizures can be caused by irritable foci or excessive activity where?
reticular formation
Does electrical excitation of cerebellum cause sensation or movement?
No--cerebellum is "silent area" of brain
Will injury to cerebellum which severely impairs motor activities cause muscle paralysis?
Where does the cerebellum attach to the brainstem?
Basal portion of pons
Where does the cerebellum receive sensory input from?
many sensory systems plus brainstem & motor cortex
The cerebellum coordinates what type of muscle activity
voluntary skeletal
The voluntary skeletal muscle that the cerebellum coordinates involves what?
maintenance of equilibrium & posture; locomotion & rapid nonstereotyped movements based on individual experience (typing, playing an instrument)
Does the cerebellum initiate voluntary movements such as walking or running?
No--it helps to facilitate proper execution of these movements
The forebrain includes what structures?
diencephalon & telencephalon
How much of the diencephalon does the thalamus make up?
What's the primary focus of the thalamus?
Relay station for sensory signals traveling to cerebral cortex
The thalamus has both sensory & motor relay nuclei? T or F
The generalized thalamocortical system (GTS) receives input from reticular formation via what system?
Excessive activity in the GTS may cause tonic-clonic seizures. T or F
False--may cause absence (petit mal) seizures
Output from GTS (generalized thalamocortical system) is directed where?
Most areas of cerebral cortex
Hypothalamus is the principle regulator of ________?
Autonomic nervous system
Output from hypothalamus goes where?
Autonomic nuclei in brainstem & pituitary gland
Hypothalamus provides connection between emotion & basic drives and what?
Visceral functions assoc with carrying out these drives
Can you see ganglion without magnification?

How about nuclei?

Where are basal ganglia located
base of each cerebral hemisphere
Name components of basal ganglia
Striatum, which includes caudate nucleus & putamen, and globus pallidus
What (2) structures make connections with basal ganglia but are not part of it?
Substantia nigra & subthalamic nuclei
Where is subthalamic nuclei located?
The thalamus & sensory cortex send sensory info to what?
Where does striatum receive motor info from?
Cerebral cortex
The striatum works in close assoc with motor cortex & is a component of extrapyramidal motor system. T or F?
What connection degenerates in Parkinson's disease?
neurons that originate in substantia nigra & innervate striatum
Striatum plays a role in initiation of what type of movement?
What's choreiform?
jerky, purposeless movements
Huntington's chorea is an example of what type of disease?
Hereditary disorder involving neuronal degeneration in striatum
Gyri & sulci--grooves & folds or folds & grooves?
folds & grooves
What layer is the cerebral cortex
Cerebral cortex makes up what % of total brain wt?
40 %
How many neurons does the cerebral cortex contain?
75 billion
Occipital--pick one:

A. hearing, lang comprehension,
B. Vision
C. Somatic sensory cortex
D. motor cortex, memory,
B. Vision
Temporal--pick one:

A. hearing, lang comprehension,
B. Vision
C. Somatic sensory cortex
D. motor cortex, memory,
A. hearing, language comprehension & memory
Parietal--pick one:

A. hearing, lang comprehension,
B. Vision
C. Somatic sensory cortex
D. motor cortex, memory,
C. Somatic sensory cortex
Frontal--pick one:

A. hearing, lang comprehension,
B. Vision
C. Somatic sensory cortex
D. motor cortex, memory,
D. motor cortex, memory, behavior
How many layers does each cortical region contain?
How are they arranged?

In columns
Is the majority of the human brain association cortex, motor areas or sensory areas?
association cortex
What are the functions of the association cortex?
"executive" activities of brain, individuality of behavior & inegrative functions
What's so special about integrative functions?
current info is integrated with past experiences & emotion, allowing person to think, make decisions & plan
Do all lobes possess association cortex?
What's the specialty of the prefrontal cortex?
monitoring behavior, using judgement & foresight
How are the L & R cerebral hemispheres connected?
By the corpus callosum
Define contralateral representation
One side of brain controls somatic sensation & movement on other side
The nondominant hemisphere is thought to be responsible for what?
perception of spatial relationships--"seeing the whole picture"
Name the 5 forebrain structures associated with limbic system
1. hypothalamus
2. amygdala
3. hippocampus
4. septum
5. limbic cortex
What's another name for the limbic cortex?
Cingulate gyrus
Is the hippocampus bilateral?
The hippocampus is important in learning and memory and may be involved in anxiety. T or F
What is the key central component of the limbic system?
The amygdala is called the _______ of the limbic system?
The amygdala is important in the emotional response to threatening situations, including feelings of fear. T or F?
ADD is thought to be associated with decreased activity in which lobe?