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41 Cards in this Set

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Hereditary factors

Synaptic Transmisson

Process through which neurons communicate


Receive messages from other neurons


Area of the post-synaptic neuron that neurotransmitters bind to


A neurotransmitter that regulates mood

Motor Neurons

Carry messages from the CNS to the muscles

Sensory Neurons

Receive information from preceptors and carry it to the CNS

Relay Neurons

Receive information from sensory neurons and pass it to motor neurons

Reflex Arc

A reflex reaction

Central Nervous System

Brain + Spinal Cord

Fight or Flight response

A response to dangerous or threatening experiences


The genes you are born with


How your genes are expressed

The Peripheral Nervous System

Connects your brain to the outside world and organs

The Autonomic Nervous System

A part of the PNS that controls automatic actions

The somatic nervous system

Part of the PNS responsible for voluntary movement


When a neuron becomes depolarised which increases chance of action potential


When a neuron becomes hyperpolarised decreasing the chance of action potential

What happened to Phineas Gage?

Skewered frontal lobe

How was Phineas Gage effected?

Change in personality and impulses

Frontal Lobe

- planning and organising

- memory and attention

- speech and language

Temporal Lobe

- sound

- speech

- memory

Occipital Lobe

- process information

- perceives shapes and colours

Parietal Lobe

- sensory information

- primary sensory cortex

- helps us know which was is up


- balance

- movement

- coordination

Brain stem

- involuntary actions

(Breathing, heart rate, swallowing)

- alertness and sensation

Broca's Area

Speech production

Wernicke's Area

Speech comprehension

Evaluation of Localisation of Function

+ case studies

+ brain scans

+ neurosurgery

- some functions are so complex that one area cannot be pinpointed

Brain plasticity

Brain structure changing with experience

Maguire et al study on Brain Plasticity

London taxi drivers

- posterior hippocampus had more grey matter

Draganski et al study on brain plasticity

Medical students

- posterior hippocampus + parietal cortex had more grey matter

Mechelli et al study on Brain Plasticity

Bilingual people

- parietal cortex had more gray matter

Ways the brain can recover functions

- unmasking secondary neural pathways

- axonal sprouting

- blood vessels reform

- similar areas take over

Evaluation of Brain Plasticity

+ practical application

+ negative plasticity

- age and plasticity (Bezzola)

+ animal studies

+ cognitive reserve (education)

Schneiders study on Brain Plasticity and age

More time in education = greater chance of disability free recovery (40% vs 10%)

Left Brain responsibilities


Analytical tasks

Viewing objects in the right field

Control of right side of body

Left Brain Responsibilities


Emotional content of language


Objects in left visual field

Left side of body

Spatial stasks

Face recognition

The synthesiser

What part of the brain connects the left and right side of the brain

Corpus Callosum

Keyring - what type of word is that

Composite word

Ways of investigating the brain

- EEGs

- fMRIs

- ERPs

- Post Mortem Examination