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16 Cards in this Set

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excape the notice of; avoid detection by
not explainable
reasonable, justified
strong; tough
What are some ways people help Harriet along the Underground Railroad?
give her a place to stay
feed her
help her with directions
keep her safe
What is the hidden message in the song that Harriet sings when she decides to excape north to freedom?
she is leaving and going North to safety
Why did Harriet give away her patchwork quilt?
to pay the woman back for helping her
Where was Harriet trying to go?
Pennsylvania, a free state
What was the Underground Railroad?
a loosely organized group of people who helped slaves excape to the North
Was the Underground Railroad underground?
What happened just before Harriet sang aloud?
She learned that she and her brothers were to be sold to a chain gang
Why was Dr. Thompson importance in the story?
He could sell any slave on the plantation at any time
What kind of help does the white woman offer to Harriet?
If you ever need any help let me now
At the beginning of her trip, how does Harriet know which farmhouse to go to?
Because the woman had already offered to help Harriet
What happened when Harriet tried to escape the first time?
Her brothers got scared and angry, forcing Harriet to return to the planation
Who was John Tubman?
Harriet's husband. He was a free but mean man that threatened to tell the master that Harriet wanted to leave