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30 Cards in this Set

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Al-Rahman (الرحمن)

"The Most Compassionate" - God's boundless, overwhelming mercy and love.

Live By: Show compassion and kindness to all beings, embodying mercy in your interactions.

Al-Rahim (الرحيم)

"The Most Merciful" - God's mercy and forgiveness for believers.

Live By: Practice forgiveness, patience, and mercy in your daily life, especially towards those who wrong you.

Al-Malik (الملك)

"The King" - Allah's dominion and authority.

Live By: Acknowledge the sovereignty of Allah in your life, living with humility and submitting to His will.

Al-Quddus (القدوس)

"The Most Pure/Holy" - Allah's purity and perfection.

Live By: Strive for personal purification, integrity, and spirituality, avoiding impurities in thoughts and actions.

As-Salam (السلام)

"The Source of Peace" - Allah as the giver of peace.

Live By: Be a source of peace and tranquility for others, avoiding conflict and spreading harmony.

Al-Mu'min (المؤمن)

"The Giver of Faith" - The granter of security.

Live By: Foster a strong faith in Allah, providing support and reassurance to others in their faith and in life.


"The Protector" - Allah as overseer and protector.

Live By: Live with awareness of Allah's presence, acting justly and seeking His protection for yourself and others.

Al-Aziz (العزيز)

"The Almighty" - Allah's strength and invincibility.

Live By: Empower yourself and others with dignity and respect, standing firm against injustice with confidence in Allah's support.

Al-Jabbar (الجبار)

"The Compeller" - Allah's power and authority.

Live By: Recognize your own vulnerability and seek Allah's guidance and strength in overcoming life's challenges.

Al-Mutakabbir (المتكبر)

"The Supreme" - Allah's greatness and supremacy.

Live By: Cultivate humility, recognizing your limitations and the grandeur of Allah, and resist arrogance in all its forms.

Al-Khaliq (الخالق)

"The Creator" - The one who brings everything from non-existence to existence.

Live By: Appreciate the creativity and diversity in the world, and use your own abilities to create and contribute positively to your environment.

Al-Bari' (البارئ)

"The Maker" - The one who creates with no model or similarity.

Live By: Recognize the uniqueness in every creation, fostering innovation and originality in your own endeavors without imitation.

Al-Musawwir (المصور)

"The Flawless Shaper" - The one who forms and shapes his creation in different forms.

Live By: Embrace the diversity of people and perspectives, encouraging expression and the beauty of individuality.

Al-Ghaffar (الغفار)

"The Forgiving" - The one who forgives extensively.

Live By: Continuously seek forgiveness for your own shortcomings and be quick to forgive others, promoting a culture of forgiveness and understanding.

Al-Qahhar (القهار)

"The Ever-Dominating" - The one who prevails over all creation.

Live By: Submit to the will of Allah, understanding that true power lies in submission and reliance on the divine.

Al-Wahhab (الوهاب)

"The Bestower" - The one who grants abundantly.

Live By: Be generous and giving, sharing the blessings and provisions you have been granted with those less fortunate.

Ar-Razzaq (الرزاق)

"The Provider" - The sustainer of all his creatures.

Live By: Trust in Allah's provision, striving to work hard and be a means of sustenance for others in any way you can.

Al-Fattah (الفتاح)

"The Opener" - The one who opens the doors of mercy and sustenance.

Live By: Seek Allah's guidance in opening paths in your life, remaining optimistic and proactive in the face of challenges.

Al-`Alim (العليم)

"The All-Knowing" - The one with complete knowledge.

Live By: Pursue knowledge and wisdom, respecting the depth of Allah's omniscience by always seeking to learn and understand more about the world.

Al-Qabid (القابض)

"The Constrictor" - The one who constricts sustenance.

Live By: Be patient and steadfast during times of difficulty and scarcity, trusting in Allah's wisdom and timing.

Al-Basit (الباسط)

"The Extender" - The one who constricts or expands provisions and the chests of people.

Live By: Trust in Allah's provision for you and remain open-hearted to both prosperity and adversity, knowing that He extends and restricts according to His wisdom.

Al-Khafid (الخافض)

"The Reducer" - The one who lowers whomever He willed by His Destruction and raises whomever He willed by His Endowment.

Live By: Remain humble and remember that status is in the hands of Allah; He raises and lowers people in this life for reasons that may be beyond our understanding.

Ar-Rafi (الرافع)

"The Elevator" - The one who elevates whomever He willed by His Endowment and lowers whomever He willed by His Destruction.

Live By: Seek elevation through piety and good actions, recognizing that honor comes from Allah alone.

Al-Mu'izz (المعز)

"The Honourer" - The one who gives honor to whomever He wills.

Live By: Seek respect through your faith and virtue, not through worldly means, for true dignity is granted by Allah.

Al-Mudhill (المذل)

"The Dishonourer" - The one who degrades whomever He wills.

Live By: Be mindful of your actions and their consequences, fearing the dishonor that can come from Allah's disapproval.

As-Sami (السميع)

"The All-Hearing" - The one who hears every sound and voice, apparent and hidden.

Live By: Speak good or remain silent, knowing that Allah hears all that you say and even what is unspoken in your heart.

Al-Basir (البصير)

"The All-Seeing" - The one who sees all things that are seen by His eternal sight without a pupil or any other instrument.

Live By: Be conscious that Allah is aware of all that you do, and let this awareness guide your actions.

Al-Hakam (الحكم)

"The Judge" - The one who judges and there is no reversing His judgment.

Live By: Accept Allah's decrees with patience and seek His guidance in your judgments.

Al-'Adl (العدل)

"The Just" - The one who is entitled to do what He does.

Live By: Embrace fairness in all your dealings and trust that Allah is just in His commands and prohibitions.

Al-Latif (اللطيف)

"The Subtle One" - The one who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them.

Live By: Notice the subtle blessings in your life and be kind to others as a reflection of Allah's benevolence toward you.