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84 Cards in this Set

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Boundries of anterior triangle of neck: Superior:___, Medial:____, Lateral:_____
Superior: inf. border of mandible
Medial: midline
Lateral: ant. border of SCM
Beneath the fat of the neck is the ______ fascia, which surrounds entire neck.
investing layer of fascia
The _____ fascia surrounds the anterior trachea & thyroid gland.
The _____ is in the deep portion of the neck & surrounds muscles of vert. column.
The ____ fascia is found between back of esophagus & front of prevertebral fascia.
The _____ space is between prevertebral fascia & buccopharyngeal fascia.
retropharyngeal space
The retropharyngeal space is bound laterally by _____.
carotid sheaths
Why is retropharyngeal space clinically important?
infections here can drain inferiorly towards heart
The submental triangle is found _____ to the mandible anteriorly.
The _____ form boundary on either side of the submental triangle.
anterior belly of digastric muscles
The ____ forms the base of the submental triangle.
hyoid bone
The submandibular triangle is bound superiorly by ___, & on either side by ______.
superiorly: mandible
either side: anterior & posterior bellies of digastric
Borders of carotid triangle: superior:___; inferolateral: ___; inferomedial:______
SUP: post. belly of digastic
INFLATERAL: ant. part of SCM
INFMED: sup. belly of omohyoid
Borders of muscular triangle:
Dorsolateral:____, Medial: ___, Inferolateral:_____
Dorsolateral: sup. belly of omohyoid
Medial: midline
Inferolateral:SCM-medial part
The platysma is innervated by _______.
cervical branch of the facial nerve
Which of following is in musc. triangle: mylohyoid, digastric, omohyoid
Put the following in order, superior to inferior: hyoid bone, thyroid cart. cricoid cart.
hyoid bone
thyroid cartilage
cricoid cartilage
The ____, or infrahyoid muscles generally _____ the hyoid bone.
The superior belly of the omohyoid arises from ____ & inserts into _____.
fascial sling on clavicle;
The sternothyroid begins at ______ & inserts onto _____. What is its action?
sternum/clavicle; thyroid cartilage
depresses larynx
The _____ elevates the larynx & is in muscular triangle.
The ______ innervates all of the infrahyoid muscles.
ansa cervicalis
The thyrohyoid is innervated by _____.
The sternohyoid & omohyoid are innervated by _____.
The digastric muscle inserts onto ______.
digastric fossa of mandible
Deep to the anterior belly of the digastric muscle is the _______.
mylohyoid muscle
The mylohyoid muscle arises from _____ & inserts into _____.
mylohyoid line (inferior internal bord. of mandible); hyoid bone & median raphe
The mylohyoid & digastric muscles generally _____ the hyoid.
elevate (they're NOT in muscular triangle)
The ansa ('loop') cervicalis is part of the ______.
cervical plexus
What arteries is the ansa cervicalis associated with?
ECA & branches
The CN 12 is associated with _____ artery in the neck. The artery runs ___ to nerve.
muscular branch of occipital;
CN 12 runs ____ to the External Carotid Artery
A branch of C1 travels w/ CN12 and branches off to innervate ___ & ____.
thyrohyoid & geniohyoid
The superior root of the ansa cervicalis extends ___ in front of CCA to give branches to what?
sternohyoid, inferior belly of omohyoid, & sternothyroid
The anterior rami of C2 & C3 run ____ to IJV & join ____ to form ansa cervicalis.
posterior; C1
CN 12 passes ____ to post. belly of digastric, then deep to it to enter _____.
submandibular triangle
Immediately superior to greater horn of hyoid is the _____ artery & ____ nerve.
occipital artery branch
hypoglossal nerve
The superior thyroid artery runs inferiorly & gives off ______.
superior laryngeal artery
The superior laryngeal artery pierces the _____.
thyrohyoid membrane
The internal & external laryngeal nn. are branches of ___, which is a branch of the _____.
superior laryngeal nerve;
The internal laryngeal nerve gives ____ innervation to what?
sensory (GVA); pharynx & larynx, SUPERIOR TO VOCAL CORD
Inferior to the vocal cords, the _____ innervates the pharynx & larynx.
recurrent laryngeal nerve
The external laryngeal nerve innervates the _____ muscle with ___ fibers.
Name branches of the ECA (except terminal branches).
ascending pharyngeal; superior thyroid; lingual; facial; occipital; post. auricular
Name terminal branches of ECA.
superficial temporal & maxillary
The maxillary artery dives ____ to the mandible before giving off many branches.
The ascending pharyngeal artery's origin is ___ aspect of ECA at bifurcation of common carotid.
The superior thyroid artery arises ____ from ECA, just after CCA bifurcates.
The lingual & facial arteries give off _____ of the ECA.
The facial artery gives rise to ascending ______ branch. Clinical significance?
tonsillar--can be nicked during tonsillectomy
The occipital artery gives off _____ of ECA.
The ______ is the final (not terminal) branch of the ECA.
posterior auricular
The ______ is on either side of the thyroid.
carotid sheath
The carotid sheath contains _______ (laterally to medially).
IJV, vagus nerve, common carotid
The parathyroid glands produce ____ (regulates metabolism of Ca & PO4).
If the parathyroid glands are removed during thyroidectomy, ¿qué pasa?
Tetany & seizures due to plunge in serum calcium
The superior thyroid artery comes from ______.
The inferior thyroid artery comes from ____.
thyrocervical trunk
The ____ lobe is sometimes found on thyroid gland.
Sometimes one has a _____ duct that passes to foramen cecum on post side of tongue.
persistent thyroglossal duct
What veins drain the thyroid?
superior, middle, & inferior thyroid veins
Where do the superior, middle, & inferior thyroid veins drain?
superior & middle: IJV
inferior: brachiocephalic trunk
The _____ passes between the thyroid gland and the esophagus.
recurrent laryngeal nerve
The stylohyoid runs from styloid process to hyoid, __ to post. belly of digastric.
The stylohyoid muscle inserts just ____ to fibrous sling of digastric.
The facial artery is ___ to the mandible & ____ to mylohyoid muscle.
deep; lateral
The anterior belly of the digastric inserts on _____.
digastric fossa of mandible
The posterior belly of the digastric arises from _____.
mastoid notch at the base of the skull
The posterior belly of the digastric is innervated by _____.
CN 7
The anterior belly of the digastric is innervated by _____.
nerve to mylohyoid
The nerve to mylohyoid is a branch of the ______.
inferior alveolar nerve
The lingual artery passes ___ to mylohyoid, while the hypoglossal nerve passes ____.
lingual artery-deep
hypoglossal nerve-laterally
How many times does the lingual nerve cross the submandibular gland?
The submandibular ganglion is found ____ to the lingual nerve.
The submandibular ganglion receive _____ fibers from CHORDA TYMPANI.
parasympathetic, preganglionic
CN7 provides ____ fibers to the sublingual gland.
_____ provides secretomotor innervaton to the sublingual & submandibular glands.
FACIAL NERVE (chorda tympani)
The _____ is the major extrinsic muscle of the tongue. Found ____ to mylohyoid.
deep to mylohyoid
The geniohyoid muscles are found ____ to mylohyoid.
The geniohyoid muscles arise from _____ & are innervated by _____.
inferior mental spine; C1 (via hypoglossal nerve)
The carotid body is located on ___ aspect of bifurcation.
Innervation of the carotid body is by _____. It's sensitive to O2 & CO2.
glossopharyngeal nerve
The carotid sinus is a thickened area ____ on carotid artery. Function?
regulates blood pressure
Innervation of the carotid sinus is by way of ______ (a branch of _______).
nerve to the carotid sinus;
branch of CN 9 (glossopharyngeal)