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19 Cards in this Set

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Who were the Democratic-Republican candidates for the election of 1800?
Who were the Federalist Candidates for the election of 1800?
Adams/ Pickney
Who did they federalists support?
Because of "a", "b" wins
a- Hamilton
b- Jefferson
What did Congress pass to prevent two candidates of the same political party from hitting a snag and running against eachother?
The 12th Amendment
What were the two goals of the government?
"a wise and frugal government"
"support for state government and all their rights"
Who was chosen Secretary of State?
James Madison
Who was chosen Secretary of Treasury?
Albert Gallatin
What did Jefferson expire?
Alien and Sedition Acts
What did Jefferson repeal? (2&1/2)
Naturalization Act,
repealed federal internal taxes,
(cut military spending)
What was the primary focus of Jefferson's policies?
Limitation of the Federal Government
The courts were controlled by the ---
What did the Judiciary Act of 1801 say? (2)
1. reduced the number of supreme court seats to 5
2. reorganized the lower courts
Who was appointed Chief Justice?
John Marshall
What was the term for appointments that had not been processed when Jefferson took office, so jefferson told madison to hold appointments?
Midnight Appointments
Who was one of the apointees?
William Marbury
What does Marshall and the Court decide?
Marshall usually used --- views in decisions.
What was the primary result of the Court under Marshall?
Court usually upheld power of the national government over the states rights.