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65 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 types of helminths?
1. Nematodes
2. Trematodes
3. Cestodes
What are nematodes?
What are Trematodes?
What are cestodes?
What are the 3 roundworms?
What do they infect?
-Pinworm (enterobius)
The donut hole
What are the roundworms that infect the donut?
What fluke infects the donut?
What are the tapeworms that infect the donut hole?
Pork beef and fish tapeworm
What tapeworms infect the donut hole?
What is the magnitude of the helminth problem?
1/2 of the world has worms
What don't worms do?
Multiply in man
What is the Ascaris lifecycle?
1. Eat (ova)
2. Small intestine (larvae)
3. Liver/bloodstream
4. Lungs/alveoli/cough
5. Swallow
When do worms grow in the intestines during Ascaris infections?
Only after the 2nd time around when you swallow the larvae
How is ascariasis diagnosed?
By O/P for ova
Do patients with ascaris pass adult worms?
When can't you diagnose via o/p for ascaris?
During the acute migratory phase (in the bloodstream)
Do most people with ascaris get disease?
No, its usually asymptomatic
When is treatment given for ascariasis?
To immunocompromised people or those with heavy infections
What is treatment for ascaris?
-Mebendazole (3 days)
-Albendazole (single day)
What would warrant treatment for ascariasis?
Intestinal obstruction by the worms
Why are heavy infections bad for children?
They retard growth and development
What 3 symptoms is ACUTE disease caused by ascaris characterized by?
1. PIE - pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia
2. Hepatic enlargement
3. Fever (2weeks)
When does PIE occur during ascariasis?
During the migratory phase of the larva
What causes VISCERAL larva migrans?
Dog ascaris accidently infecting humans
How does visceral larva migrans cause symptoms in humans?
When the worms die when they realize the human is not a good host.
What is treatment for visceral larva migrans caused by dog ascaris?
Steroids for severe
How does hookworm infect humans?
By penetrating the skin on the feet
Where does hookworm go after penetrating the skin?
To the heart, then lungs
What happens to hookworm in the lungs?
It climbs up to the throat and you swallow it
What does hookworm do after you swallow it?
Uses its hookers to suck blood from the intestine and lay eggs.
Does hookworm always cause disease in humans?
No it rarely does
What are the 2 symptoms of acute hookworm disease?
-Ground itch
-Pneumonia (PIE)
What are 2 ways to prevent hookworm?
What are 4 treatments for hookworm?
-Pyrantel pamoate
Where ascaris from dogs can cause visceral larva migrans, Dog or cat hookworm can cause
Cutaneous larva migrans
What is the symptom of cutaneous larva migrans?
Creeping eruption
But for human hookworm what are the symptoms of
-Acute disease
-Chronic disease
Acute: PIE/Ground itch
Chronic: Iron deficiency anemia
What does hookworm do in children?
-Stunts growth
-Stunts intellectual development
What type of hookworm infection is more of a problem in the US?
Cutaneous larval migrans
What is the ONLY worm that multiplies in man?
What does strongyloides cause, and how long does it last?
-Causes eosinophilia
-Lasts a lifetime
How is strongyloides diagnosed? (2 ways)
-Stool for O/P
What is the natural habitat of strongyloides?
What is the acute disease of strongyloidiasis like?
Hookworm - eosinophilia and PIE
What are 2 symptoms of chronic strongyloides infection?
-Watery diarrhea
What does strongyloides do to kids?
Retards growth
In what patients does strongyloides cause hyperinfection, high mortality and difficulty in diagnosing?
So what is our biggest concern with strongyloides?
Detecting it in immunocompromised patients
How do patients become immunocompromised?
-Organ transplant
How are immunocompromised hosts of strongyloides treated? (2 drugs)
What is whip worm?
Trichuris trichiura
How is trichuris transmitted?
Fecal to oral
What is the lifecycle of trichuris?
1. eat
2. develops and stays in intestine
3. Pass eggs in stool
Does trichuris multiply in the host?
What's the worst symptom of trichuris?
Prolapsed rectum
What are 2 other symptoms of trichuris in kids?
-Retarded growth/development
-Decreased cognitive development
What are the 2 drugs used to treat Whipworm (trichuris)?
Who do you treat when treating kids with whipworm?
The whole family
What is pinworm?
Enterobius vermicularis
What is the lifecycle of Enterobius (pinworm)?
Same as trichuris
What is the tricky thing that Enterobius females do?
They wait til the night when children are sleeping, crawl out, and lay their eggs, then crawl back inside.
What is the result of eggs being laid in the anus?
It makes the butt very itchy
How is pinworm treated?
Easily with Mebendazole
What happens often with pinworm?
How is pinworm diagnosed?
With a scotchtape prep - NOT an o/p - the ova aren't laid in the intestine but in the anus.