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21 Cards in this Set

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what elements in the periodic table are cations

groups 1A-3A

what is the charge of an ion in group 1A and an example



what is the charge of an ion in group 2A and an example



what is the charge of an ion in group 3A and an example



how do you find the charge on an anion

subtract 8 from group number

what makes anions different

have -ide stem

what is the charge of an ion in group 7A and an example



what is the charge of an ion in group 6A and an example


oxide and sulfide

what is the charge of an ion in group 5A and an example



charge of transition metals is determined by

# of electrons lost

what is the stock system

preferred method for naming ions

roman numerals in ( ) to indicate value of charge

what transition metals only have one charge

silver cadmium zinc

what is an example of a polyatomic ion

sulfate (SO4)-2

what are the suffixes for polyatomic ion s

-ate -ite -ide

who determined the composite of many compounds

Antoine Lavoisier

what is an ionic compound

compound containing s metallic cation and a nonmetallic anion

how do you name a binary ionic compound

1: name of cation

2: anion name (ide)

how do you write the formula of a binary ionic compound

reverse the process

what is the criss cross method

once charge determined, cross them over removing - sign

how do you write a polyatomic ion formula

1; cation

2: Formula for polyatomic ion in parentheses with charge outside

3: criss cross

what do you do if a subscript is one

remove parentheses