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105 Cards in this Set

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First Continental Congress--there were delegates (representative) from every colony except ________
where was the First Continental Congress held?
the First Continental Congress was concerned about their relationship to ______
the drafted the _____ of _____ (2nd communication sent to King George
Declaration of Writes
the declaration of Writes was...
10 resolutions & concerns
did the First Continental Congress seek separation?
the First Continental Congress agreed to meet again in...
spring of 1775 (if they had not heard from King George by then)
Patrick Henry was from _____ and said "__________________"
"Give me liberty or give me death"
people who wanted to fight against England for independece
The British got nervous over activity from the militia in ____
*DATE* British troops left boston going to concord to get stock pile of weapons collected by colonists
April 19, 1775
what were the british troops also hunting?
Sam Adams and John Handcock
___ ____ and ___ ___ warned the people that the british soldiers had left boston
Paul Revere and William Dawes
the first shoots in the american revolution were shot here
few weapons were found here
British soldiers retreated to ____
since there was no responce from King George they held the
Second Continental Congress
Where was the Second Continental Congress held? When?
Philadelphia May 1775
delegates are sometimes called...
"The Founding Fathers"
There were 7 Founding Fathers from 3 differnt places. Name them and where they were from
Samuel Adams
John Handcock
John Adams
Patrick Henry
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamen Franklin
3 thing the Second Continental Congress did in May
1.organized the Continental Army
2.appointed George Washinton as commandor of the Continental Army
3.they sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George
What was the Second Continental Congress last attempt for peace?
Olive Branch Petition
Was the Olive Branch Petition rejected?
The Second Continental Congress stayed in session throughout the was and served as _____
what fort was attacked bt rebels Led by __ __
Fort Ticondroga (led by Benidick Arnold)
rebels got weapons and guns...draged cannons ___ ___ to Boston
200 miles
who was in charge at the time?
Henry Knox
Continental Army organized ____ of Boston
June 17, 1775 British soldiers in full uniform moved up ____ ___
Breed's Hill
During the war at Breed's Hill The Americans had little _______
What famous quote did the General say before the war at Breed's Hill?
"don't fire untill you see the whites of their eyes"
how many British attacks were unsuccesful?
On the last attempt for the British the Americans ran out of...
What was the 1st battle of the American Revolution?
Battle at Bunker's Hill
the only reason the British woon was because...
the Americans retreated from little amunision
after the Battle at Bunker's Hill, What did the British do?
they stayed in Boston
Where did George Washington place the cannons?
Dorchester Heights
The British Amry and Loyalists left Boston for...
Halifax, Canada
what was the political pamphlet called
Common Sense
Who wrote it?
Thomas Paine
what did the pamphlet say?
since the colonies recieved NO benifit from England it was common sense to BREAK away from England
At the Second Continental Congress a committe was appointed to prepare a formal resolution or delcaration for independence. Who all was there and where were they representing
Ben Franklin (PA)
John Adams (MA)
Robert Livingston (NY)
Roger Sherman (CT)
Thomas Jefferson (VA)
who was the main author of the Declaration of Idependence? WHY?
Thomas Jefferson because he was the best with words.
What were the main ideas of Thomas Jefferson used?
1. akk people possed unalienable rights
2. Colonists rights has been violated by taxation without consient
3. Colonies had the right to break away
When was the Declaration of Independence offically approved?
July 4, 1776
who was the president of the Second Continental Congress at the time of this?
John Handcock
Who signed the largest and boldness?WHY?
John Handcock because that King George would see it
the people who signed the D of I immediatly became ___to England
How many parts of the D of I are there? What ar they?
1st- preamble
2nd-lists the rights of people
3rd-a specific list of people's complaints or grievances against King George
4th-Declares colonies to be "Free and Independent States"
`What are the Loyalists also called?
what did the loyalists want to do?
stay apart of England
what were patroits also called?
conditions of the Continental Army
low pay, harsh living conditions, likely death
strengths or advantages of the Continental Army
fighting for a cause
European Help
know geography
George Washington
Who captured Montreal?
WHat city did they attempt to take
The Americans
Where did George Washington move his soldiers?
When did General Howe arrive in NY?
July 1776
how many soldiers did Howe have? Ships?
32,000 soldiers
400 warships
Who gained control of NYC
Where did Washington retreat to?
his soldiers were in ____ shape
Who was Nathan Hale?
a spy FOR George Washington; captured by the British; hanged for treason; his last words were "I only regret that i have but one life to lose for my country"
Who did Washington get to write the pamphlet called THE ___ ___
Thomas Paine

The American Crisis
what was it written for?
What date did Washington and his troops secretly cross the delaware river?
December 25, 1776
on what day did the Hessians at Trenton surrender
one day after, December 26, 1776
What British general was sent to capture Washington
When and Where did the Americans beat the British?
Princeton in January 7, 1777
what was the 1st major defeat for the BritisH?
Battle of Saratoga
what was the turning point of the Battle of Saratoga
Morlae was high; they got help from individual Europeans; The US signed a treaty of Allience with Louis XVI
What 3 European individuals helpped?
Lafayette, von Steubon, Galvez
from France; fought with George Washington; gave US his own Money
was governor of Spanish Louisana; seized British forts along the Gulf of Mexico
he taught the soldiers to work together as a unit; he was at Valley Forge; from Prussia
von Steuben
The HORRIBLE winter at valley Forge...the US had ack of___; but the British got support from local _____

1st american Navel Hero
John Paul Jones
what was his ship called?
Bonhomme Richard
what did JPJ dO?
sailed his ship to coast of England and attacked British Warships in the North Sea
what happened to JPJ's ship?
caught fire
what is JPJ famous quote?
"I have not yet begun to fight"
did JPJ defeat the British?`
Where did George Rogers Clark defeat the British? Did this weaken the Britsh
Uincennes, Indiana

3 specific things the British did in the South/
1. destroyed crops
2. destroyed other property
3. destroyed farm animals
what British officer took no prisnors?
Banastre Tarleton
by 1780 ____ and ____ were captured by the British.
Savvanah and Charleston
" The Swamp Fox"
formed a militia group
made very quick attacks on British and then ran away
Francis Marion
one of Washington's most trusted Generals. caught spying FOR BRITISH!; offered to turn over a fort in NY to the British for money;escaped to Canada and later fought in US as a British General
Benidict Aronald
Who was the British Commandor?
Where did Cornwallis move his troops to?
Yorktown, VA
Yorktown was on a...
Penisula (formed by James River and Cheaspeak Bay)
Cornwallis's mistake
no escape route
The French ankered 29 warsgips in the Cheaspeak Bay this did what?
this prevented supplies to getting to Cornwallis; also prevented Cornwallis's escape
Washington moved his troops to ____;General Lafayette moved french troops in the same area as Washington.
when was the offical surrender of Cornwallis' ARMY?What did this end?
October 19, 1781

The Revolutionary war
how long did the Revolutionary War last?
6 1/2 years
how far away from Jamestown was the surrender of the war?
10 miles
The US got money from ___ after the RW.
Continental Congress printed money. what did they call it?
continental dollars
the Continental Money was worthless because...
no gold or silver to back them up
the American citizens loaned money to the governornment.. got papers called ___
The 3 Amerian Necogiators
3. jOHN jAY
it took almost ___ years to reach comprise or settlement
when was the TREATY OF PARIS 1783 signed?
September 3, 1783
The New Boundires of the US
a. south of Great Lakes
b.east of MS river
c.North of Flordia
d. the Northern 2/3 of (NOW) MS became apart of the US
Flordia was returned to ____